reproduced. We argue that a more realistic model,
taking into account different traffic conditions could
lead to a better agreement with the data and a bet-
ter understanding on the behavioral changes of car
drivers. Finally, the universality of our findings have
still to be completely proven by performing similar
measurements in different urban environments and
time-frames. The observed patterns might be useful
in order to develop improved info-mobility systems
taking into account the possible behavior of a driver
on his next trip. The understanding of the behavior
of individual car movements could in fact help at im-
proving traffic forecast systems.
The authors acknowledge support from the KREYON
project funded by the Templeton Foundation under
contract n. 51663. VDPS acknowledges the EU FP7
Grant 611272 (project GROWTHCOM), the CNR
PNR Project “CRISIS Lab” for financial support. We
acknowledge interesting discussions with P. Gravino.
We thank M. Mancini for his valuable work on Oc-
toTelematics data pre-processing.
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