ViewSameAs: A Novel Link in Instance Matching Process
Wafa Ghemmaz and Fouzia Benchikha
LIRE Laboratory, STIS Department, Abdelhamid Mehri Constantine2 University, Constantine, Algeria
Keywords: Data Integration, Semantic Web, Ontology, Linked Data, Instance Matching, ViewSameAs.
Abstract: In recent years, the Web has evolved from a global information space of interlinked documents to a space
where both documents and data are linked. To integrate and share data, instance matching has been become
the fundamental issue especially with the rapid development of linked data. In this paper, we propose an
instance matching approach based on two main processes: the former is based on property classification
(IM_PC) and the later is based on ViewSameAs link (IM_VSA). To accelerate greatly the matching process,
IM_PC determines at first the matching candidate by comparing the discriminative property values. Then, the
refinement result is done by comparing the description property values. In IM_PC two links are established:
identity SameAs link and a novel proposed link ViewSameAs that aims to keep track of instances which share
similar discriminative property values. In instance matching, another problem should be addressed when
instances may have different descriptions even if their meanings are similar. So, this problem is addressed in
IM_VSA process. The aim of this later is trying to get more identity link SameAs by Clustering instances
matched with ViewSameAs. The Clustered instances are modeled as bags.
In recent years, the Web has evolved from a global
information space of linked documents to a space
where data are linked as well. Actually, many Linking
Open Data (LOD) datasets have been published on
the Web. With the rapid growth in publishing
interlinked datasets on LOD by various communities,
data integration becomes inevitable and beneficial.
Moreover, data integration on these interlinked
datasets requires alignment techniques for concepts
and properties in the schema level and instances in the
data level. The problem of ontology matching
(schema and data) has been widely studied in the last
decade (Kalfoglou and Schorlemmer, 2003; Choi et
al., 2006; Shvaiko and Euzenat, 2013a), many schema
matching approaches were proposed such as ASMOV
(Jean-Mary et al., 2009),
PRIOR (Mao et al., 2010)
and iMatch (Albagli et al., 2012). Recently, as the
number of ontology instances grows rapidly, the
problem on data level namely “instance matching”
attracts increasingly more research interest (Li et al.,
2013). Instance matching aims to link different
instances that denote the same real-world object
across heterogeneous data sources by establishing
SameAs link between them (Bizer et al., 2007).
To resolve the instance matching problem,
several approaches are proposed such as: VMI (Li et
al., 2013), COMA++ (Engmann and Maßmann.,
2007) and SIRIMI (Araujo et al., 2015). The problem
in the existing approaches is that there is no method
to save instances which share important properties
values. For this reason, a novel link ViewSameAs is
proposed. In instance matching, another problem
should be addressed when instances may have
different descriptions even if their meanings are
similar. So, with the proposed link ViewSameAs, this
problem can be solved.
In this paper, we propose an instance matching
approach based on instance properties classification.
Two main processes are included: the first consists on
comparing instances using discriminative property
values and descriptive property values. As a result,
SameAs and ViewSameAs links are established. The
second process consists on discovering more SameAs
links by clustering some ViewSameAs ones.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
section 2 is about some related works. An overview
of our approach is given in section 3 and detailed in
section 4. The proposed link ViewSameAs is
presented in section 5. Finally, conclusion and future
work are given in section 6.
Ghemmaz, W. and Benchikha, F.
ViewSameAs: A Novel Link in Instance Matching Process.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2016) - Volume 2, pages 274-279
ISBN: 978-989-758-186-1
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Several approaches dealing with the instance
matching problem are proposed in the literature. They
can be classified in two categories:
2.1 Approaches based on Instance
Properties Classification
Many approaches are based on classifying instance
properties including, for example, VMI (Li et al.,
2013) in which instance information are classified in
six categories: URI, Name, Meta, descriptive
property values, discriminative property values and
neighbors. The weakness of this approach is related
to the fact that the authors use descriptive information
firstly in their matching process. This information is
less relevant compared to the discriminative
information, which is more decisional while
comparing two object's descriptions
Wang et al., (2013) classify the instances
information in lexical information and structural
information. The comparison of an entity in a dataset
with all the entities of another dataset represents the
weakness of this approach.
2.2 Approaches based on Interpretation
of Instance Information
In these approaches, existing works use the similarity
strategies or techniques to get more similar instances.
For example, in COMA++ (Engmann and Maßmann,
2007), matching instances is based on two methods:
content-based similarity and constraint-based
similarity. Content-based similarity is based on string
similarity functions such as edit-distance (Gusfield,
1997). Constraint-based similarity is based on
numerical or pattern constraints of the ontology. The
need to compare all instances of two ontologies
represents the weakness of this approach.
In SIRIMI (Araujo et al., 2015), matching process
combines direct-based matching with a class-based
matching technique to infer SameAs relation over
heterogeneous data.
There is a common weakness in the previous
instance matching approaches. It concerns the final
established link between similar instances. In these
instance matching approaches, the identity link
owl:SameAs is created between similar instances.
This weakness arises when two instances have the
same discriminative property values; including
decisional and important information; and dissimilar
descriptive property values.
In our approach, we propose a novel link
ViewSameAs that will be established between
instances which have similar discriminative property
values. Because these last ones have an important
weight in the matching process compared with the
descriptive property values, ViewSameAs keeps the
track of these instances.
Other classifications of instance matching
approaches are described in (Shvaiko and Euzenat,
2013b; Ehrig, 2007).
The traditional methods for instance matching usually
try to find corresponding instances and compute
similarity between an instance i in source ontology
and every instance in target ontology 
. In the fact,
there may be only a few possible instances in O
match i.
In instance matching, determining the matching
candidate at first aims to accelerate greatly the
matching process (Li et al., 2013). That represents the
first challenge of our instance matching approach. To
improve the efficiency of instance matching process,
we try to find the matching candidate based on
properties classification. For each instance, two types
of instance information are distinguished:
discriminative property values and descriptive
property values.
The discriminative property values are the
characteristics of the instances which can be
used directly to distinguish them.
The descriptive property values are the
descriptions of an instance.
In instance matching, another problem should be
addressed when instances may have different
descriptions even if their meanings are similar. So, in
our approach, we propose a novel link ViewSameAs
which aims to keep the track of instances that share
discriminative property values.
Our approach takes two ontologies as input:
. For every instance
, the goal is to find
matching instances
.The proposed approach
contains two main processes: Instance Matching
process based on Property Classification (IM-PC)
and Instance Matching process based on
ViewSameAs link (IM-VSA) as illustrated in Figure1
IM-PC: is performed in two main steps
(Ghemmaz and Benchikha, 2015): the candidate
selection and the result refinement. The former is
ViewSameAs: A Novel Link in Instance Matching Process
Figure 1: The proposed approach.
based on the discriminative property values and
the later is based on descriptive property values.
Once the final result is obtained, two types of link
are established: SameAs and ViewSameAs.
IM-VSA: to get more improved result, this
process tries to find more SameAs links by
reducing ViewSameAs links.
The proposed instance matching approach consists of
the following two processes: IM-PC is based on the
type of instances information to identify
corresponding instances and IM-VSA is implied to
get more correspondences based on ViewSameAs
links as illustrated in Figure 2. We introduce our
approach in more detail below.
Figure 2: Instance matching approach.
4.1 IM-PC
IM-PC is composed of four main stages. In the next
sub-sections, we give a description of each stage.
4.1.1 Pre-processing
At this level, all the properties and instances
information of two ontologies
4.1.2 Properties Classification
In this stage instances' properties are classified as
discriminative properties and descriptive properties.
Some of discriminative properties can be selected
automatically; the typical example is rdf:type. Others
must be specified by an expert. Once all the
discriminative properties have been selected, the
other properties are considered as descriptive ones.
Figure 3 presents an example of a person instance.
The properties «rdf:type», «HasSex», «HasMail» and
«rdf:label» are considered as discriminative ones
with discriminative values «foaf:person», «Female»,
«fouzia_benchikha@» and
«fouzia benchikha» respectively. The descriptive
properties are «affliationDate», «hasTitle»,
Figure 3: An example within an instance.
4.1.3 Primary Candidate Selection based on
Discriminative Properties
In this step, detailed in Algorithm1, all instances’
properties won’t be compared at the same time. To
determinate the matching candidates, we start by
comparing the discriminative property values.
However, having two ontologies
with the
set of their instances
respectively, we
generate; for each instance
and for each
; the discriminative property values
respectively. Then, each
will be compared with each
the similarity function CalculateSim(
). γ is a
similarity threshold denoting the minimum level of
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
matching required for considering two instances as
similar ones. The algorithm output is AlignDP
including instances considered as partially similar
and that will be more compared in the next stage.
Algorithm 1: Candidate Selection based on
discriminative property values.
Output: AlignDP.
1. DisPVsÅØ , DisPVÅØ, AlignDPÅ Ø.
2. For each
3. 
= 
4. For each
5. 
= 
6. For each (
)and (
7. 
= CalculateSim(
8. If 
9. AlignDP ÅAlignDP ∪(
10. End if
11. ReturnAlignDP
4.1.4 Result Refinement using Descriptive
Properties Values
Descriptive property values of instances in AlignDP,
obtained in the previous stage, are compared using the
)function (see Algorithm2).
Algorithm 2: Result refinement based on descriptive
property values.
Input: AlignDP.
Output: AlignSA, AlignVSA.
1. AlignSA
Ø, AlignVSA
2. For each
5. 
6. For each
7. 
8. For each (
) (
9. 
, 
10. If 
11. AlignSA
12. Else
13. AlignVSAÅAlignVSA
14. End if
15. Return AlignSA, AlignVSA
Instances that have similarity value more than are
considered as similar ones. The output of Algorithm2
is: (i) AlignSA including a set of quadruplet
,) and (ii) AlignVSA including a
set of quintuplet (
SameAs link is created between instances that have
similar discriminative and descriptive property values
and  link is established between
instances that have similar discriminative property
values and dissimilar descriptive property
refers to the number of similar property
values between each instance pair and is used to
establish identity link SameAs based on the proposed
link ViewSameAs.
4.2 IM-VSA
The aim of this process is to deal with the possibility
to get more identity link SameAs. IM-VSA is
basically made of four main steps presented below.
4.2.1 Detection of ViewSameAs
The first step of IM_VSA allows detecting instances
matched with the proposed link ViewSameAs in order
to match them using the identity link SameAs. Figure
4 illustrates an example of person instance that is
represented in different contexts. The instances
person1, person2, person3 and person4 refer to the
same object: Benchikha fouzia.
Person1 is an instance defined in
University ontology”,
Person2 is an instance defined in
Laboratory ontology”,
Person3 is an instance defined in “Insurance
ontology “
Person 4 is defined in “Social Ontology.
These instances share the same discriminative
property values but each of them has a special
description according to a specified context or
viewpoint. Thus, the proposed link ViewSameAs is
generated between each pair of instances. We argue
that the descriptive property values of person1,
person2, person3 are included in the set of descriptive
property values of person4.
4.2.2 Instances Clustering
The goal of this step is to cluster instances matched
with ViewSameAs. Thus, for each instance i
with ViewSameAs, an instance Cluster
Cluster x is represented as:
Cluster x: (i
, ViewSameAs, vote
, ViewSameAs, vote
, ViewSameAs, vote
ViewSameAs: A Novel Link in Instance Matching Process
Figure 4: Cloud of person instances.
Based on the example presented in Figure 4, the
instances Clusters are:
Cluster1: (
, person2, conf
(, person3, conf
(, person4, conf
, person1, conf
(; person3, conf
(, person4, conf
Cluster3: (
, person1, conf
(, person2, conf
(, person4, conf
(, person1, conf
(, person2, conf
(, person3, conf
4.2.3 Creating Instance Bag
The instances bag can be only created if and only if
the descriptive property values of the target instances
are included in the descriptive property values of the
source instance (big instance). For example, each of
Cluster 1, Cluster 2 and Cluster 3 can’t be considered
as a collection of instances that refer to the same
instance person1, person2 and person3 respectively.
However, in Cluster 4 the instances person1, person2
and person3 can be considered as a collection of
instances that refer to the same instance person4. In
this case, a bag will be created for these instances and
an identity link SameAs between this bag and person4
will be created. Person4 can be called the big
4.2.4 Replacing ViewSameAs Link by
SameAs Link
ViewSameAs links are conserved in the bag and
SameAs link will be created. This last is established
between instances in bag and the big instance. The
result of IM-VSA applied on the example below is
schematically represented in Figure 5.
Figure 5: From ViewSameAs to SameAs links.
5 THE ViewSameAs LINK
The proposed link ViewSameAs has the following
It keeps the track of instances which share
important properties especially discriminative
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
ones. These instances could be identical and
refer to the same real word object or they could
be different but considering as similar according
to an agent viewpoint (Ghemmaz and
Benchikha, 2015).
Based on the example presented in Figure 4,
person1 and person2 refer to the same real-world
object but each of them is described in a specified
context as illustrated in Figure 6.
Figure 6: An example within an instance in different
It helps to Cluster instances that refer to the
same instance as presented in Figure 5 for
keeping discovered SameAs.
In the case of insertion or updating operation, it
eliminates the comparison of instances which
judged definitively different, and, it improves
the search time of instances which share some
discriminative property values.
In order to prove the efficiency of the proposed
link ViewSameAs, we are currently working on its
validation using existing datasets.
In this paper, we have presented an instance matching
approach based on instance properties classification.
It consists of two main processes, the first one is
based on the discriminative property values and the
second one is based on a novel ViewSameAs link. In
our approach, two types of links will be established
between similar instance pairs: SameAs link and
ViewSameAs link. This last is proposed to keep the
track of instances which share similar discriminative
property values. Currently, we are working on the
validation of our instance matching approach, which
implies the validation of the ViewSameAs link.
An experiment will be carry out by using dataset
from OAEI (Ontology Alignment Evaluation
Initiative).The result and the performance of the
proposed approach will then be further discussed.
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ViewSameAs: A Novel Link in Instance Matching Process