Secure Cloud Reference Architectures for Measuring Instruments under
Legal Control
Alexander Oppermann
, Jean-Pierre Seifert
and Florian Thiel
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Berlin, Germany
Security in Telecommunications, Technische Universit
at Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Cloud Computing, Trusted Cloud, Homomorphic Encryption, PKI, Verified Computing, Legal Metrology.
Cloud Computing has been a trending topic for years now and it seems it has finally become mature enough
for widespread commercial application. In this paper, the authors describe their approach to establish a secure
cloud architecture which conforms to the Measuring Instruments Directive of the European Union while keep-
ing the flexibility and benefits that cloud computing promises for companies and customers alike. The authors
introduce a modular concept of a secure cloud system architecture which will ensure cross-virtual machine
collaboration and a legitimate, secure and protected flow of measurement data.
Cloud computing is growing steadily in Europe from
17.2 billion Euros in 2015 to 44.8 billion Euros by
2020 (Bradshaw et al., 2014). In Germany its growth
amounted to around 46% from 2013 to 2014, which
correlates to a volume of 6.4 billion Euros (Bitkom,
2014). Bitkom further predicts that by 2018 the mar-
ket will grow to a total volume of 19.8 billion Euros
in Germany alone. This prediction and the actual de-
velopment seem to correlate with Gartner’s Hype Cy-
cle (Rivera and Van der Meulen, 2014) where Cloud
Computing has been placed in the trough of disillu-
sionment (see Figure 1). However, in 2015 the same
analysts concluded that Cloud Computing left the
Hype Cycle (Rivera and Van der Meulen, 2015) and
should be considered a widely accepted and adopted
The main reason for the success of Cloud Com-
puting is that the total up-front-investments needed to
run traditional IT infrastructure can be significantly
reduced. In particular small and medium-size enter-
prises (SME) can profit from more transparent cost-
schemes and cost-savings for maintaining up-to-date
and especially secure IT infrastructure.
The market under legal control, i.e. gas meters,
electricity meter, petrol pumps, etc., has an annual
turnover of 104 to 157 billion Euro in Germany (Lef-
fler and Thiel, 2013). And, of course, the manufac-
turers of these measuring instruments also want to
present their customers with modern interconnected
Figure 1: Gartners Hype Cycle from 2014 (Rivera and
Van der Meulen, 2014). Including embedded systems
which are already off the chart.
“cloud ready” devices, which will increase their com-
fort in dealing with them through e.g. new services
for mobile devices.
However, one has to make sure that these new type
of measuring instruments are as secure as their classi-
cal counterparts, since constructing a secure measur-
ing instrument which is always connected to an inse-
cure network is quite challenging and very complex.
Further with the use of cloud computing the aggrega-
tion of data is inevitable, but these huge amounts of
potentially profitable data will attract new attackers.
The assurance of correct measurements and consumer
protection are the highest priorities when working in
the area of legal metrology. Each measuring instru-
ment has to fulfill the legal requirements and, in ad-
dition, has to be secure against tampering and inten-
Oppermann, A., Seifert, J-P. and Thiel, F.
Secure Cloud Reference Architectures for Measuring Instruments under Legal Control.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2016) - Volume 1, pages 289-294
ISBN: 978-989-758-182-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tional as well as unintentional manipulation.
The interfaces in classical measuring instruments
could be easily sealed and hence trust was easily es-
tablished. Nowadays, with cloud applications and
services, hardware-based seals are useless against
software-based interfaces. One has to find new ways
to establish trust in such systems.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 gives an overview on how legal
metrology is organized; Section 3 gives an outlook
of how a secure cloud architecture can be achieved
and describes homomorphic encryption; Section 4 de-
scribes related works; Section 5 gives a brief descrip-
tion of the research scenarios and its benefits for legal
Legal metrology covers a wide range of measuring
instruments from those with commercial or admin-
istrative purposes to those intended for public inter-
ests. In Germany over 100 million legally relevant
meters are in use (see (Leffler and Thiel, 2013)). The
vast majority of them are employed for business pur-
poses, like commodity meters in the fields of water,
gas, electricity or heat. Furthermore, common appli-
cations for meters are petrol pumps or scales in e.g.
super markets. The traffic system, for example, re-
quires large amounts of meters for speed and alcohol,
in order to guarantee safety. All of these applications
have in common the fact that neither the user nor the
affected person can check the validity of the deter-
mined result. Instead they rely on the accuracy of the
official measurement and calibration of these measur-
ing instruments. The key purpose of legal metrology
is to assure the correctness of measurements and fur-
ther to enhance public trust in them. Additionally,
legal metrology fulfills the need to ensure the func-
tioning of the economic system while protecting the
consumer at the same time.
The International Organization of Legal Metrol-
ogy (OIML) was founded with the aim to harmonize
regulations across national boundaries worldwide and
to avoid trade barriers due to legal requirements. The
document OIML D 31 (de M
etrologie L
egale, 2008)
focuses especially on software requirements for le-
gal measuring instruments (cf. (Kochsiek and Odin,
WELMEC is the European committee responsible
for harmonizing legal regulations in the area of legal
metrology. The committee publishes guides and sup-
ports notified bodies (public or private organized de-
partments to verify measurements devices) through-
out Europe and manufacturers alike, which imple-
ment the Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) (cf.
(Kochsiek and Odin, 2001), (Peters et al., 2014)).
2.1 Measuring Instrument Directive
The Measurement Instrument Directive (MID) is
based on two European directives (2014/32/EU,
2014) (2004/22/EC, 2004), the latter will be replaced
by the first this year. These directives aim for the har-
monization and establishment of common European
standards for measuring instruments. Aside from this,
the MID is designed to enable fair trade and trust in
the public interest as well as to protect the consumer.
The MID comprises ten types of measuring instru-
ments that are of special interest and importance to
the economy due to their wide-spread or cross-border
use. These are: water meters, gas meters and vol-
ume conversion devices, active electrical energy me-
ters, heat meters, measuring systems for the continu-
ous and dynamic measurement of quantities of liquids
other than water, automatic weighing instruments,
taximeters, material measures, dimensional measur-
ing instruments, and exhaust gas analyzers. In the
annex of the directive there are definitions, fault toler-
ances and specific requirements outlined for each type
of the prior mentioned measurement instruments. The
specific requirements involve, e.g. basic tamper pro-
tection and a display for measurement data.
Before putting a new measuring instrument on the
market, the manufacturer has to declare the confor-
mity with the MID based on the assessment by a Noti-
fied Body in Europe (cf. Figure 2). The Physikalisch-
Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) is a Notified Body
in Germany. Aside from that role, the PTB is the
German national metrology institute and acts as an
interface between scientific research and economic
interests. Furthermore, the PTB is responsible for
technical expertise related to measuring instruments,
conformity assessment, monitoring of product related
quality assurance systems and advising with Euro-
pean regulations. Given the scope of these respon-
sibilities, it is crucial that the Notified Body be inde-
pendent and neutral in order to be able to fulfill its
duties impartially.
The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and
European Cooperation in Legal Metrology are re-
sponsible for WELMEC. At the moment 37 coun-
tries are part of the WELMEC Committee. The
committee has established eight WELMEC Work-
ing Groups (WG) with WG7 in charge of software
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
matters and distributing the WELMEC 7.2 Software
Guide. The current version is WELMEC 7.2 Issue 5
(WG7, 2012). In the near future Issue 6 will be re-
The WELMEC 7.2 Software Guide gives an
overview of software security with a special focus on
measuring instruments. Furthermore, it helps manu-
facturers and Notified Bodies alike by providing ex-
amples and rules on how to achieve software security,
which guarantee compliance with the software related
part required by the MID, if followed.
Figure 2: Overview of the different actors their roles, sched-
ule of responsibilities and duties in legal metrology. The
cloud service provider role has to be determined.
When designing software for secure measuring in-
struments it is advisable to isolate the legally relevant
part from the legally non-relevant one. Likewise, the
non-relevant part may not influence the legally rel-
evant one. This may be realized by means of pro-
tected interfaces. Moreover, if the software is mod-
ular it will ease the update process for manufacturers
and Notified Bodies. Legally relevant modules are de-
fined by WELMEC 7.2 Software Guides as modules
that make contributions to or influence measurement
results. Examples include displaying data, protect-
ing data, saving data, identifying the software, exe-
cuting downloads, transferring data, and checking of
received or stored data (cf. (WG7, 2012).
Cloud Computing has its antecedents in several differ-
ent concepts like mainframes, client/server comput-
ing, peer-to-peer distributed computing, collaborative
computing and grid computing in general. In the end,
the essence of cloud computing can be summed up in
one slogan from Sun Microsystem “The network is
the computer” (c.f. (Miller, 2008)).
Thus, most security threats within cloud com-
puting are neither new nor unknown to security ex-
perts but can be dealt with through traditional se-
curity processes and mechanisms like security poli-
cies, identity management (IAM), intrusion detec-
tion/prevention systems, cryptography and vulnera-
bility analysis systems (e.g. OpenVAS) (cf. (Hogan
et al., 2011).).
When using a cloud computing solution one also
has to consider that large amounts of data will be ac-
cumulated in one place and thus become a more at-
tractive target for information retrieval be it legal or
non-legal. The robustness and redundancy of the in-
frastructure has to be one of the main aspects of a se-
cure reference architecture for cloud computing. It
is also important to match the threat model with the
real world while creating and determining the require-
ments for a cloud architecture.
In legal metrology the role of a benevolent system
administrator does not exist and therefore every party
has to be distrusted from the beginning. This fact
leads to interesting and challenging use cases which
make this field exceptionally interesting from a secu-
rity point of view. If the service technician and ad-
ministrator of a cloud service provider are considered
untrustworthy, then data integrity, data security and
eventually data privacy are very difficult to guaran-
tee. One can argue that with classical cryptography
all these issues can be solved. But instead of pre-
senting a solution one will avoid these problems. The
benefits of using cloud computing will be invalid, be-
cause the user has to download the data and decrypt
them locally in order to be able to process the data.
The reason to store the data in the cloud in the first
place would then be nullified. The authors plan to
counter this problem with fully homomorphic encryp-
tion (FHE).
3.1 Homomorphic Encryption
In 1978 Rivest, Adleman and Dertouzos introduced
along with the prior invented crypto system RSA
(Rivest et al., 1978b) the possibility of homomor-
phic encryption (Rivest et al., 1978a). Homomor-
phic Encryption allows operation on encrypted data
without decrypting it first. In 2009 Gentry was able
to show that a crypto system exists which obtains
both properties. He introduced the first fully homo-
morphic crypto system to the world based on ideal
lattices (Gentry et al., 2009). In 2010 Gentry pub-
lished an optimized version of this system using only
modular arithmetic to construct a fully homomor-
phic scheme from a “bootstrappable” somewhat ho-
momorphic scheme (c.f. (Van Dijk et al., 2010)).
Secure Cloud Reference Architectures for Measuring Instruments under Legal Control
3.1.1 Classification of Homomorphic Schemes
Armknecht et al. presented some attributes (correct-
ness for decryption and evalution, compactness) of
homomorphic encryption schemes, in order to be able
to classify the different schemes correctly, since all
homomorphic schemes do not share the same proper-
ties. A scheme consists of generating the keys (Gen),
encryption (Enc), evaluation of the ciphertext (Eval)
and Decryption (Dec). They determined three classi-
fications, but this paper focus only on the main two:
A Somewhat Homomorphic scheme (Gen, Enc,
Eval, Dec) has to have correct decryption and correct
evaluation. For compactness no rule is set, so that the
ciphertext can increase in length with each homomor-
phic operation.
A Fully Homomorphic scheme (Gen, Enc, Eval,
Dec) has to be compact, correct and the scheme itself
is a set of all circuits. This leads to that the scheme
can evaluate any circuit of whichever size.
3.1.2 Approach using Fully Homomorphic
The authors use fully homomorphic encryption within
the measuring instrument and send the encrypted
measuring data to the cloud, in order to be able to en-
sure data security and integrity (see Figure 3). Work-
ing on encrypted data reduces the attack vectors enor-
mously. A malicious insider cannot change the data
easily, nor can a VM spy on the processed data. Us-
ing this technology enables the platform to reduce the
biggest attack vectors for cloud computing. Further,
it avoids particular requirements for ”cloud ready”
measuring instruments and the need to deploy spe-
cial hardware for servers in order to enable trust and
security in a cloud computing platform.
Figure 3: Legal Cloud Framework: Measurement Device
and Cloud Architecture secured via TLS and homomorphic
encryption. L: Legally relevant VM, K: Key & Signature
Manager, S: Storage Manager, C: Connection Manager, D:
Download Manager, N: legally non-relevant VM.
3.1.3 Problems with Homomorphic Encryption
Despite the popularity of homomorphic encryption,
most homomorphic encryption schemes exist on pa-
per (Armknecht et al., 2015) rather than as imple-
mented systems. Furthermore, the computation time
is still a big issue. Nevertheless some interesting im-
plementations are available and will be evaluated, like
HElib, FHEW, HomomorphicEncryption R Package
(Aslett et al., 2015) and NTRU based implementation
(see (Rohloff and Cousins, 2014)). Elaborating these
schemes will be part of the authors future research
work (see section 6).
This section gives a brief overview of recent related
work, which addresses similar challenges in different
4.1 SensorCloud
The project’s main objective is to guarantee user con-
trol of the data once submitted it into the cloud. The
focus thus lies on sensor data in general. The pro-
posed cloud architecture enforces end-to-end data ac-
cess control over a well-defined entry-point which
provides end-to-end data protection, due to encryp-
tion and integrity protection (Catrein and QSC AG,
4.2 Sealed Cloud
This research project proposes an architecture which
will safeguard the data and meta-data within the cloud
and protect it against insider attacks by a system ad-
ministrator. If an administrator tries to access the
server physically, the system will shutdown first and
delete all data, so that the administrator will not be
able to access the data or even data fragments in mem-
ory. In addition, a chain of trust via a hardware based
TPM-module will be built and thus can check the sys-
tem integrity from the beginning of the boot process
ager et al., 2013).
TRESOR is a cloud infrastructure research project
which is developed by TU Berlin and is dedicated to
secure electronic patient data (e-health) in a hospital,
which then can be accessed by various doctors for the
benefit of the patient’s health. The project developed a
cloud platform which provides several cloud-services,
the most important of which are a cloud-broker to ac-
cess these services and a cloud-proxy to monitor the
control of cloud usage (c.f. (Slawik et al., 2012)).
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
This section discusses the research scenarios which
were developed and shaped by the needs of manufac-
turers and the requirements of legal metrology. The
focus of these scenarios are clearly on SME’s which
are planning to move their products into the cloud but
have to balance their openness with security risks and
innovation cycles. The drafted models may appear
conservative, but this is because they are the result of
a short term view to enable SME’s to take the leap
to the next level of computing and innovation. From
there the aim is to facilitate the whole spectrum of the
cloud possibilities, like using hybrid cloud, or elabo-
rating concepts like cloud bursting, and finally mov-
ing to public clouds in order to reduce costs signifi-
5.1 Virtualized Measuring instrument
This scenario is the most ambitious one, since there is
only the sensor and the data acquisition left with the
rest moved to the cloud. This means, of course, that
one has to sign the data securely, in order to guarantee
its integrity before it is sent to the cloud. The process-
ing, storage and the other services, legally relevant or
not, will be run separately from each other in virtual
machines. The display is detached from the measur-
ing instrument like in the following scenarios. Thus,
the data can be accessed by the permitted market par-
ticipants from everywhere. This scenario will reduce
the costs significantly for measuring instruments, but
is the most challenging when trying to achieve con-
formity with the MID at the moment.
Figure 4: Research Scenario: Fully virtualised measuring
instrument moved to the cloud.
5.2 Data Export
The sensor measures the real-world data and the mea-
surement instrument acquires all the data produced by
the sensor. Then the acquired data will be processed
within the measuring instrument and the calculated
result will be signed cryptographically and sent to the
cloud, where it will be securely stored. Now only per-
mitted market participants are able to access the data
and can display them on their device. If a secure dis-
play is needed the integrity of the data can be assured
via the cryptographically secured hashes. This sce-
nario is in accordance with the German Verification
Act (Mess- und Eichgesetz/Mess- und Eichverord-
nung (MessEG/EV)), since all the processing will be
done in a calibrated device. To assure the security of
the processed data against tampering, it will be signed
before leaving the secured environment.
5.3 Algorithm and Parameter Export
In this scenario the sensor measures the real-world
data and passes it to the measuring instrument, where
it will be acquired. Before processing the data, the
measuring instrument has to connect to the cloud and
will load the specific algorithm and necessary param-
eters, in order to execute the processing of the ac-
quired data locally. The result will be passed on to a
display. While designing this scenario, the goal was to
protect the intellectual property of the manufacturers,
who want to produce their hardware in non-secure en-
vironments and cannot protect themselves against im-
itations. So in short, the measuring instrument itself is
a dumb device and the intelligence is outsourced into
the network.
A slightly different approach for this scenario is to
divide the software modules into legally relevant and
non-legally relevant software. Now the processing of
the legally relevant part will be done locally in the
calibrated measuring instrument and then the result
will be pushed into the cloud, where the non-legally
relevant part of the software is stored. From the cloud
the processed data can be accessed together with the
non-legally relevant attributes.
In this paper a brief overview of the special field of
legal metrology and its unique requirements for mea-
suring instruments were given. The authors took the
foundation of Daniel Peters’ previous work (Peters
et al., 2015) which already fulfills most requirements
of the MID and the WELMEC 7.2 Software Guide. It
was the initial work in the field of virtualization in le-
gal metrology. This research work identified different
needs of the cloud platform and will expand as well
as alter the framework to fit legal requirements on its
Secure Cloud Reference Architectures for Measuring Instruments under Legal Control
highest protection level, in order to benefit from the
technical advantages of the cloud computing solution.
The next steps will be to configure an Openstack
Cloud and to implement that framework. In addi-
tion, the feasibility of the proposed framework has to
be proven and its performance and robustness against
standard attack vectors has to be measured.
Furthermore, the prior mentioned different ho-
momorphic encryption schemes have to be elabo-
rated and practically implemented into the frame-
work. With the help of FHE, the authors will be able
to secure data and algorithms against manipulation
within the cloud. The performance for encryption,
decryption and function execution on encrypted data
have to be measured. Lastly, a risk analysis of the
platform will be performed, as it will be required by
the MID (Esche and Thiel, 2015).
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CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science