challenges arising in cloud environments. More
specifically, it introduced an online anomaly detection
technique based on data density that can be applied
at the cloud infrastructure level. The method
is embodied by a resilience architecture that was
initially defined in (Simpson et al., 2013) and
further explored in (Shirazi et al., 2014) and
(Shirazi et al., 2015). The framework uses
monitoring API Monasca
that leverage high speed
message queues and computational engines. It also
supports authentication of all data associated with an
OpenStack tenant to support multi-tenancy. Metrics
and events are received by the API and published
to a message queue (Kafka)
. The anomaly engine
consumes metrics from the same message queue,
predict metrics and evaluate likelihood and anomaly
score as probabilities in order to provide overall
resilience to challenges.
In this paper, we have analysed technological trends,
and considered their potential to become future
threats. We did this by means of a systematic
examination of industry reports on existing and
emerging technologies. Using a cloud use case we
have identified potential resilience metrics that can
shed light on the security properties of cloud systems.
The research also gives a basic overview as to what
may be expected in terms of technology futures
with the aid of threat analysis for their adoption in
critical infrastructure environments where there are
stringent security requirements. As cloud computing
is expanding very fast and new threats arising from
security issues are being created, we believe that
our research presents a basis for helping create more
secure cloud systems.
Future work should include other relevant topics,
for example assurance and legal issues, as a next
step towards achieving a high security level in future
cloud applications. Also, the approach should help
to improve network monitoring and management
systems through such a technology evaluation.
The research presented in this paper has been funded
by the European Union (FP7 Project SECCRIT, grant
agreement no. 312758).
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CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science