two subprocesses: gathering and generalization of
data about surrounding wireless networks signal level
along the vehicle’s route, and extraction of corre-
sponding data at any arbitrary location of the vehicle.
The first subprocess is functioning continuously and
independently, while the second is starting only by
the user applications request. Figure shows the struc-
tural diagram of processes of service and user data
transmission 1.
Figure 1: Structural diagram of wireless networks data man-
agement within the vehicle.
Data write cycle provides updated representation
of wireless networks signal level, while read cycle
is a service for determining the networks availability.
Each subprocess is implemented as distributed algo-
rithm which is functioning on both vehicle and server
sides (Popov et al., 2015). In our work we set up
both parts on a single telematics device to eliminate
the impact of delays and bandwidth of communica-
tion channels and to get the accurate data about coop-
erative functioning of telematics map application and
database, GPS and Wi-Fi devices and services.
The algorithms handle the environment which in-
cludes geographical region data defined by the lati-
tude and longitude from upper right corner to lower
left one, current vehicle’s coordinates, and coordi-
nates of the area where the wireless networks avail-
ability data must be obtained.
To represent the geographical area on the telem-
atics map we specify a regular rectangular grid with
fixed spacing. Each node of the grid stores the value
of wireless network signal level. This value is then
updated with the new values from the vehicle’s on-
board telematics unit. To implement the proposed
concept we have developed and examined the al-
gorithms for gathering, generalization, updating and
extraction of relevant data about wireless networks
The algorithm of adjusting the data about wireless
network signal level in the nodes of regular grid.
The data adjustment algorithm performs a task of
updating the wireless networks data on the telematics
map as far as positioning device and Wi-Fi adapter
feed it with new data.
Input data for the algorithm are geographical re-
gion which is represented by the regular rectangular
grid with spacing of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 meters, the
latitude and longitude of position where new value of
signal level was measured and this new value itself.
Using the given latitude and longitude values we find
the four-linkedrectangular area on regular grid, inside
of which area the vehicle is located. When the area is
found, we calculate the values of signal level in four
neighboring nodes and update corresponding data in
the database. Listing 1 shows the description of the
algorithm in pseudocode.
The algorithm provides continuously repeatable
calculations with frequency defined by GPS and Wi-
Fi equipment polling rate. Latitude and longitude cal-
culation of four neighboring nodes of the grid take
into account the correction factors for parallels and
meridians at the location where the data were ac-
quired. For this purpose, we calculate the distance
corresponding with one degree of latitude and longi-
tude at the given location, thus allowing to consider
correction values for any location.
The algorithm of approximation of wireless net-
works signal level in the area.
The algorithm’s purpose is to approximate the sig-
nal level written to the nodes of the grid according to
the signal level values gatheredby the vehicle’s telem-
atics unit during its movement
When a new position with some signal level is de-
termined inside the grid, we calculate the distance
between this location and each of the neighboring
nodes of the grid, then we normalize this distances
and calculate the adjustments that will be applied to
the signal level values already stored in the nodes.
Schematic representation of this routine is shown on
the figure 2.
Let z
be the signal level at the point x with
coordinates (lat
, lon
) and signal level
;and let the
four nearest grid points with latitude and longitude
to ((lat
, lon
), (i, j) = [1. . . 4]); a, b, c, d be the dis-
tances from the point x to nodes of a regular grid
cell;and let K
and K
be the coefficient of linear-
ity; and let m
and m
be the length of the diagonals;
and let z
, i = [1. . . 4] be the signal levels of nodes of
quadruply-connected areas calculated using the algo-
rithm of data update see bellow.
First compute the distance a, b, c, d from the point
x to the closest nodes of the cell; then calculate and