GE. The broker offers Publish/Subscribe capabilities,
providing NGSI9/10 interfaces, allowing clients to do
several operations like register context producer
applications, update context information and get
notifications when context information changes take
place or with a given frequency. Finally the broker
allows also to query context information and stores
context information update so queries are resolved
based on that information. The functionalities of the
other two FCs of this FG are not covered by any
3.2.2 Service Organization FG
The functionality of the two FCs in the IoT Service
FG is partially covered by the IoT Discovery, the IoT
Broker and the Backend Device Management (IDAS)
GEs. The IoT Discovery GE allows context producers
to register their IoT Objects in linked-data format and
in turn allows context consumers to discover them
using a set of search techniques. Focuses on
semantically-annotated IoT descriptions to supports
querying via SPARQL. Although the IoT Discovery
GE offers a device discovery mechanism, it does not
offer a service resolution mechanism thus, covers
only partially the functionality of the IoT Service
Resolution FC. A service discovery and resolution
mechanism should be added to this GE. The IoT
Broker GE and the Backend Device Management GE
encapsulate both the functionality of the IoT Service
FC each of them covering different parts of it.
The IoT Broker GE retrieves and aggregates
information from IoT devices acting as a middleware
component that separates IoT applications from
devices. The GE is based on NGSI and closes the gap
between information-centric applications and device-
centric IoT installations by communicating
simultaneously with large quantities of IoT gateways
and devices in order to obtain exactly the information
that is required by the running IoT applications. By
using the broker all IoT devices can be abstracted to
be viewed as NGSI entities on a higher level hiding
the complexity of the Internet of Things from
developers. The IoT broker does not currently support
delivering information to resources in order to control
them or configure them. This is supported by the
Backend Device Management GE. The Backend
Device Management GE, provides an API for M2M
application developers and a device communication
API for device (sensor/actuators/gateways)
communication which currently implements the
SensorML and Lightweight SensorML following
The GE Collects data from devices (status etc)
and translates them into NGSI events available at a
context broker. Application developers can use data
and send commands through the broker. An open
source Reference Gateway called "FIGWAY" is also
offered for Raspberry PI and Z-wave devices.
Although this GEs complements the IoT broker
towards supporting the specifications of the IoT
Service FC it does not make a clear separation of the
layers as they are defined by IoT-A and it's
functionality intervenes into the communication
layer. Moreover, The GE currently works only with
FIGWAY meaning that it can collect data and
manage only specific devices controlled by the
Raspberry PI and Z-wave gateways. It should be
extended to support any kind of gateway and support
all protocols other than CoaP (e.g., XMPP, MQTT,
3.2.3 Communication FG
The Protocol Adapter GE handles low level
communication between devices and the rest of the
IoT system encapsulating the functionality of the Hop
to Hop Communication FC. The GE handles
communication of devices using CoaP over 6LowPan
protocol but currently supports only the IBM Mote
hardware running the Moterunner operating system.
Although it does cover the required functionality, the
protocol Adapter is currently working with specific
devices(Mote) over a specific platform (Moterunner)
and, thus, needs to be extended to be compatible with
all available devices and platforms.
The Network Communication FC functionality is
partially covered by the Gateway Data Handling GE
which is designed to provide a common access in real
time to all data. Using a simple local XML storage,
the GE locally stores relevant processed data and
offers Filtering, aggregating and merging real-time
data from different sources.
Transforms data into events in a way that
applications need only to subscribe to events (data)
which is relevant to them. The GE offers more
functionality of what the Network Communication
FC specifies but goes against the clear separation of
layers as the IoT-A specification does not
contemplate any data processing and handling in the
Communication FG.
3.2.4 Security FG
In the Security FG the KeyRock Identity
Management (IDM) GE provides secure and private
authentication from users to devices, networks and
services, authorization, user profile management and
privacy-preserving disposition of personal data,