Using a Learning Management System in the Course
of English for University Students
Natalya Snytnikova
Department of Foreign Languages, Novosibirsk State University, 2, Pirogova Street, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: Computer Supported Education, Virtual Learning Environment, Self-regulated Learning, Students,
Teaching English.
Abstract: The paper explores the potential of using a Virtual Learning Environment in teaching English to Master
students at a Russian university. On the base of an e-Learning platform a kind of private website has been
created with an online English course for Master students “English for Chemists and Biologists”. The
course is described in some detail. The Learning Management System supplied by Moodle, an e-Learning
platform, is presented. The materials and tools provided by the Moodle system are considered. The
outcomes are discussed of a mixture of a traditional and online English course used to teach the university
students. The author endeavours to determine whether the infusion of technology positively influences the
acquisition of the English language by the Russian university students. The author claims that the
pedagogical approach which involves both the technology-enhanced teaching and the face-to-face teaching
is the approach which is characteristic of the 21st century teaching practice. This promising pedagogical
approach helps to improve and innovate language learning in the classroom and outside the classroom.
Today, e-Learning systems are considered to be an
integral part of the teaching and learning process for
higher educational institutions around the world.
These systems allow for knowledge sharing and give
the students access to learning materials without
regard to place and time (Zanjani et al., 2013). In
many cases a combination of face-to-face learning
and e-Learning is used. This kind of learning is often
referred to as blended learning. It is very important
that it should be used so that it would support and
promote positive learning experiences in students.
As is known e-Learning can take many forms
and is related to the environment in which the course
is based. Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) or
Learning Management Systems (LMS) provide
support for learners. Novosibirsk State University
(NSU) has developed its own course management
system. This is the Virtual Education Platform supplied by the Moodle LMS.
The LMS created at the NSU provides an
infrastructure which helps to develop new methods
to support classroom teaching and distance learning
in the course of English for Master students. The
LMS is regarded as a tool for learning and teaching.
The merits of the LMS in the educational process are
as follows: 1) the arrangement of materials; 2) the
organization of the students' independent work; 3)
the development of assignments and tests; 4) the
monitoring of activities; 5) the development of the
assessment system.
We are going to examine what the course
“English for Chemists and Biologists” taken by the
Master students consists of and why. We are also
going to consider the LMS used in the course of
English as well as the outcomes of this usage.
The Master students' objective in the course is
learning and acquiring an academic degree. The
proposed teaching strategy leads to increased
students' motivation and engagement in their study.
The blended course used here creates good
opportunities for teacher-student interaction,
increases student engagement in learning, and
promotes students' ongoing improvement.
Learning on demand is becoming a type of
lifestyle in modern society. With the Moodle LMS
that provides everything the students need in terms
of learning in order to be successful in academic
studies and work these days.
In our course of English a promising pedagogical
strategy is used that is the combination of face-to-
Snytnikova, N.
Using a Learning Management System in the Course of English for University Students.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2016) - Volume 1, pages 531-538
ISBN: 978-989-758-179-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
face learning and e-Learning provided by the
Moodle LMS. The resources found on the Moodle
LMS are effectively integrated in the activities
carried out in the course of English.
The given paper comprises three sections. In
section one the significance of the LMS usage in
higher education is discussed. The second section
deals with the course of English taken by the NSU
Master students as well as with the Moodle system
implementation in this course. The five main factors
that determine the LMS effectiveness are analyzed
in the third section.
The LMSs are widely spread in academic
institutions. They are useful during or in compliment
to face-to-face learning sessions (Loiseau et al.,
2015; Garrison, Kanuka, 2004).
Modern LMSs are developed basing upon an
educative theory rationale. They provide designers
with some functionalities that can be used to realise
various learning activities and are not restricted to
providing resource access to students (Loiseau et al.,
The use of blended learning at university level
has developed a lot over the last decade. By blended
learning we mean the mixture of online and face-to-
face learning.
Many researchers agree that blended learning is
the ideal teaching concept for the future
(Feshchenko et al., 2015; Schmidt, 2013; Limniou
and Smith, 2010). Students have different needs,
different background levels of knowledge and
different learning styles. So they may be not
satisfied with traditional teaching and learning
environments. Implementation of blended learning is
seen as a promising strategy to address this problem,
since it allows a combination of traditional and e-
Learning (Limniou and Smith, 2010).
In blended learning the focus is on the learners
and their needs. The learners are allowed to choose
what and when to blend, which means that learning
is controlled by learners rather than teachers. The
teacher facilitates their activity and helps them to
understand what they are supposed to learn and why
(Snytnikova, 2015; Garrison & Kanuka, 2004).
The LMS is considered to be successful when its
users accept and use e-Learning technology. In turn,
the LMS should have the following compulsory
features: perceived ease of use and perceived
usefulness (Zanjani et al., 2013). Then it will be able
to affect students' satisfaction.
Feshchenko et al. (2015) studied the possibilities
of using the Moodle LMS in learning and teaching.
They examined the merits of this technology and the
relation of students and teachers to the ways of e-
learning organization and compared it to the
traditional face-to-face education. They concluded
that both teachers and students agree that using the
Moodle system is convenient enough and they
willingly use the LMS. At the same time the
teachers admit that to manage an e-Learning course
is time-consuming. This is because they have to
develop a large number of materials, including tests,
independent tasks and a general evaluation system.
From the teachers' point of view there are the
following advantages of using the LMS: 1) the
organisation of educational process; 2) the
integration of the University; 3) no distraction
information; 4) the possibility of student-teacher
communication. The students value the following
features of the LMS: 1) the possibility of student-
teacher communication; 2) no distraction
information; 3) ease of use.
It is believed that an LMS supports student self-
regulated learning (Feshchenko, 2015; Dabbagh and
Kitsantas, 2012). Self-regulated learning is defined
as a student's ability to independently and
proactively engage in self-motivating and
behavioural processes that increase goal attainment
(Zimmerman, 2000). It is a skill where students are
supposed to know how to set goals, what is needed
to achieve those goals, and how to actually achieve
them. In order for students to self-regulate and direct
their own behaviours, they should also be motivated
and driven to attain goals (Dabbagh and Kitsantas,
2012; Kitsantas and Dabbagh, 2010). If they are
motivated, it helps them to cope with difficult tasks.
Learning using personal electronic devices has
made it possible to learn any time and any place, to
acquire small pieces of information, and use every
small period of time for learning while, for example,
on the train on the way to the university. The
technology provides opportunities to enhance
students' involvement in their study, improve
students' achievements, and enable more active and
personalized learning (Naveh, 2015; Snytnikova,
It was shown that for the students the best use of
technology in teaching would be easily accessed,
well-organized websites abundant with learning
materials (Naveh et al., 2010).
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
2.1 Moodle System as a Virtual
Learning Environment
Moodle is a free and open-source software learning
management system or e-Learning platform that
serves educators and learners all over the world.
Moodle is used for different e-Learning projects
including blended learning in universities. Using the
Moodle system private websites with online courses
for teachers and learners are created to attain
learning aims.
Moodle as a kind of VLE provides:
an administration system that tracks learners'
achievement and maintains records of their
attendance and registration records;
course information about all the learning
opportunities provided;
learning resources (e.g., manuals, self-
assessment tests, home assignments);
online courses (Clarke, 2008).
There is no universal definition of what a VLE
contains, so each institution may offer a different
environment. The VLE is composed of those
elements of the Managed Learning Environment that
are intended to support and deliver the online
learning (course information, learning resources,
communication systems (e.g. e-mail), and online
Figure 1: Virtual Learning Platform
Figure 1 shows the home page of the VLE of the
NSU. The list of links down the left-hand side of the
page shows a range of facilities and functions that
you might expect to find in the VLE.
2.2 What Makes a Learning
Management System Successful
When the teachers use an e-Learning system, they
want to make their teaching more effective. In this
connection the success factors of e-Learning
acceptance and continued use have been studied
(Sun et al., 2008; Zanjani et al., 2013). It has been
stated that there are five factors which make an LMS
successful. They are the teacher attitude and skills,
the student attitude and skills, the LMS design, the
characteristics of learning materials, and the external
All five factors are equally important. If a
teacher is willing to engage in interactive learning,
he/she can help students to get involved in active
interaction on an e-Learning system. The students
can adopt and accept an e-Learning system more
easily if they have enough computer knowledge and
some previous experiences as well as self-efficiency.
It is important how the LMS is designed. There
are four characteristics that influence the intention to
use such system. They are as follows:
the perceived ease of use;
the interactivity of the system;
the interface design which is user-friendly;
the information of the system which is
complete and easy to understand.
As for the learning materials, it is crucial that
they satisfy the following criteria:
perceived usefulness;
accuracy and completeness;
performance expectancy which is referred to
the level of short term perceived usefulness;
intrinsic value which is referred to the degree
an activity is delightful;
utility value which is the relevance of a
system to future career objectives or long-
term usefulness;
the collaboration level of learning materials
(Zanjani et al., 2013).
Support from the educational organisation is also
an important factor to be considered. The institute
should provide computer laboratories, reliable
networks, technical troubleshooting, and information
The Master students who study at the NSU have a
compulsory course of English. Their main goal is to
acquire enough knowledge and skills for the
practical use of the language in professional
communication. The students develop general
linguistic and communicative competences. In order
Using a Learning Management System in the Course of English for University Students
to achieve the main goal the following sub-goals are
the development of skills in reading and
comprehension of English texts on the
students' speciality;
the improvement of skills in appropriate
translation of the texts from English into
Russian keeping up to the regulations and
norms of the Russian language;
the development of skills necessary to give
and comprehend oral academic presentations;
the development of skills to write scientific
papers and reports.
According to the Programme by the end of the
English course the Master students have to know the
basic grammar rules and the main grammatical
structures of the English language that are necessary
for the appropriate translation and comprehension of
the texts on speciality. They should be able to:
read and translate the texts on speciality with
and without a dictionary;
give and comprehend oral academic
presentations at a scientific seminar or a
effectively interact with the other participants
of a scientific gathering;
write a report for a scientific conference or a
The students are also supposed to:
be skilled in the standard English
be able to effectively communicate using
modern information and communication
technologies (ICT);
be good at self-guided work with the
educational and reference materials.
The course consists of two modules: Module 1
“General English” and Module 2 “Professional
English”. The course is described in the textbook
English for Chemists and Biologists – A Study
Guide for Master Students” (Snytnikova, 2014). It is
beyond the scope of this article to examine the
course in detail. We shall focus on Module 2
“Professional English”.
3.1 Module 2 “Professional English”
Module 2 “Professional English is comprised of
three sub-modules. Sub-module 1 “Practical
English Grammar deals with the part of English
grammar studying different grammar structures that
are specific for scientific texts. The students review
the grammar rules using the textbook “Practical
Course of the English Language Grammar by T.N.
Mikhelson and N.V. Uspenskaya (2009).
They have to review eight main grammar
sections, which will help them to cope with the
sentences in scientific texts containing complex
grammar constructions. The sections are as follows:
1) the Passive Voice; 2) the Infinitive and Infinitive
Constructions; 3) the Participle and Participial
Constructions; 4) the Gerund and Gerund
Constructions; 5) the Subjunctive Mood and
Conditional Sentences; 6) the Emphatic
Constructions; 7) the Pronouns and Substitution
Words; 8) the Conjunctions and Relative Pronouns.
In Table 1 below you can see the list of subtopics
on “Gerund and Gerund Constructions” which are
to be reviewed by the students during their self-
regulated studies.
Table 1: Gerund and Gerund Constructions.
Semester 1.
Weeks 3-4
1. Forms of gerund.
2. Gerund characteristics and the forms
of gerund translation.
3. Gerund in the function of a subject.
4. Gerund in the function of a direct
5. Gerund in the function of a
prepositional object.
6. Gerund in the function of an adverbial
7. Gerund in the function of an attribute.
8. Gerund constructions.
9. Gerund and participle matching.
Self-guided written work on the topic “Gerund and
Gerund Constructions”.
The grammar knowledge and skills acquired in
Sub-module 1 are used by the students to read,
translate, and comprehend all kinds of texts
necessary for their study and work.
Sub-module 2 “Reading and Speaking on
Speciality” is related, first of all, to reading the texts
and doing the exercises from the textbook “Study
Guide on the Development of Speaking Skills for
Scientists (Kostenko et al., 1988). The texts
describe the biographies of outstanding scientists,
the work of scientific institutions, etc. Thus, the
students get the knowledge and skills that will help
them to talk about their scientific and practical work,
about the laboratory and institute they work at, about
their scientific advisor, etc. The students also read
scientific articles, monographs, etc. on their
speciality and acquire scientific lexis and
Sub-module 2 also includes various reference
materials which are supposed to assist the students
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
in developing their skills in reading more
effectively. Among them there the following
Rules of pronunciation in English.
List of Latin expressions widely used in
scientific texts. All expressions are translated
into Russian and into English. They are also
provided with transcriptions.
Manuals “How to read Mathematical
Formulae”, “How to read Chemical
Formulae”, etc.
List of phrases necessary for writing
annotations of articles, monographs, etc.
Sub-module 3 “Conference Preparation” is
dedicated to the preparation for a scientific seminar
and a conference on speciality. The Master students
study under the guidance of working scientists who
deal with major scientific and engineering problems.
Together with their senior colleagues they take part
in practical and scientific seminars, workshops, and
conferences as well as in writing scientific papers
and reports. Thus, participating in real research work
the students realize that they need to learn how to
properly and effectively communicate in English
both orally and in written form.
Table 2: Manual “Listening Strategy”.
Listening strategy. If you are in the audience
a) Listen carefully to learn all you can about the
speaker’s topic. You will make the speaker feel at ease
if you are attentive and show interest in what is being
b) Remember to watch the speaker, to show the
speaker that you are listening, and to help to
concentrate on what is being said. Maintain eye contact
with the speaker.
c) Allow yourself to become involved in the report
being made. Discover what does and does not work for
you in the report.
In the 1st semester every student prepares for an
oral presentation at a seminar and gives such
presentation in class in front of the whole group. The
techniques of preparing and delivering presentations
are thoroughly elaborated. The manuals for speakers
and listeners have been developed. They are:
‘Listening Strategy’ (see Table 2), Speaking
Strategy’ and ‘Manual for speakers. Academic
Presentations. 1st and 2nd Stages’ (Snytnikova,
In the 2
semester the students prepare for and
run two conferences. At the stage of preparation we
provide them with all kinds of useful information:
samples of application letters, sets of phrases to be
used in the reports and discussions, etc. The students
use the following manuals for speakers and listeners:
Conference Lexicon” (see Table 3), Question-
Answer Techniques”, “Discussion Techniques”, and
“Some hints for a successful presentation
(Snytnikova, 2015).
Table 3: Conference Lexicon (excerpt).
1. Greetings. Good afternoon, ladies and
gentlemen. Thank you for joining
me today.
2. Name and
I am Olga Ivanova from
3. Introducing
In the course of my talk I want to
talk about / tell you about /
examine ...
4. Closing. Well, that’s about it, I think.
Thank you for your attention.
5. Asking for
Now, if anyone has any questions
I’d be happy to answer them.
The amount of time allotted to the course of
English is 102 class hours during two semesters. The
Master students only have three class hours of
English a week. In addition, according to the
Programme the students have to dedicate at least 114
hours to the independent self-guided work in order
to successfully acquire the course. At the end of the
course the Master students must take a complex
3.2 Moodle System Implementation in
the Course of English
The Moodle LMS provides a set of collaborative
tools for learners and teachers to support learning
and teaching. We use the Moodle LMS in addition
to the face-to face course of English for Master
students whose specialities are Chemistry and
Figure 2: English Course for Master students on
Using a Learning Management System in the Course of English for University Students
Figure 2 shows an example of the course page
within the NSU Virtual Education Platform In order to have navigated to this point you
have to log in to the system using a password and
user name. As far as the navigation is concerned,
you need to invest some time exploring the
environment and become familiar with the structure.
The students have to register in order to be able to
work with the course online.
They are told how the modules are organised and
when the assignments are due. They also have
access to the learning resources: the exercises, the
home assignments, self-assessment tests, and all
kinds of auxiliary information.
The course “English for Chemists and
Biologists” is an online course provided by the
course management system supplied by the Moodle
LMS. It contains useful learning and reference
First, there is a file containing the full description
of the course. The students can consult it any time.
There is also another file which contains the
Programme of the course.
Second, in Module 1 “General English” there are
the home assignments on all the textbooks taken for
teaching and learning in this Module as well as the
detailed schedule and teacher's recommendations on
how to fulfil the home assignments more effectively.
There are also some relevant reference materials,
e.g. rules of English pronunciation.
Third, in Module 2, Sub-module 1 there are the
exercises on practical English grammar:
1. Exercises for self-guided work with keys.
2. Control exercises to be done at home and
checked in class.
3. Grammar tests.
4. Teacher's recommendations on how to work
with these exercises.
Fourth, in Module 2, Sub-module 2 there are the
tasks for colloquiums, the List of Latin expressions
and the List of phrases to be used when writing
annotations, etc.
Fifth, in Module 2, Sub-module 3 there are
useful materials that help to prepare for the
conference and seminar and run them. For example,
they are manuals for speakers and listeners, samples
of application and invitation letters, etc.
Sixth, there are teacher's instructions on how to
organise self-guided work when learning English in
the course.
Seventh, the detailed instructions can be also
found which help to write a report for a conference.
In our online course an LMS is used, so such
functions of e-Learning are implemented as
organizational, supervisory, and technical as well.
Thus, the online course “English for Chemists
and Biologists” is a well-organized, easily accessed
website with a lot of useful materials which is
considered to be the best use of technology
How to decide if an LMS is effective? As previously
stated there are five crucial factors that determine
the LMS effectiveness. They are the teacher's
attitude and skill, the students' attitude and skill, the
LMS design, the learning materials, and the external
Let us consider how the factors of the LMS
successfulness have been met in our course. The
Master students who take the course have competent
knowledge of the ICT. So it does not take them too
much effort to adopt and use the Moodle system.
It has to be taken into consideration that the
Master students who study at the NSU are trained in
their speciality at the research institutes of the
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of
Sciences. They take part in real research work and
collaborate with working research scientists. The
students conduct laboratory experiments, read
scientific papers, monographs, and patents in
English. They also do a lot of courses on their
speciality at their institutes. They have different
chemical and biological specialities and work at
different research institutes. So their courses on
speciality and their English classes may overlap.
That is why they sometimes have to miss English
classes. Moreover, the students have different
background knowledge of English.
Thus, the Master students do not always attend
the English classes and they have very different
knowledge of English. This is especially the case as
far as the English grammar is concerned. It is the
practical English grammar considered above (see the
description of Sub-module 1 “Practical English
Grammar”). But they are computer-literate and the
Moodle system is user-friendly. So, the students
willingly use it to learn English.
The Moodle LMS in the course “English for
Chemists and Biologists” supports student self-
regulated learning. Different kinds of manuals and
instructions help the students to set and achieve
study goals properly and effectively. These manuals
and instructions are used to organize and improve
the self-guided work. They are provided by the
teacher and are available online.
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The students are motivated to achieve goals in
our course because they know that their successful
acquirement of English will be of use for them not
only in their present studies but also in their future
professional careers.
Nowadays it is very important for teachers to
develop the theoretical and practical knowledge and
skills required of the teachers in the 21
century. We
are to develop the skills required to integrate modern
technologies into daily lessons. That is why we need
effective technology exposure and practice.
The design of the Virtual Education Platform employed at the NSU is rich of the media
used to present the learning materials. It has a
logical navigation structure and user-friendly
interface design. It is rather easy to use and is
interactive enough. The Technical Support Office
provides the users with complete and understandable
information of the system.
The NSU gives support by providing computer
laboratories where the students can work with the
course any time. The university provides reliable
networks, so the students can work with the course
any place. And there is a special service that helps to
shoot technical troubles.
The learning materials used in the course satisfy
the criteria mentioned above in Section 2.2. For
example, the criterion “performance expectancy
which is referred to the level of short term perceived
usefulness” is satisfied as the materials are used by
the students for the purposes of studying and
preparation for the final examination. The criterion
“utility value which is the relevance of a system to
future career objectives or long-term usefulness” is
also satisfied because the materials available online
in the course of English are useful for the Master
students in their present scientific work and their
future careers as it has already been mentioned
The learning materials are compatible with the
VLE; they are also accurate and understandable.
E-learning is used in higher education teaching and
learning extensively. Higher educational institutions
nowadays are primarily relying on traditional
platforms such as the LMSs (Learning Management
System). At Novosibirsk State University the
Moodle LMS is used, which allows for the
traditional classes to be combined with online
resources. The students' perception of different
learning options is evaluated. Both the students and
the teachers find that the LMS is effective as a
means to increase the outcome of studying a
traditional course.
In the courseEnglish for Chemists and
Biologists the Master students are able to learn
English effectively because they are provided
support by the environment that helps them to learn.
The students synthesize information by combining
and integrating information from several sources.
The course structure is transparent to the
students, so it helps them manage their time and
maintain their self-motivation.
The course of English using the Moodle LMS
appears to be successful. The students are satisfied
with the possibilities provided by the system as well
as with the abundance and variety of learning and
reference materials offered in the course “English
for Chemists and Biologists”.
On the one hand, the course available online in
the Moodle system is of help to them when they
study the language in order to prepare for the
compulsory examination at the end of the course and
pass it successfully.
On the other hand, the knowledge and skills that
the students get are employed for some other
purposes, for example, for writing the theoretical
part of their Master thesis using also the learning and
reference materials from the course such as “The
list of expressions for writing annotations”. Or they
can use the manuals developed for the participants
of scientific gatherings for the purposes of
preparation for the real seminars and conferences on
their speciality and not only for the seminars and
conferences held in the course of English.
In the courseEnglish for Chemists and
Biologists” the focus is on learners and their needs.
The learners choose what information to take from
the learning materials available online and when to
take it. The teacher facilitates learning by providing
the learning materials as well as supervisory and
organizational help.
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CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education