to retrieve only consultants.
Types are very important for query building, as
we can propose to the user the list of types in which
he can pick to refine its query.
Extracting the answer is not trivial too, as user
could skip several intermediary nodes, because of not
knowing it or simply to have a simpler query. Thus
asking for a consultant skilled in java programming
language could return a graph containing a node
“object languages” that gather several languages like
java, c++, c#, etc. More generally, simple queries
could return complex chains of dependencies: the
graph matching algorithm has to deal with this.
3.5 Result Interpretation
The query’s result is a set of sub-graphs extracted
from the global graph and matching the query graph.
Representing this result in a human readable manner
is not so trivial. It is easy to use a graphical
representation where nodes are boxes and links are
arrows. This form is acceptable for a human reading
as long as the result set is not too big, but becomes
unusable if there are hundreds or thousands of nodes.
Addressing this issue is not quite simple. Many
studies have been done to try to solve it and many
approaches exist (Shengqi et al., 2014), (
Bergmann et
al., 2014) with different approaches. However there is
not any universal good approach. Each need may
have own adapted representation. The goal is here to
determine a good representation in existing tools, and
if needed (and possible), adapt it to closely cover the
specific need of our project.
3.6 Self-learning
Automatic learning concerns the design, analysis,
development and implementation of methods
allowing to a machine to evolve in a systematic
process, and so fulfill the tasks difficult or impossible
to fill by more conventional algorithmic means.
There are some kinds of self-learning algorithms.
In our project we develop a self-learning method
based on the user feedback. This method refers to a
class of automatic learning problems, where the aim
is to learn from experience, to optimize a quantitative
reward over time.
The user feedback acts as a reward, and is used to
improve the search algorithm, which in turn will be
able to provide more accurate results.
Most of the techniques described above to achieve the
goal of opportunity detection are recent research
subjects. Some partial answers already exist, but it
remains a lot of issues, difficulties and weakness in
the big data mining and in the graph based knowledge
representation. This research will try, using a test case
of business opportunity detection, to address some of
them and to propose original solutions to increase the
efficiency and accuracy of the knowledge mining and
restitution in the big data.
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