Business Opportunity Detection in the Big Data
Lyes Limam, Jean Lecouffe and Stéphane Chau
Altran Research, Région Sud Est, Division IIS, Altran, 1 Place Verrazzano, Lyon, France
Keywords: Big Data, Business Intelligence, Text Mining, Graph Databases.
Abstract: Modern enterprise information systems are characterized by large amounts of data issued from various
internal and external business applications, often stored and archived in different supports (databases,
documents, etc. The nature of this data (voluminous, unstructured, heterogeneous, inconsistent, etc.) makes
them difficult to use for analysis. In fact, it is typically an issue of big data analytics.
The main objective of our research project is to design a solution to detect opportunities (projects, new
markets, skills, tenders, etc.) in the continually growing data, while adapting to its constraints. The extracted
information should help users to take proactive actions to improve their business (e.g., identify a consultant
skill that can be aligned with a given tender).
In this project we are interested in text data. There are two main reasons. The first reason is that text data is
the most difficult to analyse by humans, especially when it is voluminous. The second reason is that we are
convinced that valuable information is usually textual. Therefore, we define six research axes:
Intelligent Information Sensing
Text Mining
Knowledge Representation (semantics)
Querying the knowledge
Results Interpretation
Big Data mining is a recent and actual research trend
(Diebold, 2012). Several approaches were
experimented in several domains like: mobile
communications (Laurila, et al., 2012), biology
(Howe, et al. 2008), economics (World Economic
Forum, 2012), (Letouzé, 2012), marketing (Fan, et
al., 2015), decision making (Probst, et al., 2013), etc.
In Big Data mining, it is usual to deal with 3V
problems: Volume, Variety, and Velocity. Recently,
two more Vs were proposed: Variability and Value
(Fan and Bifet, 2012). This last V is very important in
a business-oriented mining, which has for objective
to valuate internal and/or external data through
In our case, the values we want to highlight are:
Fast answer to customer’s requests
Understand customer’s problems and
determine new proposals to help solving it
Find new business opportunities through new
projects, new markets, skills, tenders, etc.
Some papers propose to use graph-oriented
databases (Lin, 2014), which allow much faster
responses than classical relational databases, due to
local dependencies of data. A particular model of
graph based on RDF (Resource Description
Framework) retained our attention. RDF based model
consists of “triples” [subject] -> [predicate] ->
[object], which define conceptually a labelled graph
(Bönström, 2003). That allows representing data
dependencies in a clear, simple and efficient way, and
allows fast access to data in graph-oriented databases.
One of the main problems is: how to build this
graph? I.e. what are the data sources and how is
extracted pertinent information. Some documents are
relatively structured, like competencies records, but
the most are non-structured and thus need to be
threated specifically. Research axes to answer this
question are crawling and text mining.
Another problem leads in graphs gathering: the
objective is to build a global graph by combination of
graphs extracted from documents. This problem is not
trivial, as simply gathering graphs on their common
nodes and links could lead to mistakes, mainly false
Limam, L., Lecouffe, J. and Chau, S.
Business Opportunity Detection in the Big Data.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2016) - Volume 1, pages 250-254
ISBN: 978-989-758-187-8
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
positive answers. This is a new research axe: the
knowledge representation using graphs.
The interest of such a representation is to
efficiently querying it. The issue of query formulation
and searching in a global graph is not trivial. The
objective is to propose a friendly-user interface for
query building, and to give an understandable result:
obviously, answer a sub-graph based on triple is not
allowed for non-expert users; this becomes a problem
of Human Machine Interface. This topic is covered by
the axe of querying the knowledge.
After a query session, results have to be
interpreted. A graphical representation with nodes
and edges of the resulting graph is not adapted for a
non-expert user. To allow a more efficient
interpretation of the result it is needed to transform
the resulting graph to a more user friendly
representation. The research axe of result
interpretation addresses this topic.
Last but not least, the results may be judged by the
requestor more or less suitable. This feedback is
necessary to increase efficiency of queries and
accuracy of results. The last research axe called self-
learning has the subject to consider how self-learning
can be implemented in the query engine.
We choose to support this research a test case
taken from an Altran’s
need: how to match a business
opportunity with the suitable consultant and in
reverse, how to match a given consultant with a
business opportunity.
When a customer asks our company for some
skills, it is important to be able to find consultants that
can answer its wishes in the best time. Internal data
are very useful to retrieve consultants in the field of
required qualifications: well-structured consultant
skills and knowledge records, database of CVs that
are also relatively well structured documents. But
several external data sources are also very useful in
skills search, like viadeo, linkedin, etc.
Matching request with the global graph will give
us the possibility to have a look on nodes close to the
request in order to retrieve additional information that
can help to describe a context like new markets, skills,
tenders, etc.
The main objective of Big Data technology is to
integrate all data, then to analyze and represent this
Altran Technologies, SA is a global innovation and
engineering consulting firm
data in the unified schema. To reach this objective,
we propose the following architecture (cf. Figure 1):
This architecture is composed of three Parts:
Data Sources
It contains all data provided by Altran's tools. Data
are extracted either from the enterprise databases or
from flat files which can be structured or not
These data were sorted and collected exhaustively
to obtain relevant information that can be used to
manage the Big Data System. The idea is to study and
find a solution that allows to:
- Identify opportunities (projects, markets,
skills, etc.)
- Improve transparency of existing data flow in
the internal tools Altran
- Centralize existing information
Big Data Engine
The challenge of big data is to manage a large volume
of data with optimal processing time.
We propose a big data engine based on Hadoop.
Its HDFS file system allows the processing of very
large amounts of data over several discs multiple
machines as if it was a single storage volume.
In addition, the use of tools such as Storm can
perform calculations and processing on graphs.
Implementing these two packages in Hadoop will
reduce the time to treatment and process large
volumes of data.
Other tools can also improve performance of
process. For example, Kafka tool is used to enable the
processing of queued messages.
Representation / Analyse / Compute:
The use of graphs databases (for example: Giraph,
Neo4j) to represent the big data provides a unifying
This offers a visual representation, easy to
understand by the business. In addition, the use of
graphs gives much better performance than relational
databases, whether for the graph traversal or to
load/import large data volumes.
The objective of this section is to present the global
framework of the solution to opportunity detection
and its components which are the next research axis
(cf. figure 2).
Business Opportunity Detection in the Big Data
Figure 1: Representation of system architecture.
Figure 2: The Components of a Framework for Opportunity Detection.
3.1 Crawling
A crawler is software that explores recursively links
found within a web page, from a pivot page, in order
to collect and index the resources (web pages, images,
videos, documents, etc.).
To enable the crawler to do its job correctly, one
must define:
A selection policy that identify the pages to
A re-visit policy that defines when to check
changes in the pages;
A politeness policy that defines how to avoid
overloads pages;
A Parallelization policy that defines how to
coordinate the crawlers in a distributed indexing.
With the introduction of the new Semantic Web
research principles have been defined to allow
crawlers to operate indexing methods involving more
intelligent human-computer combinations as are
practiced today.
The goal of this research axis is mainly to catch
relevant pages in an intelligent manner. The ideal
crawler should allow identifying pertinent data
without drilling down the sources.
3.2 Text Mining
The crawling allows extracting from the WEB a set of
sources which may have pertinent information. The
second step is to inspect these sources to extract the
information. It is the purpose of the text mining axis.
There are various types of sources that can be
processed, but the large majority of them are textual:
it is why we focus on text mining in this work.
Text mining is a complex process which deals
with natural languages. The main difficulty is that a
natural language is ambiguous, redundant and
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
implicit. Identifying new keywords and semantic
links in a text need to use ontologies, heuristics and
other sophisticated algorithms.
We choose to represent textual information as a
global graph, where nodes are keywords, and edges
are property links between these nodes. Edges are
wearing semantic.
The nodes are found by keyword mining in the
various structured and non-structured documents
available in the company, like CVs, skill’s records,
etc. Using ontology based on business rules, enables
us to categorize the identified keywords into different
abstract levels, and to discover the semantic links
existing between them. For example, the global graph
should contain the consultants and their respective
skills. This allows, for instance, retrieving the
consultants that match a client request.
New keywords can be identified using a count of
words and retaining only those which have a real
sense. However for some structured documents like
competency files, it is affordable to use the structure
of the document to extract the relevant information.
Anyway it is important that keyword extraction
algorithms be able to adapt to the type of document.
Semantic links needs in many cases a certain
degree of understanding of the analyzed document.
This involves language treatments, using language
tools enabling a more or less detailed analysis of the
document content through content analysis techniques.
3.3 Graph based Knowledge
As previously introduced, we choose to represent the
extracted knowledge as an oriented and labeled graph
where nodes are extracted keywords and links are
semantic links between keywords.
Each analyzed document is resulting in a small
graph representing the semantics extracted from the
document. At this point we use RDF language to
represent semantic graphs and to operate on them.
In order to form the global graph, we need to gather
the different graphs coming from each analyzed
document. As said before, this point is not trivial,
because of the need to keep data dependencies from each
to other; for example, assume A related to E related to
B, and X related to E related to Y: a basic gathering will
give A and X related to E related to B and Y, leading
potentially to false positive answers A related to E
related to Y, and X related to E related to B.
In order to deal with this constraint, we add an
instance number in nodes: when such confusion may
happen, the node is duplicated and a new instance
number is given for each created node. In previous
example, the node E is duplicated in two instances
E[1] and E[2], thus we have A related to E[1] related
to B and X related to E[2] related to Y; even if
graphically the nodes are gathered, they are
differentiated while analyzing the graph.
Another way may be to consider transitivity
between links of different semantics, where A related
to E and E related to B involves a potential transitive
link A to B with a more precise meaning.
The global graph will first be built using well-
structured documents like skills reports and CVs. It will
be improved next by client requests and ontologies.
Indeed, requests can enlarge application domains, add
and refine skills, while ontologies will give abstraction
levels that can extend or refine contexts.
3.4 Knowledge Graph Querying
Queries are given as small graphs similar to the global
graph. A user interface will help to build queries in an
understandable way, proposing refinements or
contextual information that can give more precise
The graph of a query can be used, in active way,
to quickly retrieve consultant that can satisfy a client
request. It can be used also in a proactive way by
augmenting the answer with neighborhood states or
taking into account more general points of view,
giving an extended view on client’s needs, and thus
allowing proposing complementary services. In a
general active way, the sub-graph can be also used to
determine market’s trends, and identifying new
relevant proposals of collaboration with new
Some nodes of the query shall be “asking nodes”:
it will match any node of the global graph satisfying
its relation links; thus, the entire query can match all
the solutions of the need: for example, building a
query on competencies with a “consultant asking
node” will return all the consultants having these
An answer is thus a sub-graph deduced from
global graph by matching query’s nodes and links,
with potentially several nodes for each “asking node”.
Practically, the query graph construction could be
not trivial: asking nodes could cover different
information. For example, we could have consultants
and enterprises skilled in programming languages:
searching with an “empty asking node” will keep
back consultants and enterprises. In order to reduce
the field of answer, we decided to add a type to nodes;
in such an example, consultants could be typed as
person and enterprises as society. The query graph
could then have a “typed empty asking node” in order
Business Opportunity Detection in the Big Data
to retrieve only consultants.
Types are very important for query building, as
we can propose to the user the list of types in which
he can pick to refine its query.
Extracting the answer is not trivial too, as user
could skip several intermediary nodes, because of not
knowing it or simply to have a simpler query. Thus
asking for a consultant skilled in java programming
language could return a graph containing a node
“object languages” that gather several languages like
java, c++, c#, etc. More generally, simple queries
could return complex chains of dependencies: the
graph matching algorithm has to deal with this.
3.5 Result Interpretation
The query’s result is a set of sub-graphs extracted
from the global graph and matching the query graph.
Representing this result in a human readable manner
is not so trivial. It is easy to use a graphical
representation where nodes are boxes and links are
arrows. This form is acceptable for a human reading
as long as the result set is not too big, but becomes
unusable if there are hundreds or thousands of nodes.
Addressing this issue is not quite simple. Many
studies have been done to try to solve it and many
approaches exist (Shengqi et al., 2014), (
Bergmann et
al., 2014) with different approaches. However there is
not any universal good approach. Each need may
have own adapted representation. The goal is here to
determine a good representation in existing tools, and
if needed (and possible), adapt it to closely cover the
specific need of our project.
3.6 Self-learning
Automatic learning concerns the design, analysis,
development and implementation of methods
allowing to a machine to evolve in a systematic
process, and so fulfill the tasks difficult or impossible
to fill by more conventional algorithmic means.
There are some kinds of self-learning algorithms.
In our project we develop a self-learning method
based on the user feedback. This method refers to a
class of automatic learning problems, where the aim
is to learn from experience, to optimize a quantitative
reward over time.
The user feedback acts as a reward, and is used to
improve the search algorithm, which in turn will be
able to provide more accurate results.
Most of the techniques described above to achieve the
goal of opportunity detection are recent research
subjects. Some partial answers already exist, but it
remains a lot of issues, difficulties and weakness in
the big data mining and in the graph based knowledge
representation. This research will try, using a test case
of business opportunity detection, to address some of
them and to propose original solutions to increase the
efficiency and accuracy of the knowledge mining and
restitution in the big data.
Bergmann, G., Hegedüs, Á., Gerencsér, G., & Varró, D.,
2014, ‘Graph Query by Example’, in CMSEBA in
conjunction with MoDELS, pp. 17-24.
Ching-Yung Lin., 2014. ‘Graph Computing and linked big
data’, Keynote speech at International Conference on
Semantic Computing.
Diebold, F. X., 2012, ‘A Personal Perspective on the
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Phenomenon, the Term, and the Discipline’, Penn
Institute for Economic Research, Department of
Economics, University of Pennsylvania.
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Howe, A. D., Costanzo, M., Fey, P., Gojobori, T., Hannick,
L., Hide, W., Rhee, S. Y., 2008, ‘Big data: The future
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Letouzé, E., 2012. Big data for development: Challenges
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Probst, L. et al., 2013, ‘Big data Analytics and decision
making’, Business Innovation Observatory, European
Shengqi Yang, Yinghui Wu, Huan Sun, and Xifeng Yan,
2014, ‘Schemaless and structureless graph querying’,
Proc. VLDB Endow. Vol. 7, no 7 pp. 565-576.
Trelles, O., Prins, P., Snir, M. & C.Jansen, R., 2011, ‘Big
data, but are we ready?’, Nature, Vol. 12, no 224.
Valerie Bönström, Annika Hinze, Heinz Schweppe, 2003.
‘Storing RDF as a Graph’, 1st Latin American Web
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World Economic Forum, 2012. Big Data, Big Impact: New
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ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems