average energy consumption of the sensors and
average sensitivity area provided by the network.
This paper considers further developments to a
previous paper by the authors (Coelho et al., 2014)
which used Artificial Immune Networks for node
positioning. The algorithms based on immune
networks have very desirable characteristics in the
solution of this problem, among which we can
mention: scalability, self-organization, learning
ability and continuous treatment of noisy data
(Coelho et al., 2013). The improvements done
included modifications in the affinity function to
consider obstacles and case studies for different
configurations. This paper is divided into four
sections. Section 2 does a brief discussion of
artificial immune systems. Section 3 presents the
application of artificial immune systems to the
problem of node positioning where the affinity
function is discussed in details. Section 4 ends the
paper by presenting results and conclusions.
The immune system is a biological mechanism for
identifying and destroying pathogens within a larger
organism (Amaral, 2006). Pathogens are agents that
cause disease such as bacteria, viruses, fungi,
worms, etc. Anything that causes an immune
response is known as an antigen. An antigen may be
harmless, such as grass pollen, or harmful, such as
the flu virus. In other words disease-causing
antigens are called pathogens. So the immune
system is designed to protect the body from
pathogens. In humans, the immune system begins to
develop in the embryo. The immune system begins
with hematopoietic, (i.e. blood-making from Greek)
stem cells. These stem cells differentiate into the
major players in the immune system e.g.
granulocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes. These
stems cells also differentiate into cells in the blood
that are not connected to immune function, such as
erythrocytes e.g. red blood cells, and
megakaryocytes for blood clotting. Stem cells
continue to be produced and differentiate throughout
our lifetime. The immune system is usually divided
into two categories--innate and adaptive--although
these distinctions are not mutually exclusive. The
innate subsystem is similar in all individuals of the
same species, whereas the adaptive subsystem
depends on the experience of each individual i.e.
exposure to infectious agents. The innate immune
response is able to prevent and control many
infections. Nevertheless, many pathogenic microbes
have evolved to overcome innate immune defenses,
and so to protect ourselves against these infections,
we have to call in the more powerful mechanisms of
adaptive immunity. Adaptive immunity is normally
silent, and responds or adapts to the presence of
infectious microbes by becoming active, expanding,
and generating potent mechanisms for neutralizing
and eliminating the microbes. The components of
the adaptive immune subsystem are lymphocytes
and their products. The most notable cells of
adaptive immunity are lymphocytes. There are two
main classes of lymphocytes. B lymphocytes, named
so, because they mature in the bone marrow, secrete
proteins called antibodies, which bind to and
eliminate extracellular microbes. T lymphocytes,
which mature in the thymus, and function mainly to
combat microbes that have learned to live inside
cells where they are inaccessible to antibodies. The
normal immune system has to be capable of
recognizing virtually any microbe and foreign
substance that one might encounter, and the
response to each microbe has to be directed against
that microbe. The substances that are recognized by
these lymphocytes are called antigens. The immune
system recognizes and directs responses against a
massive number of antigens by generating a large
number of lymphocytes, each with a single antigen
receptor. Therefore, there are about 10
lymphocytes in an adult, and it is estimated that
these are able to recognize at least 10
– 10
antigens (Silva, 2001). Thus, only a few thousand
lymphocytes express identical antigen receptors and
recognize the same antigen. The antigen receptors of
B cells are membrane-bound antibodies, also called
immunoglobulins, or Ig. Antibodies are Y-shaped
structures (Jerne, 1974). The tops of the Y recognize
the antigen and, in B cells, the tail of the Y anchors
the molecule in the plasma membrane. Antibodies
are capable of recognizing whole microbes and
macromolecules as well as small chemicals. These
could be in the circulation e.g. a bacterial toxin, or
attached to cells (e.g. a microbial cell wall
component. The antigen receptors of T cells are
structurally similar to antibodies, but T cell receptors
(TCRs) recognize only small peptides that are
displayed on specialized peptide-display molecules
(Castro and Von Zuben, 1999). Although the
immune system is capable of recognizing millions of
foreign antigens, it usually does not react against
one’s own, i.e. self, antigenic substances. This is
because lymphocytes that happen to express
receptors for self-antigens are killed or shut off
when they recognize these antigens. This
phenomenon is called self-tolerance, implying that