number turns to be 3007. Among the 5 bad bags, two
have size 3, two have size 4, and one has size 5.
Step 2. Put the 3007 good bags in constraint (9b),
solve (9), after 5 iterations, the bad bags number turns
to be 0. The optimal objective value is 2.6406 × 10
3.7 Polish-3120sp System
Polish-3120sp system represents the Polish networks
during summer 2008 morning peak, with 3120 buses,
505 generators and 3693 transmission line, which
lead to 2615 nonlinear constraints in (2b). Thus, there
are 3120 × 3121/2 = 4868760 complex scalar vari-
ables in the W matrix. We apply the Large-Scale NOA
as follow,
Initialization. Following (Madani et al., 2015a)
to decompose the 3120 buses into 3120 overlapped
bags.The largest bag size is 25, while the smallest bag
size is 1. After the bags decomposition, the total num-
ber of the complex decision variables in (8) is 32637
vs 4868760 complex decision variables in (3). Solve
(8) over the 3120 bags, we find that there are 21 bad
bags,The largest bad bag size is 7, while the smallest
bad bag size is 2. which means the rank of the 21 bags
are more than 1. Other 3099 good bags are all rank-1.
Then go to next step.
Step 1. Set ε
= 10
and put the 3099 good bags
in constraint (9b), solve (9), after 5 iterations, only 2
bad bags with size 2 are still bad, while other bags
turn good.
Step 2. Put the 3118 good bags in constraint (9b),
solve (9), after 4 iterations, the bad bags number turns
to be 0. The optimal objective value is 2.1778 × 10
It should be noted that, in step 2, the penalized
term of bag-81 was multiplied by 2 to increase the
convergence speed.
OPF over power transmission networks is a difficult
nonconvex optimization problem with numerous non-
linear equality and inequality constraints. We have
developed a large-scale nonsmooth optimization al-
gorithm to compute its optimal solution, which is
efficient and practical for networks with reasonably
large numbers of buses. Applications of NOA to
OPF over three-phase power transmission networks
are currently under consideration.
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