physiological dynamics that operate on relatively
short time scales. Further work should focus on
quantifying the prominence of different attributes
and their origin (i.e., cardiac, eye, respiratory) with
respect to the time window used.
Interestingly, there was no effect of threshold on
balanced accuracy. However this parameter, as well
as time window and classifier type, had significant
impacts on specificity and sensitivity. This is very
important, especially in the context of safety critical
systems, since you may want to boost one of these
metrics over the other. As such, the present findings
provide useful insights about parameter tradeoffs
and how to prioritize true-positives or true-negatives
without compromising balanced accuracy.
Future work will concern training and validation
of OFS models in ambulatory contexts, another key
challenge to address in order to transit models from
the laboratory to the field.
This research was supported by a Mitacs internship
awarded to Mark Parent, funded by NSERC and
Thales Canada. The authors would also like to thank
Margot Beugniot for her participation in data
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