AEMIX: Semantic Verification of Weather Forecasts on the Web
Angel-Luis Garrido
, Mar
ıa G. Buey
, Gema Mu
and Jos
e-Luis Casado-Rubio
IIS Department, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
Spanish Meteorological Service (AEMET), Madrid, Spain
Weather Forecast, Information Extraction, Ontologies, Automatic Verification.
The main objectives of a meteorological service are the development, implementation and delivery of weather
forecasts. Weather predictions are broadcasted to society through different channels, i.e. newspaper, television,
radio, etc. Today, the use of the Web through personal computers and mobile devices stands out. The forecasts,
which can be presented in numerical format, in charts, or in written natural language, have a certain margin of
error. Providing automatic tools able to assess the precision of predictions allows to improve these forecasts,
quantify the degree of success depending on certain variables (geographic areas, weather conditions, time of
year, etc.), and focus future work on areas for improvement that increase such accuracy. Despite technological
advances, the task of verifying forecasts written in natural language is still performed manually by people in
many cases, which is expensive, time-consuming, and subjected to human errors. On the other hand, weather
forecasts usually follow several conventions in both structure and use of language, which, while not completely
formal, can be exploited to increase the quality of the verification. In this paper, we describe a methodology
to quantify the accuracy of weather forecasts posted on the Web and based on natural language. This work
obtains relevant information from weather forecasts by using ontologies to capture and take advantage of the
structure and language conventions. This approach is implemented in a framework that allows to address
different types of predictions with minimal effort. Experimental results with real data are promising, and most
importantly, they allow direct use in a real meteorological service.
Humankind has lived for years watchful to weather
and has tried to know how to predict atmospheric con-
ditions for a given location. Today we continue giving
to it a major importance, since many human activities
have a great relationship with meteorology: agricul-
ture, transports, or sport events. Any outdoor event
like a concert or parade, or just planning a leisure
weekend or holidays are also situations where a par-
ticular weather forecast can have a great influence at
the time of making decisions.
Therefore, an important aspect for both companies
and particulars is the broadcast of weather forecasts.
The first daily forecasts were published in newspa-
pers in the 19th century, and the first radio weather
forecasts were made in the beginning of the 20th cen-
tury. They were followed immediately by television
broadcasts. Therefore, as expected, the populariza-
tion of the Internet in the 90s and the increase of web
pages created a successful new form of dissemination
of weather forecasts.
In each country, the meteorological services cre-
ated their own websites where they publish predic-
tions. Some examples can be appreciated in Figure 1.
Soon, there were many commercial sites that also pro-
vided similar information. Today, with the growth of
mobile devices, hundreds of applications for consult-
ing weather forecasts have appeared for the different
mobile operating systems. These mobile applications
allow us to practically check in real time the evolu-
tion of the weather, and even tell us when an adverse
weather event is going to happen.
Forecasters make their own interpretation of the
mathematical models and create graphics, maps, and
texts in natural language to explain the weather condi-
tions of the atmosphere which may occur in the next
few hours or days. This interpretation is what we see
every day in our personal computers and our mobile
devices through Internet technologies. An important
task is to check the weather forecasts contrasting them
to the data coming from actual observations. This is
an interesting work, which can provide useful infor-
mation to meteorological services, such as:
Empirical testing of the accuracy of forecasts.
Garrido, A-L., Buey, M., Muñoz, G. and Casado-Rubio, J-L.
AEMIX: Semantic Verification of Weather Forecasts on the Web.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2016) - Volume 2, pages 280-287
ISBN: 978-989-758-186-1
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Meteorological Service’s web pages offering wording weather forecasts.
Verification of predictions made by automatic sys-
tems compared to those manually performed by
Detection of frequent and significant biases in pre-
dictions. Once they are identified, they can be an-
alyzed in order to try possible solutions.
The problem emerges when a forecast has been
published using natural language, because the veri-
fication is not trivial. It is necessary to transform
the worded forecast into verifiable numerical data,
and then compare these data to the actual observa-
tions from different meteorological stations situated
in the forecast area. These texts usually predict dif-
ferent atmospheric variables: temperature, precipita-
tion, cloudiness, among others. Accordingly, the type
of data that is necessary to extract from the forecast
varies. Furthermore, the content structure of predic-
tions can be quite different, depending on the person
(or the system software) who has written the forecast.
Fortunately, it is common to have a writing style guide
that helps to standardize weather forecast sentences.
This problem has been already studied from a mete-
orological point of view during the last years (Ma-
son, 1982; Murphy and Winkler, 1992; Jolliffe and
Stephenson, 2012).
Hence, we propose a semantic approach for the
development of tools to identify specific data (for
example, atmospheric variables and their properties)
from weather forecasts published on the Web in text
format in order to verify them. The process is guided
by the information stored into a special type of ontol-
ogy that contains the knowledge about the structure
and the language use of the weather forecast, as well
as references to pertinent extracting mechanisms. Fi-
nally, we also present an implementation of our ap-
proach, the AEMIX Project
, which have been devel-
oped in collaboration with the Spanish Meteorologi-
cal Service (AEMET). Figure 2 shows some captures
of the software.
This work is structured as follows. Section 2 ana-
lyzes the state of the art. Section 3 explains the differ-
ent steps of the proposed system. Section 4 studies the
preliminary results. Finally, we conclude the paper in
Section 5.
AEMIX stands for AEMet Information eXtraction.
AEMIX: Semantic Verification of Weather Forecasts on the Web
Figure 2: Some screenshots of the AEMIX software.
The Semantic Web (Horrocks, 2008) is an extension
of the Web through standards by the World Wide
Web Consortium (W3C), and it promotes common
data formats and exchange protocols on the Web to
provide a common framework that allows data to be
shared and reused across application, enterprise, and
community boundaries (Berners-Lee et al., 2001).
The goal of the Semantic Web research is to allow
the vast range of the web accessible information and
services to be more effectively exploited by both hu-
mans and computer tools. In recent years, the influ-
ence of the Semantic Web in the design of computer
programs, web services and applications in general
is increasing, as can be found at (Aquin et al., 2008;
Breslin et al., 2010; Garrido et al., 2011; Borobia
et al., 2014; Buey et al., 2014; Bobed et al., 2016).
In order to determine and verify weather predic-
tions, systems usually apply statistical calculations by
joining the data which come from the predictions and
observations. For instance, in (Murphy and Winkler,
1987), the authors proposed a general framework for
forecast verification based on the joint distribution of
forecasts and observations. Verifying the accuracy of
weather predictions is an important task because the
better the prediction system is, the easier it is to antic-
ipate some critical situations (Mathiesen and Kleissl,
2011; He et al., 2009) .
Regarding weather issues, weather predictions are
the result of numerical and statistical methods and
techniques which try to anticipate the weather that is
going to affect an area. They usually take into ac-
count the actual weather observations and their past
trend. There exist some models such as the Numeri-
cal Weather Prediction (NWP), the Weather Research
and Forecasting (WRF) or the COSMO model (Done
et al., 2004; Baldauf et al., 2011) that allow to get
weather forecasts, and also there are many approaches
that focus on determining and verifying the actual ef-
fectiveness of them. This is an important task because
their improvements anticipate some critical situations
such as solar irradiance or flood alerts (Murphy and
Winkler, 1987; Mathiesen and Kleissl, 2011; He et al.,
The results of these predictions are given as a set
of numerical data, so it might be difficult for the gen-
eral public to understand them. In order to make these
predictions understandable by everybody, it is neces-
sary to transform them into a comprehensible format,
e.g. to translate them into a natural language format.
Many approaches have been developed to handle this
task automatically (Goldberg et al., 1994; Reiter et al.,
2005; Belz, 2008). Although there are many works
dedicated to mathematical and statistical verification
of weather forecasts, to the best of our knowledge,
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
there are no works dedicated to the verification task
of worded weather forecasts.
In this section, we describe our proposed system,
called AEMIX, which identifies and extracts informa-
tion contained in weather forecasts that are expressed
in a natural language format and downloaded from the
Web. This system aims at verifying that weather pre-
dictions match the real observation data in a specific
date. Figure 3 depicts the complete process which has
been divided into four stages.
The input of the system consists of a set of weather
forecasts, and a spreadsheet with the equivalent real
data from all the observation stations. After a prepro-
cess, which stores all this information in a database,
the system separates the plain text of the forecast into
fragments according to the atmospheric variable de-
scribed, and then each of these fragments is analyzed
with the aid of an ontology.
AEMIX extracts relevant data from those frag-
ments, and transforms them into equivalent numerical
data. Once the system has converted the forecast into
numerical data, it stores the information in a database,
and, finally, verifies the results. This verification is the
output of AEMIX.
We have used meteorological services style guides
to identify in each weather forecast phrases referred to
particular atmospheric variables. Each of these vari-
ables has an associated set of attributes and informa-
tion about the data required to be found. For exam-
ple, the data extracted from the precipitation might be
its typology (drizzle, rain, snow, or hail), its adjec-
tives and quantification (weak, moderate, heavy, very
heavy, or torrential), and the temporal evolution of the
atmospheric phenomenon (persistent, frequent, inter-
mittent, etc.).
It is important to remark that there are certain at-
tributes of atmospheric variables that can not be veri-
fied, because observations of them are sparse or non-
existent (for example, the presence of snow). The
three most relevant variables to verify are the temper-
ature, the precipitation and the wind.
As we mentioned before, the extraction process
is guided by an ontology containing the knowledge
about different meteorological variables, and how to
identify and extract them in the text of a forecast. Fol-
lowing, we explain the different stages of the process.
As we can see in Figure 3, in the very first stage
(”’Pre-processor”) we perform a number of different
tasks which clean weather forecasts before the data
extraction. These forecasts are downloaded from the
web and they usually have a special format depending
on the meteorological service. The main components
in this stage are:
Geographical Information: Area where the
weather forecast is valid. Namely, the name of
a region or a country or even a continent.
Date and time: Date and time of the writing of
the forecast, either by human or by automatic sys-
Range or Type of Forecast: Period of the future
which the prediction is valid for. Examples of
these ranges can be one day, two days, a day and
a half, etc.
Weather Forecast Text: The plain text of the fore-
cast. It usually needs to be cleaned, because
it contains special characters used internally for
communication. These characters are worthless
data which hinder the work of extraction, so they
should be filtered out.
This stage must be implemented with custom
programming according to the data provided by the
meteorological service web page. As soon as AEMIX
has retrieved all the required information, the system
stores it in a database in order to facilitate its access
together with observation data from a standarized
spreadsheet for the same date, also retrieved from the
corporate website of the meteorological service.
In the second stage (”Text Analyzer”), AEMIX
queries the ontology using a custom-made semantic
interface to obtain the text structure that it expects ac-
cording to the type of weather forecast (see Figure 3).
With this information: 1) AEMIX analyzes the fore-
cast text, 2) the system identifies the different possible
meteorological variables, 3) it uses the most suitable
method for cutting off the texts, also according to the
information provided by the ontology, and 4), finally,
for each variable, the system returns a set of tuples
(<Variable, Sentences>) with the following infor-
Variable: Type of atmospheric variable: temper-
ature, precipitation, storms, visibility, cloudiness
or wind.
Sentences: Group of sentences which that atmo-
spheric variable refers to in a given forecast.
The third stage (”Data Extractor”) is in charge of
extracting the data from a weather forecast and con-
verting them to a numerical format (see Figure 3).
AEMIX: Semantic Verification of Weather Forecasts on the Web
Figure 3: Stages of AEMIX system to extract numerical data from weather forecasts on the Web. on the Web. The system
aims at verifying them, by using patterns embedded in an ontology that drives the extraction process.
The input is the set of tuples returned by the previ-
ous stage, including: 1) the name of the atmospheric
variable, and 2) its related sentences in the text.
At this stage, AEMIX asks the ontology for the
most suitable methods in order to extract the required
data from the forecast. Therefore, the system owns
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
several methods which can be applied on the input
text. Using the knowledge of the atmospheric variable
features depicted on the ontology, the system iden-
tifies the sentence format, and consequently, it uses
regular expressions to recover the accurate data.
The output data of this stage are a set of tuples of
elements (<Attribute, Value>) with the following
Attribute: Particular characteristic of an atmo-
spheric variable. As an example, if we are refer-
ring to temperature, we can mention ”minimum”,
”maximum”, or ”frosts”.
Value: Possible attribute values. For example, in
the case of wind, the possible values of the at-
tribute ”direction” are {”N”}, {”NE”}, {”SE”},
{”S”}, {”SW”}, {”W”} or {”NW”}.
As previously mentioned, there are certain at-
tributes of an atmospheric variable that can not be ver-
ified. This is the case of frosts: there are not observa-
tions available referring to frosts. Therefore, on these
cases, AEMIX returns a N/A (Not Applicable) value
in order to know that there is no way to continue with
the verification process.
When the system has recovered all the data, it
transforms them into numerical information using a
set of direct rules defined in the ontology. Whenever
the attributes are geographical, the values are a set
of geographical points defining the affected area, or
a reserved word, like ”Rest”, which refers to the rest
of the stations in the region included in the weather
forecast, and not mentioned yet. When no location is
indicated, it means that the forecast covers the whole
Therefore, the system consults the ontology
through the semantic interface and obtains for each
prediction a set of atmospheric variables identified in
the forecast, and for each variable, AEMIX extracts
a set of tuples (<Attribute, Value>). Finally, all
these data are stored in the database.
In the fourth and last stage (”Verification”), we
take for granted that we have stored in the database
both observational data and forecast data (see Fig-
ure 3). These data are indexed to the valid date of the
forecast and the observations, so the information for
each atmospheric variable can be crossed and com-
pared separately.
Regarding geographical data, if the prediction
affects the entire region, the forecast is compared
against observational data of all the meteorological
stations. For example, when the forecast says that
there will be weak showers, these will affect the en-
tire region by default. In an attempt to simplify, we
could say if 0 to 2 mm/h of rainfall are collected in
most stations, the prediction will have been correct.
But the verification process at meteorological level is
much more complicated, and a detailed explanation is
out of the scope of this work.
If the forecast affects only an area (defined by a
longitude and latitude) using the attribute ”location”,
only those observation stations situated within that
area are taken into account to make the verification,
and the predicted atmospheric variable is compared
just against those observations. Therefore, the verifi-
cation of the meteorological observations in an area
will be done against those weather forecasts in the
same area.
Hence, at the end of the process, the AEMIX sys-
tem will house in its database all the detailed infor-
mation about the two types of data (predictions and
observations) related by date. Forecasters and meteo-
rologists will be able to use this information to carry
out data mining actions and perform any desired ver-
To carry out the system testing, we used the informa-
tion provided by the website of the aforementioned
Spanish meteorological service (AEMET). We down-
loaded both the weather forecasts and observational
data, and we have adapted both the ontology and ex-
traction methods to AEMET’s writing style guide.
These extraction methods are based on symbolic pat-
tern rules.
We used a sample of 2,828 weather forecasts cor-
responding to one year of predictions over Galicia re-
gion. The forecasts were classified into two types:
FPSP75 and FPSP85, respectively corresponding to
one-day or two-day forecasts. Corresponding ob-
servation data from 58 observation stations was also
downloaded from the web, with the complete infor-
mation about longitude and latitude. We obtained
from the same source datasets of temperature and pre-
cipitation during the same year, for a total of 77,339
observation registers.
Regarding the geographical areas, we have iden-
tified the forecaster’s linguistic uses to describe the
main areas of the Galicia region, and then we intro-
duced them in the AEMIX database, and next we re-
lated them with the corresponding geographical areas
using an easy graphical interface.
Although the experiments are still ongoing, with
our new enhancements, AEMIX achieved very good
results (above 90% of correct results retrieved).
AEMIX: Semantic Verification of Weather Forecasts on the Web
In this work, we have presented a new system, called
AEMIX, able to extract information from worded
weather forecasts downloaded from the Web. It aims
at verifying their accuracy by comparing the forecasts
against observation data from meteorological stations.
Weather forecasts are a special type of texts which
use a very specific language style. This work is usu-
ally carried out by hand by meteorologists, which is
expensive, time-consuming, and subjected to human
We have introduced a new approach where an on-
tology, which models the meteorological knowledge,
is in charge of guiding the automatic data extraction
from the Web to verify them. This ontology includes
information about the extraction methods to be
applied for each meteorological variable, and also
decides how to split the forecasts by the meteorolog-
ical variables. The architecture lets embed several
methods to perform the data extraction. The first tests
seem to indicate that using semantics tools to guide
the extraction process improves the results obtained
by other approaches, and makes them usable in a real
Technical Considerations.
In this context, we deal with a particular type
of weather forecasts: those expressed in natural lan-
guage. We considered the use of machine learning
techniques, but in agreement with other studies, we
think it is not advised in these kind of contexts be-
cause it is the typical case of use of a text belonging
to a closed domain.
We have taken advantage of the Semantic Web
tools to design an ontology-driven approach which
improves the results of the classical approach. The
ontology is used as a tool to split the weather fore-
casts according to the atmospheric variables, in order
to use the most appropriate extraction methods. This
way of working avoids errors due to ambiguous lan-
Moreover, it allows us to integrate any extraction
method dynamically with the system, ranging from
custom made parsers based on easy rules (e.g., detect-
ing the presence of certain keywords), to more com-
plex ones (e.g., using complex rules or statistical ap-
proaches). Besides, this methodology based on plac-
ing the extraction parameters in an external ontology
facilitates the maintenance labors and the evolution of
the system because the changes, adjustments, and ex-
tensions can be done in an easier way.
Meteorological Aspects.
Regarding meteorological aspects, there are many
ways of using the information extracted from the fore-
casts. These could be some possibilities:
To verify the level of accuracy. The data can be
segmented according to the forecaster, the geo-
graphical area, or a specific atmospheric variable,
to name a few.
To study the use of the style guides by forecasters,
in order to check ambiguities in the predictions,
the frequency of use of some keywords, or the
geographical features which they mention. This
would allow to fix common problems found in
worded forecasts, such as the heterogeneity of the
predictions (by different human forecasters), the
bad usage of the language, or the too low (or ex-
cessive) risk taken by forecasters when predicting
a difficult meteorological situation.
To verify data over time, in order to identify
particular trends over different time periods, and
to localize unconscious biases which can plague
the predictions.
Open Tasks.
Our next steps go first to complete in detail the ex-
periments, establishing a baseline with current tech-
nology, and checking the improvement experienced
with our approach. From a meteorological point of
view, it would be interesting improve extraction meth-
ods to ensure the reliability of extraction, particularly
in forecasts where major meteorological phenomena
are involved. For instance, an extraordinary tempera-
ture increase, or a very heavy rainfall. With regard to
verification, a very deep study of the results should be
made to draw conclusions from a purely meteorolog-
ical perspective, which will be the subject of further
works. Therefore, we do not intend with this work to
evaluate the accuracy of the work of meteorologists,
but offer an integrated solution in order to help to im-
prove the quality of weather forecasts in the future.
This research work has been supported by the CICYT
project TIN2013-46238-C4-4-R, and DGA-FSE. The
authors also wish to thank Dr. Eduardo Mena and
AEMET for their support.
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AEMIX: Semantic Verification of Weather Forecasts on the Web