A Data Intensive MockupDD for Agile Web Engineering
Michele Angelaccio
Dept. of Management Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata, via del Politecnico 1, Rome, Italy
Agile Development, Web Engineering.
The dramatic growth of the Web and the richness of dynamic user interfaces have forced to adopt model
driven paradigm in web application design process. However the need to better synchronize with customers
has lead to consider new web application development through the use of frameworks such as mobile first app
development platforms in which the development process is carried out following agile paradigm. For example
in ORION or XDK mobile web frameworks the mobile first approach forces developer to adopt skeleton or
templates in the design process. As consequence could be of interest to explore how mockups could be inserted
at conceptual level in the design process. In a first work towards this direction ( ((McDonald and Welland,
2003)), it has been discussed how agile techniques and in particular mockup driven methodologies, could be
introduced to refine user interface models and to generate in a semi-automatic way UML models. In this work
we propose an agile approach to MDWE methodologies (called Data Intensive Mockup-Driven Development,
or DI-MockupDD) by introducing a mockup based dynamic data binding mechanism. As a result, we get an
example of agile an prototype-based iterative process which is data intensive.
The dramatic growth of the Web and the richness
of dynamic user interfaces have forced to adopt
model driven paradigm in web application design
process. Starting from the Conallen Web Applica-
tion Model((Conallen, 1999)), many important model
driven frameworks have been studied and intensively
applied to web-based information management sys-
tems. However the need to better synchronize with
customers has lead to consider agile techniques and in
particular mockup driven methodologies which have
been introduced to refine user interface models and
generate in a semi-automatic way UML models.
In particular, the need to have a Short-
development life-cycle time also for web design
is forcing many teams to develop javascript pages
with rich interfaces and without referring to exter-
nal reloading information coming from server or other
programming technologies. Many pure javascript Li-
braries are available for fast web development process
strictly based on javascript frameworks. Designers
are attracted by fast development cycle provided by
javascript frameworks (espresso and meteor) even if
available examples are quite easy (TO DO, blog, mini
portal etc.).
Agile Web Engineering (AWE) Process has been
introduced in (McDonald and Welland, 2003) and one
of the last proposed MD Web development platform
that has some agile issues has been described in (Cic-
chetti et al., 2009).
In this scenario, one of the first attempt is de-
scribed in (Rivero et al., 2011) in which mockup mod-
els have been manually enriched by following a tag-
ging procedure. This solution then could be used to
generate abstract UML models. However this process
requires heuristics to complete the UML model defi-
nition because it relies only on presentation model de-
rived from UI mockup without content definition. As
consequence, MockupDD-WE with tagging exten-
sions must be considered a partial MockupDD since
the user is forced to associate content information by
tagging user interface components. In this work we
propose, instead, a data intensive MockupDD based
on the extended model generation obtained by intro-
ducing a mockup based dynamic data binding mech-
anism. The idea is to make use of mockup proto-
types not only for presentation definition but also to
automatically complete UML data content definition
in a dynamic way by performing a data binding over
the prototype. This is obtained by means of a set of
Mockup canvas HTML5 data touch operations which
can be applied to the GUI prototype.
Angelaccio, M.
MetaPage - A Data Intensive MockupDD for Agile Web Engineering.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2016) - Volume 1, pages 315-317
ISBN: 978-989-758-186-1
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved