Postural Sway Dynamics and Complexity Matching during the
Disclosure of a Concealable Stigmatized Identity
Rachel W. Kallen
, Hannah M. Douglas
, Stephanie R. Chaudoir
and Michael J. Richardson
Center for Cognition Action and Perception, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A.
Department of Psychology, The College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Keywords: Postural Sway, Concealable Stigmatized Identity, Complexity Matching, Fractal Scaling.
Abstract: This positional paper is the first of its kind to provide a framework to bridge the gap between disclosure
research and embodied cognition via postural sway behavior. Despite the potential for experiencing
discrimination or stigmatization, research suggests that revealing a concealable stigmatized identity (CSI),
or any identity that can be hidden but when revealed has the potential for social devaluation, often leads to
positive psychological and interpersonal outcomes. However, this typically only happens when a disclosure
confidant provides support in response to disclosure. Therefore, this work aims to uncover how someone’s
antecedent goals (either approach or avoidance oriented) can impact the disclosure event using an embodied
perspective whereby goal orientation has the propensity to affect unconscious behaviors such as postural
sway. Healthy adults typically exhibit complex, fractal sway behaviors; therefore, any loss of complexity
could be associated with maladaptive disclosure motivations. Finally, we suggest a future plan of research
aimed at capturing the disclosure confidant’s perception of the disclosure event and if they are more likely
to exhibit complexity matching in their postural sway behaviors as a function of disclosure motivation.
This paper presents an embodied cognition
perspective to the process of disclosing a
concealable stigmatized identity (CSI) A CSI is any
identity that can be hidden and that socially devalues
individuals in possession of such an identity (e.g.,
substance abuse disorder, sexual identity, mental
illness, etc.). Stigmatized identities may differ in the
degree of social stigmatization, interpersonal and life
outcomes, and those living with a CSI continually
face opportunities to disclose their identity across
multiple domains (e.g., family life/work life). While
there is the potential for negative outcomes such as
rejection by friends and family (Corrigan and
Matthews, 2003), discrimination (Kaufman and
Johnson, 2004), and less upward mobility in the
workplace (Clair et al., 2005), disclosure is also
associated with positive outcomes including
increased social support (Chaudoir and Quinn,
2010), better adherence to medication regimens
(Mellins et al., 2002), and overall higher quality of
life (Chaudoir and Fisher, 2010). However, these
beneficial effects typically only arise when a
confidant responds positively to the discloser and
provides emotional support and understanding. In
addition to intra- and interpersonal benefits, research
suggests sharing information about typically hidden
identities also facilitates greater understanding and
acceptance of traditionally marginalized identities,
and the characteristics associated with them. As
such, research must continue to determine important
factors that can lead to positive disclosure outcomes.
Given that decisions to disclose a CSI can be
complicated, it is widely understood that disclosure
events are almost always goal oriented (Omarzu,
2000). Thus, people share stigmatizing identities
with a specific goal or expected outcomes in mind
(e.g., strengthening a relationship, seeking treatment,
simply relief in ‘getting it off one’s chest’). As such,
this paper provides results of research suggesting
antecedent goals influence embodied experiences of
disclosure events whereby antecedent goals
demonstrate differential effects on the fractal scaling
of postural sway during those disclosure events. We
argue that this complex social phenomenon is an
embodied process, embedded in a social
environment such that disclosure goals have the
ability to affect this process at multiple levels,
including unconscious communication through
physical or social behavior. We also present research
Kallen, R., Douglas, H., Chaudoir, S. and Richardson, M.
Postural Sway Dynamics and Complexity Matching during the Disclosure of a Concealable Stigmatized Identity.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Complex Information Systems (COMPLEXIS 2016), pages 89-94
ISBN: 978-989-758-181-6
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
aimed at uncovering how unconscious behaviors
(i.e. postural sway—minute movement variability
during quiet stance) may impact a confidant’s
reaction to a disclosure event. We propose that a
confidant may attune to subtle changes in postural
sway and that this nonverbal information may in
turn influence the interaction itself, such that a loss
of complexity in postural sway may decrease the
degree to which movements of the confidant become
globally entrained (complexity matched) to those of
the discloser. Consequently, it is likely that the
participants in the disclosure event will therefore be
less likely to consider the disclosure event a positive
one. Finally, we will examine complexity matching
of postural sway behavior between the discloser and
confidant. Not only does this offer a novel data
analysis tool to further the CSI literature, but to date,
no research has examined complexity matching
between two individuals specific to postural sway
during such higher order social interaction.
1.1 Approach-Avoidance Motivation
Chaudoir and Fisher (2010) proposed that goals for
disclosure events are motivated by approach or
avoidance oriented systems, whereby approach goals
are associated with achieving positive outcomes and
avoidance goals are associated with avoiding
negative outcomes. Initial research on approach and
avoidance motivational systems suggests they are
characterized by their valence (positive/negative)
toward potential outcomes or environmental stimuli
(Elliot, 1999). Furthermore, research suggests those
with strong approach goals exhibit more attention
toward incentive cues, while those with strong
avoidance goals exhibit bias toward negative cues
(Derryberry and Reed, 1994). For instance, Gable
and Impett (2012) found individuals typically
motivated by approach goals, such as the desire to
increase intimacy, experience greater long-term
relationship satisfaction and relationship outcomes.
Conversely, if just one partner is avoidance oriented,
both partners experience less relationship
satisfaction and poorer relationship outcomes. Thus,
when extended to the disclosure process, it follows
that individuals who disclose with approach goals in
mind are more likely to experience more positive
intra- and inter-personal outcomes when compared
with individuals with avoidant orientations
(Chaudoir and Fisher, 2010). Related research
suggests that motivational goals also result in
differential exploration of the environment. Those
with approach orientations are interested in
“reducing the discrepancy between themselves and
their goal” (e.g., closing the gap between discloser
and confidant; Chaudoir and Fisher, 2010) and thus
may be more likely to attend to positive stimuli in
the environment. Conversely, avoidant individuals
are interested in increasing the distance between
themselves and potential negative outcomes (e.g.,
increasing distance between discloser and confidant;
Carver and Scheier, 1998) and, as such may produce
negative nonverbal behaviors. In line with this,
research (e.g., Riccio and Stoffregen, 2008;
Balasubramaniam, et al., 2000) on movement
dynamics demonstrates that postural sway can
elucidate how we explore the environment using
multiple sensory systems (visual, auditory, haptic
processes, etc.). Contrary to traditional beliefs that
postural sway results from a brain body lag,
Carpenter et al., (2010) argue that stochastic patterns
of postural movement is useful in exploring the
environment. Thus, we postulate that motivational
systems will lead to differential exploration of the
environment, as well as awareness of bodily states
(e.g., heart rate). This investigation aims to provide
evidence that will afford a better understanding of
how antecedent goals may affect change across
multiple levels of a system, whereby approach or
avoidance motivation influences not only disclosure
goals, but also manifests in unconscious behaviors,
and interpersonal and psychological outcomes.
1.2 Postural Sway Dynamics
Although theoretically linked, these studies are the
first to examine how motivational systems affect
postural sway behavior beyond traditional nonverbal
communication. In the current study we employ
nonlinear data analytic tools to capture such postural
movement variability. One way to quantify postural
sway variability is to determine the fractal scaling of
a postural sway time series using detrended
fluctuation analysis (DFA). DFA is a robust
technique to determine the scaling exponent of
behavioral time series. Essentially, DFA breaks the
time series into different window sizes to examine
long-range correlations (for review, see Coey, 2015).
Previous research has shown that healthy adults
exhibit mono-fractal scaling (pink noise) in postural
sway variability during anterior/posterior movement
(e.g., Kuznetsov et al., 2013). Individuals with a
movement disorder such as Parkinson’s disease
exhibit a loss of complexity such that their postural
sway is more deterministic, or exhibits Brownian
noise (Schmit et al., 2005). Further, this movement
complexity not only serves a role in maintaining
stable balance, but also reveals how the dynamics of
COMPLEXIS 2016 - 1st International Conference on Complex Information Systems
human perceptual, motor and cognitive processes are
interaction-dominant, as opposed to the more
traditional position of component-dominant
dynamics where changes are linear input-output
relations.(van Orden et al., 2012; Eiler, et al., 2014).
Because our perceptual, cognitive, and movement
processes are necessarily linked, changes at one
level may affect changes at other levels of the
system. Therefore, we expected that either approach
or avoidance goal motivation at the cognitive level
will lead to differences in postural sway complexity
at the movement level (Riley, et al., 2012)—
avoidance priming would lead to a loss in
complexity of postural sway behavior compared to
avoidance goal priming during the disclosure of a
Where researchers have thoroughly examined the
complex behavior of a dynamical system using
monofractal statistical analysis, little research has
examined the multifractality of postural sway in
humans. While theoretically linked to monofractals,
multifractal scaling suggests a more reciprocal
interaction between the actions of an intentional
agent and the micro and macro events (time-scales)
of the environmental context in which those actions
take place, (Kelty-Stephen et al.,, 2013). Rather than
assuming one scaling exponent, multifractal
detrended fluctuation analysis (e.g., MFDFA) allows
one to determine if there are different scaling
exponents at short and long time scales. This could
reveal how antecedent goals can affect movement
behaviors at different time scales. The present study
would be the first to examine the relationship
between approach and avoidance motivation during
a disclosure event via postural sway complexity.
1.3 Complexity Matching
Finally, the present study will allow us to assess the
valence of the disclosure event via subjective ratings
by an outside confidant, as well as to examine the
complexity matching of the movement dynamics
between discloser and confidant. Complexity
matching is the phenomenon whereby two systems
not only coordinate gross body movements over
time, but they also have a tendency to exhibit similar
complexity in their behavior (e.g., Abney et al.,
2014; Marmelat and Delignières, 2012; Washburn et
al., 2015). While ideally we would be able to
examine this interaction in real time (two people in
the experimental room, one sharing a CSI to
another), that is limited both practically and
ethically. Therefore, participants with a CSI were
instructed to disclose their identity while no one is in
the room. This was audio and video recorded which
allows a second group of participants to listen and
view the disclosure at a later time. To ensure
anonymity, the video recording produced was a
depth array, grey scaled image providing
information about depth only, therefore the videos
were devoid of facial features and other potentially
identifying information (e.g., clothing patterns, etc).
Because of these limitations, we are investigating
complexity matching of the disclosure confidant
only, not an interaction. With this limitation in mind,
the current study will still provide powerful insight
into the disclosure event. We expected that
participants would exhibit more complexity
matching when listening to an approach goal
directed disclosure compared to an avoidance goal
directed disclosure.
Finally, while a large body of research
demonstrates that people tend to coordinate their
gross body movements during an interaction, more
recently, it has been suggested that humans have the
capacity to coordinate fractal scaling in the minute
patterns of movement behaviors (Abney, et al.,
2014; Coey, 2015). This could provide crucial
implications for this type of interaction. Because
postural sway is an uncontrolled behavior,
complexity matching of postural sway goes above
and beyond that of coordinating gross body
movements. This is an important route to explore,
as it will be the first to determine how complexity
matching of unconscious behavior can impact
rapport between two individuals.
1.4 Study Overview
In sum, the current research provides novel
exploration across many areas of social psychology
and complexity science. First, by manipulating
approach and avoidance goal motivation, we may
examine the disclosure utilizing a traditional
approach of exploring the linguistic and
psychological content that may be observed during
disclosure events. Additionally we also incorporate a
dynamical systems approach to how such content
affects the overall experience for both the discloser
and the perceiver. Further, differences in postural
sway complexity will provide a deeper
understanding into the underlying dynamics of the
disclosure process by elucidating nonverbal
behaviors exhibited during a disclosure event. A loss
in complexity, or more deterministic sway during an
avoidance primed disclosure would suggest that
when the avoidance motivational system is
activated, people are exploring the environment
Postural Sway Dynamics and Complexity Matching during the Disclosure of a Concealable Stigmatized Identity
differently (e.g., attuned to more negative stimuli)
which could negatively impact the disclosure
interaction. Finally, recent research by Coey (2015)
has addressed the potential utility in examining
complexity matching between two complex systems
embodying the others’ dynamics. Differences in
complexity matching during an approach oriented
and avoidance oriented disclosures would therefore
not only provide powerful evidence for interaction
dominant dynamics, but it can also better our
understanding of the disclosure process as a whole.
2.1 Method
This study employed a 2 (goal motivation: approach,
avoidance) x 2 (target: close other, professional
other) mixed design with postural sway pattern
complexity (via mono-fractal scaling), and self-
report responses on the behavioral approach system
and behavioral avoidance system scales (BIS/BAS;
Carver and White, 1994) and the positive affect
negative affect schedule (PANAS; Watson et al.,
1988) as the dependent measures.
2.2 Participants and Procedure
Participants (N = 19) were recruited through the UC
Psychology participant pool. 14 participants were
female and 18 were white. Their ages ranged from
18-23 years. Participants were informed that the
study is about how people share secrets. Participants
were recruited if they selected any of the following
from a list of CSI’s in the prescreening survey:
mental illness, sexual minority, alcohol or substance
abuse disorder, history of sexual abuse or
victimization, serious illness, abortion, teen
pregnancy, or conviction or incarceration.
Qualifying participants were then invited to
participate in the experimental portion of the study.
Following informed consent, participants sat at a
computer equipped with Media Lab software (Jarvis,
2014). They were first asked to write down a secret
that they often keep hidden and answer some
questions about their secret (e.g., “How often do you
think about your secret”). Each participant then
wrote 2 disclosure letters, one to a close
friend/family member and the other to someone with
whom they have a professional relationship (written
in a randomized order between participants). Prior to
writing both letters, participants were randomly
assigned to either approach or avoidance goal
priming in which they were prompted to think about
“achieving positive outcomes” or “avoiding negative
outcomes” respectively and were instructed to write
3-5 goals for their disclosure letter.
After writing both letters, the experimenter
entered the room and instructed participants to act
out their disclosure as if the person they wrote to is
standing in the room with them. During the
disclosure event 2 motion tracking sensors
(FASTRAK, Polhemus, VT, USA), one attached to a
headband on the back of the head, the other attached
to a belt just bellow the belly button recorded
postural sway data at 60 Hz. An Xbox Kinect also
recorded postural sway and gross body movements
at approximately 24 Hz, as well as produced a depth
array video. Audacity was used to record verbal
disclosures. First, we recorded participant’s baseline
postural sway while standing still for 20 seconds.
Next, the letter was projected on a screen and
participants were instructed to should act as though
they were disclosing to the confidant, using their
letter as a guide. During the verbal disclosures, the
experimenter was not in the room. After completing
the verbal disclosure for both letters, participants
completed self-report dependent measures.
2.3 Preliminary Results and Discussion
We utilized DFA to examine the fractal scaling of
individuals’ postural sway during the disclosure of a
CSI. As expected, our participants exhibited pink
noise with alpha values around 1. However, pilot
data suggest that avoidance primed disclosures may
lead to a loss of complexity in postural sway
behavior towards Brownian noise. Where approach
primed disclosures exhibited more fractal scaling (M
= .94, SD = .25), avoidance primed disclosures
displayed a loss of complexity towards Brownian
noise (M = 1.09, SD = .17). Results of an
independent samples t-test did not reveal a
significant difference between the two groups (t(18)
= 1.55, p > .05, d = .7), however the strong effect
size suggests more participants should be analysed
to examine this trend further.
Results suggest that goal motivation does lead to
meaningful differences in postural sway when
revealing a CSI. It has been well documented that
most human systems are stochastic in nature and,
when examined further, live within areas of pink
noise (Van Orden, et al.,, 2011). Further a loss of
complexity either towards white noise or brown
noise is associated with a disruption or degradation
of the system including aging, disease, or a few
servings of alcohol. Because we are seeing these
COMPLEXIS 2016 - 1st International Conference on Complex Information Systems
patterns in the pilot data whereby avoidance
motivation is associated with a subtle loss in
complexity, it may be that avoidance motivation
systems are maladaptive to the disclosure process.
However, disclosures can exist across all life
domains, therefore, it is crucial that we achieve a
greater understanding of how approach or avoidance
goals will lead to more positive outcomes.
3.1 Method
Similar to study 1, this experiment will employ a 2
(goal motivation: approach, avoidance) x 2 (target:
professional other, close other) within subjects
design with the primary dependent variables the
same as Study 1, as well as the inclusion of the
complexity matching coefficient via MDFA (as well
as other nonlinear time-series measures such as
detrended cross-correlation analysis and cross
recurrence quantification analysis; (see Coey, 2015).
Additionally, participants will be asked about their
perception of the disclosure (e.g., “Overall, how
much do you like this person?”).
3.2 Participants and Procedure
40 Participants will be recruited through the UC
SONA system’s Psychology participant pool and
will receive course credit. There is no inclusion
criteria, however, participation in study 1 will
disqualify them for participation in study 2.
Following informed consent, participants will be
asked to listen to 8 disclosures while viewing the
depth array video. During each video, 2 polhemus
sensors will be attached to the back of their head and
just below their belly button similar to study 1. After
each disclosure, participants will be asked to rate it
on a number of dimensions (e.g., overall tone, depth,
quality, etc.). This process will be repeated until
each participant has listened to and rated 4
disclosures (2 approach primed, 2 avoidance
primed). They will be presented in a random order.
Finally, participants will complete the BIS/BAS,
PANAS, and mood scales and thoroughly debriefed.
3.3 Discussion
Results of the pilot study have led to a deeper
investigation into the role that our motivational
systems play in the disclosure process. The next step
is to capture how others perceive these disclosures.
We are currently in the process of recruiting and
running more participants to reveal their CSI while
Polhemus sensors record movement in the anterior-
posterior direction. To further probe this trend, we
will not only examine the mono-fractal scaling using
DFA, we will also look at the multi-fractal scaling
using MFDFA. As noted above, MFDFA allows us
to look at the complexity of movement at multiple
levels and can provide a greater understanding of
how goals can affect change across different levels.
We will also recruit participants to listen to and
watch a depth array video of these disclosures while
we record their postural sway. With this, we will be
able to investigate how this unidirectional coupling
by the confidant to the discloser in the video affects
someone’s postural behavior. We anticipate that
those disclosures that are approach primed will not
only exhibit fractal scaling in the postural sway, but
they will be more highly rated by an observer, and
there will be more complexity matching between the
discloser and the confidant. Thus, these results
would provide important insight into the disclosure
experience itself. Although we know the
interpersonal interaction and outcomes during a
disclosure experience are important, we do not yet
know exactly what the confidant picks up on when
someone reveals stigmatizing information. It is
potentially the case that when participants do not
match postural sway complexity, they will view the
individual less favorably. Results from this study
would thus support the idea that disclosure
experiences are embedded in a social environment
whereby revealing information about oneself is an
on-going complex, dynamical multiagent process.
This research was supported by National Institutes
of Health, R01GM105045.
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