of Big Data anomaly detection, information
visualization and computer vision gesture
recognition, in order to deal with visualization needs
for Big Data and data centre infrastructure
The proposed approach primarily deals with the
monitoring and the intuitive display of existing data
centres’ information, using their actual layout, in
order to inform data centre experts about the servers’
current state and assist navigation in actual space. The
proposed approach takes advantage of 3D rendering,
providing seamless transition from the data centre’s
overview to on-demand specific server information.
Finally, the presented work is designed not only to
suit traditional desktop interaction but also to support
natural interaction by employing gesture-based
Future work involves enriching the gestural
vocabulary and conducting an in-depth qualitative
and quantitative evaluation, in order to assess the
system’s usability, scalability and the overall user
experience. Another challenging issue upon which
further research can be directed is the ability to
incorporate the visualization of relationships between
servers in the system.
Finally, this work aims to act as a starting point
for developing a complete framework for Big Data
Infrastructure Management. Due to the nature of Big
Data, a plethora of information exists that is
significant and meaningful for data centre experts,
constituting a very demanding area in the
interdisciplinary domain of 3D Graphics, Human-
Computer Interaction and Visual Big Data Analytics.
This research has been partially funded by the
European Commission under project LeanBigData
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