processing step of this method, a concatenation of
overlapping blocks is performed in order to recreate
the whole image in a binary form and morphological
operations are applied in order to remove small
objects and fill the black holes. Subsequently, we use
the canny edge detector, an edge detection operator,
for the detection of edges in the images. The final
binary image is in the form of a white area that
belongs to land and a black area that belongs to sea.
The result of the canny edge detector refers to
Most of the times, the extracted coastline needs
improvement, because of unexpected effects in the
image, such as waves, people and intensity distortion
across the coastline. To be able to handle these issues
we used an open active contour method based on the
classical active contour model (snakes) (Kass et al.,
1998) with free boundary conditions. A snake is an
energy-minimizing spline guided by image forces and
external constrain forces. It consists of an initial
contour C
near to a contour in the image and searches
for deformations of C
which let it move towards the
actual image contour. We implemented an automatic
process using active contours with free boundary
conditions (Shemesh and Ben-Shahar, 2011). We
initialize the curve using the extracted coastline from
the first step and we compute iteratively the next
possible position of the curve following the gradient
of the image defining its edges. After a certain
number of iterations defined by user, the procedure
stops and outputs the estimated waterline.
As far for the framework we developed, its
implementation layout and functionality follow.
Figure 3 presents the screen of the application where
two central windows are devoted to the visualization
of the original (left) and processed (right) image,
respectively. The left section of the application
depicts the parameters of the waterline extraction
algorithm and provides the space for adjusting the
algorithmic process. The right section presents the
functionality of the software in association with the
coastline analysis.
The top left box of the framework refers to the
first method’s parameters. Sigma and filter’s size
affect the Gaussian filter.
Sigma refers to standard deviation of Gaussian
distribution. Increasing the standard deviation the
intensity of the noise is reduced, but also appears high
frequency detail attenuation. We have set the number
of 2 as a default value. A larger size filter,
corresponds to a larger convolution mask, but also
affects the details quality of the image. We have set 7
as a default value. It is optimized for the filter size to
be about 3*sigma+1, because, in this way, almost the
whole Gaussian bell is taken into account. Then, the
user chooses the number of iterations and kappa
value, which refers to anisotropic diffusion. Kappa
controls the sensitivity to edges and it is usually
chosen experimentally (the default value is 8), while
the number of iterations must be 5-15, since a higher
number may result in blurring the true edges (the
default value is 5). Next the block size B is defined.
This size depends on the initial image size, because
every block needs to contain necessary information
for our method. We choose 5-8% of total image size,
with default value 300. Next to the setting of the
parameters, the user can proceed with the first
waterline estimation using region segmentation.
Figure 3: On the left is the original image. On the right, the
estimated waterline can be extracted by finding the borders
between the water (black) and land (white).
When the first step is completed, the user chooses
the parameters for the second step. Alpha parameter
controls the internal energy function’s sensitivity to
the amount of stretch in the snake (elasticity). A large
value for alpha decreases the possibility the snake to
change and so the method’s efficiency, so normally
alpha value should be less than 1. In our case, we have
set it to 0.7. Iterations must be defined properly,
because there will be a point that no significant
energy differences are detected. A proper number of
iteration is 100-300. We also provide an optional
threshold to control the energy differences. If the
deference between two consecutive energy values is
below the threshold, the process stops and the final
result is shown at the images section.
As far for the cadastral data association with the
extracted waterline results, in our application there is
a link, called ‘’ (which means
cadaster), that opens the map of Greece in the internet
browser and the user can measure real world
distances, such as buildings. Then by pressing the
‘calibration’ button the user can choose two points
from the initial image which contain the same
building or any other chosen area. A textbox then
opens to enter the known distance and the