Evolution of the Open Cloud Computing Interface

Boris Parák, Zdeněk Šustr, Michal Kimle, Pablo Orviz Fernández, Álvaro López García, Stavros Sachtouris, Víctor Méndez Muñoz



The OCCI standard has been in use for half a decade, with multiple server-side and client-side implementations in use across the world in heterogeneous cloud environments. The real-world experience uncovered certain peculiarities or even deficiencies which had to be addressed either with workarounds, agreements between implementers, or with updates to the standard. This article sums up implementers’ experience with the standard, evaluating its maturity and discussing in detail some of the issues arising during development and use of OCCI-compliant interfaces. It shows how particular issues were tackled at different levels, and what the motivation was for some of the most recent changes introduced in the OCCI 1.2 specification.


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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Parák B., Šustr Z., Kimle M., Fernández P., García Á., Sachtouris S. and Muñoz V. (2016). Evolution of the Open Cloud Computing Interface . In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science - Volume 2: OCCI, (CLOSER 2016) ISBN 978-989-758-182-3, pages 339-346. DOI: 10.5220/0005934103390346

in Bibtex Style

author={Boris Parák and Zdeněk Šustr and Michal Kimle and Pablo Orviz Fernández and Álvaro López García and Stavros Sachtouris and Víctor Méndez Muñoz},
title={Evolution of the Open Cloud Computing Interface},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science - Volume 2: OCCI, (CLOSER 2016)},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science - Volume 2: OCCI, (CLOSER 2016)
TI - Evolution of the Open Cloud Computing Interface
SN - 978-989-758-182-3
AU - Parák B.
AU - Šustr Z.
AU - Kimle M.
AU - Fernández P.
AU - García Á.
AU - Sachtouris S.
AU - Muñoz V.
PY - 2016
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DO - 10.5220/0005934103390346