D: Domain Model, a graph whose nodes are
the knowledge or skills domain and arches
reflecting the prerequisites links. This graph
must include the necessary initial knowledge
of the learner.
O: Objectives, a sub-graph of the graph of
domain model with possibly an indication of
the expected level of performance.
I: Interactions, a set of available interactions
with the simulation of the domain model. For
example, the completion of puzzle or drag
and drop are possible types of interactions.
S: Screenwriting, a scenario defined as a
directed graph, each node is the complete
realization of a problem, giving great
flexibility in screenwriting. The links (as
proposed MoPPLiq model) reflect the
teacher's expertise. Each teacher can freely
modify and adapt them to his own use.
C: Usage Context, a sentence explaining the
context and associated constraints.
This gives the DISCO model.
In this article, we presented a formal model of serious
game type case study where the teacher plays an
important role at the design stage (in addition to its
traditional role of prescriber). We should now refine
the model DISCO, specify and describe each element
of this 5-tuple and the links between them. We should
also provide the tools to facilitate the work of teachers
within the model for the creation of serious games of
the case study type. Finally, we should validate this
model by creating and experimenting serious games
built using the DISCO model with authors and/or
users. These serious games and prescribed to students
by teachers generate data for analysis.
The analysis of these traces will also respond to
our initial problem: with a strong implication of
teachers in the creation of serious games, based on
the use of a formal model based on the use of design
methodology, should we see a better use of serious
games? This framework will also give the
opportunity to design a significant number of serious
games, increasing the returns to serious game
designers and researchers.
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