ticated feature selection methods may result in a net
improvement of the solution.
The presented proof of concept was designed in
coordination with medical staff in order to study the
feasibility to improving dementia diagnostics by us-
ing wearable devices. Since the preliminary results
demonstrated that it is possible to detect agitation us-
ing a wearable accelerometer, the next step towards
clinical translation of our research will be to perform
a pilot study with hospitalized patients, after includ-
ing the above mentioned classification improvements.
The authors would like to thank the cooperation of Dr.
Mercedes Gim´enez, Responsible for the Geriatrics
Department of Hospital San Juan de Dios (Zaragoza,
Spain). This work is supported by project AEI-
010500-2015-200(MINETUR, Spain) and by Grupos
BSICoS (T96) and SVIT (T92) from DGA (Arag´on)
and European Social Fund (EU). Partially supported
by the Aragonian Government and the European So-
cial Fund ”Building Europe from Aragon”. This work
has been supported by research fellowship from the
Universidad San Jorge.
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