Technology based Interventions to Promote Healthy and Active Aging
The Role of Positive Emotions and Physical Activity
Miriam Cabrita
, Monique Tabak
and Miriam Vollenbroek-Hutten
Telemedicine Group, Roessingh Research and Development, Enschede, The Netherlands
Telemedicine Group, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Twente,
Enschede, The Netherlands
The proportion of the global population aged above
60 years old is growing more rapidly than any other
age group (World Health Organization (WHO), 2002,
p. 6) creating several socio-economic challenges.
Supporting independent living is a priority to enhance
quality-of-life of the older population for as long as
possible. Part of this support comes from the
community and public health policies. However, a big
part of the responsibility is for older citizens
themselves to assume an active role in prevention and
management of their health. Physical activity is very
important to improve and maintain physical
functioning in daily life. By physical activity, we
mean not only exercising, but every type of
movement during daily behaviour.
An active lifestyle is not limited to a high level of
physical activity. The WHO defines Active Ageing as
“the process of optimizing opportunities for health,
participation and security in order to enhance quality
of life as people age” (World Health Organization
2002). As such, older adults should maintain an active
lifestyle, not only by means of physical activity, but
also by being engaged in their social environments.
This is achieved by engaging in leisure activities,
contributing to the overall quality-of-life of the older
adults. Although some individuals can achieve an
active lifestyle by themselves, others seem to be in
need of an external drive. One way to provide this
external drive is through community-based
interventions, such as buddy-based programs to walk
in park, yoga lessons in the community centres or a
daily TV show dedicated particularly to exercises for
older adults. However, usually these community-
based interventions fail to target individual needs that
could better be matched in tailored interventions. The
technological developments of the last years have
given place to a new sort of interventions that,
through the use of unobtrusive and ubiquitous
technology, provide real-time recommendations
tailored to the current status of each individual. A
mobile phone application that sends motivational
messages based on current location or mood? A piece
of art on the wall that changes colours when the
physical activity is too low? A large screen that shows
a funny companion that substitutes the conventional
training coaches? The imagination is the limit. The
current research intends to bring these technology-
based interventions beyond the current state of the art
by designing strategies to motivate people to be
physically active through engagement in pleasant
activities. Before developing technology, we need to
understand the factors that influence a pleasant life
and how they relate to physical activity in the daily
lives of the older adults. That is the main focus of the
presented PhD trajectory.
The ultimate goal of this PhD trajectory is to provide
recommendations to design technology-based
interventions to promote healthy and active ageing,
thereby helping older adults to live independently for
as long as possible. Our approach aims at designing
tailored interventions to be carried out in the daily
lives, by helping older adults in being physically
active and actively engaged in their social
environments. To do so, we look at how physical
activity relates to experience of positive emotions in
the daily lives of older adults. This has three main
reasons. First, the ‘upward spiral of lifestyle changes’
theory from Fredrickson defends that positive
emotions act as openers for acceptance and adoption
of new behaviours (Fredrickson 2013). Second, due
to the fact that experience of positive emotions is
inversely related to depression and anxiety (for a
review see (Santos et al. 2013)), two major mental
conditions among older adults. Last but not least,
there is growing evidence supporting the link between
positive emotions and overall health (e.g. (Pressman
Cabrita, M., Tabak, M. and Vollenbroek-Hutten, M.
Technology based Interventions to Promote Healthy and Active Aging - The Role of Positive Emotions and Physical Activity.
In Doctoral Consortium (DCICT4AWE 2016), pages 3-9
& Cohen 2005; Chida & Steptoe 2008; Lamers et al.
Based on this, we define the primary goal of this
work by the following two objectives:
Objective 1: Increase understanding on the
relationship between positive emotions and
physical health in daily lives of older adults
living independently;
Objective 2: Investigate how technology can
support in monitoring and coaching towards
active ageing in daily life.
The last decades have experienced the emergence of
Positive Psychology, with attention being given to the
promotion of positive emotions as a way to reach a
pleasant life (Seligman et al. 2006). Several
technology-based interventions have promoted
positive emotions, for example, as a treatment or
prevention of depression (e.g. (Proyer et al. 2014; Sin
& Lyubomirsky 2009). However, to the best of our
knowledge, the study of the link between physical
activity and positive emotions is fairly new,
especially in what concerns the older population.
Participation in leisure activities increases overall
levels of positive emotions (Onishi et al. 2006) and
delays functional decline (Simone & Haas 2013),
contributing to the support of independent living.
Positive emotions are often forgotten when
promoting physical activity among the older
population (Phoenix & Orr 2014). Physical activities
in daily living seem to enhance affective states also in
the older population (Kanning et al. 2015). However,
Kanning et al. did not look at the influence of daily
environments on this relation. Do all activities
contribute in the same way? What is the influence of
the environment? Also, what is the effect of inactivity
/ sedentary behaviour in positive emotions? The
answers to these questions will help us meeting
Objective 1.
Technology plays a key role in supporting
independent living and enhancing quality of life
through monitoring, diagnosis/screening and
treatment (Schulz et al. 2015). There is strong
evidence for the effectiveness of technology-based
interventions for promotion of physical activity
(Fanning et al. 2012). Monitoring of physical activity
is fairly easy due to the development of smaller and
less obtrusive sensors that can be comfortably used in
daily life. However, monitoring of positive emotions
using technology is still in its infancy. Currently,
most studies make use of experience sampling
techniques (Csikszentmihalyi & Larson 1987) to
assess emotions in daily life.
Pleasure and enjoyment are mentioned by the
older adults as one of the motivators to perform
physical activity (Baert et al. 2011). However, to the
best of our knowledge, enhancement of pleasure has
not been explored in technology-based interventions
to promote exercise or daily physical activity (i.e.
physical activity obtained while performing daily
activities). As physical activity contributes to an
increase in the experience of positive emotions
(Hogan et al. 2014; Kanning & Schlicht 2010;
Bossmann et al. 2013), one can say that promotion of
physical activity entails promotion of positive
emotions. However, that is different than promoting
physical activity based on what is pleasurable for
each individual and, therefore, likely increasing
adherence and motivation. This is the second gap that
we aim to fill in by bringing technology to promote
active ageing in daily life beyond its current state of
the art (Objective 2).
This PhD trajectory comprises a combination of
theoretical, observational and modelling studies to
achieve the goals abovementioned. In the following
sections we provide a description of each step of the
4.1 Literature Study: Positive
Emotions to Support Independent
With a systematic literature review, we evaluate
whether, based on previous empirical studies,
positive emotions are related to functional status of
older adults, and consequently are relevant to the
support of independent living. Particularly, we are
interested in investigating how the ability to perform
activities of daily living (ADL) independently relates
to the experience of positive emotions on a daily
basis. Eligibility criteria concern the study population
(older adults living independently), the nature of
intervention (observational, peer-reviewed papers
investigating the relation between positive emotions
and functional status) and outcome variables (studies
that assessed ability to perform ADL – basic or
instrumental, and exclusive measures of positive
emotions – such as happiness, calmness and
pleasure). Studies which consider a broader range of
emotions (e.g. satisfaction with life) are excluded.
DCICT4AWE 2016 - Doctoral Consortium on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
The study selection follows the PRISMA guidelines
(Moher et al. 2014) and each step is taken under
agreement among two or three researchers.
This theoretical study provides insights in (1) the
relation between positive emotions and physical
health of older adults (Objective 1), as well as in (2)
the way in which technology can support bringing
this understanding forward and support tailored
interventions for promotion of Active Ageing
(Objective 2).
4.2 Observational Studies: Positive
Emotions and Physical Activity in
Daily Life
During the presented PhD trajectory two longitudinal
studies take place to investigate the relation between
positive emotions and physical activity in the daily
lives of older adults. We are interested to know what
are the factors that contribute to a pleasant life and
how we can make physical activity more pleasurable.
Clearly, we are not able to change the social
environments of the individuals (e.g. where a person
lives or his or her marital status) but we can, instead,
help individuals in finding what makes their life
pleasurable in daily living and to promote specifically
those activities. We hypothesize that what brings
pleasure in daily life is highly personal. Therefore, the
analysis of our studies will focus on a deep
understanding in an individual level. In order to
achieve this, our studies aim to gather a large amount
of information for each individual subject. The
participants in the study are in general active and
engaged in the society. Our objective is to look at role
models, what is called as positive deviance, look at
when it works well to see how to motivate others to
do the same.
In the first study we look exclusively at the
relationship between positive emotions and physical
activity in daily life (solid arrow in Figure 1). In the
second study, we investigate how daily activities
influence positive emotions, physical activity and the
relation between positive emotions and physical
activity (dashed arrows in Figure 1). In both studies
data is gathered using self-assessment questionnaires,
wearable technology and experience sampling on a
Figure 1: Relations investigated in the first (solid arrow)
and second (dashed arrows) observational studies.
4.2.1 Investigating the Relation between
Physical Activity and Positive
The main question we want to answer with this
observational study is which operationalization of
daily physical activity relates the most to the
experience of positive emotions in daily life: number
of sedentary minutes, number of very active minutes
or total number of steps in a day? Additionally, we
investigate whether the experience of positive
emotions during a day relates stronger to physical
activity on that day or on the following day. To
answer these questions, we perform between- and
within-individual analysis.
In this first study, participants (n = 30) wear a step
counter during 4 weeks and every day, report on to
which extend they experienced 6 positive emotions
throughout the day. The emotions chosen were based
on the modified Differential Emotions Scale (mDES,
(Fredrickson et al. 2003)) to cover low- and high
arousal emotions, such as relaxed and excited,
respectively. The data analysis considers the overall
experience of positive emotions and also the values
of each discrete emotion.
4.2.2 Investigating the Influence of Daily
Activities on Physical Activity, Positive
Emotions and Relation between
Physical Activity and Positive
With this second observational study we aim to
answer the following questions:
a. How do daily activities influence physical
b. How do daily activities influence the experience
of pleasure?
c. How do daily activities influence the relation
between physical activity and pleasure?
Technology based Interventions to Promote Healthy and Active Aging - The Role of Positive Emotions and Physical Activity
During approximately thirty days, participants (n
= 10) are asked to answer questions approximately
every hour – from 08h00 to 20h00 – on a smartphone
reporting their current activity (‘what are you
doing?’), location (‘where?’), social companion
(‘with whom?’), and the pleasure experienced while
performing that activity (rated in a visual analogue
scale and translated to a continuum from 0 to 10).
Additionally, participants carry a hip worn
accelerometer during the time of the experiment.
To answer question a), we categorize the physical
activity level of each day as ‘Inactive’, ‘Moderately
Active’ and ‘Highly Active’ using the K-means
clustering algorithm. The clustering analysis is
performed within-individual in contrast to using pre-
defined cut-off points. Next, we categorized the
answers of ES-events in four properties, each one
with several values as follows: ‘location’ (values:
outdoors or indoors), ‘social companion’ (values:
alone, with partner, with family, with friends or
colleagues and unknown), ‘type of activity’ (values:
go out or relaxation, commuting, eat or care,
association, household and work or study) and ‘time’
(values: each one of the weekdays). Finally, we
investigate the relation between the daily physical
activity level and the relative frequency of ES-events
with each value registered per day.
Questions b) and c) are answered through multi-
level models with ES-events nested within subjects.
4.3 Modelling: Simulation Study
Combining Information Acquired
The last step is to propose a model to support the
technical implementation of tailored technology-
based interventions for promotion of healthy and
active ageing. The parameters and relations to be
included in the model depend on the results of the
theoretical and observational studies. The intention is
to provide (real-time) motivational messages that will
help older adults reaching an active lifestyle.
Therefore we build upon current models of tailoring
motivational messages for promotion of physical
activity (op den Akker et al. 2015). We also look at
the state of the art of ontologies for identification of
human behaviour and for support of behaviour
change. Furthermore, this model should be able to
continuously adapt to the user in order to follow
possible functional decline or changes based on life
This technical study intends to answer two
research questions:
a. What is the minimum time interval that we should
monitor an individual to be able to have a reliable
model on the relation between physical activity
and positive emotions in daily life using the setup
from the previous experiments?
b. What are the parameters and relations of a model
to provide motivational messages based on the
information gathered in the previous studies?
5.1 Literature Study: Positive
Emotions to Support Independent
The systematic review was conducted up to May
2015 using the PsycINFO, Scopus and PubMed
electronic databases. From the 963 unique results
retrieved, 10 papers met the inclusion criteria and
were therefore selected for further analysis. Relevant
data was summarized in standardized tables
previously agreed on by two authors. Both cross-
sectional (n=5) and longitudinal papers provided
evidence for a relation between positive emotions and
functional status. The longitudinal studies suggest a
bi-directional relation with lower experience of
positive emotions predicting functional decline, but
also, with higher functioning predicting higher
experience of positive emotions at follow-up.
Differences were found based on age, culture and
gender. Our findings support the potential value of a
holistic approach promoting physical activity and
positive emotions for supporting independent living.
This work was submitted and is currently under
5.2 Observational Studies: Positive
Emotions and Physical Activity in
Daily Life
5.2.1 Investigating Relation between
Physical Activity and Positive
This study is planned to start in February 2016. We
expect to find individual differences on the relation
between physical activity and positive emotions in
daily life. While for some people bouts of vigorous
activity might provide an increased experience of
positive emotions during the day (operationalization:
number of very active minutes), others might benefit
from a more cumulative and balanced activity
throughout the day (operationalization: total number
of steps). Based on our previous experience, we
DCICT4AWE 2016 - Doctoral Consortium on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
hypothesize that, in general, an increase in daily
physical activity is related to higher positive
emotions. In our analysis, we will look at a global
score of positive emotions but also at discrete
emotions related to both low- and high arousal, such
as calmness and excitement, respectively.
5.2.2 Investigating Influence of Daily
Activities on Physical Activity, Positive
Emotions and Relation between
This study took place between November 2014 and
December 2015 with ten older adults (aged 65 to 83)
during approximately 33 days (range 24 – 38). A total
of 3735 experience sampling (ES) events were
collected. The data analysis is ongoing as follows.
a. How do daily activities influence physical
The data of the first 5 participants in the study was
used to answer this question, providing a total of 146
days and 1534 ES-events. Our results suggest that
location, social companion, type of activity and day
of the week do significantly influence the daily
activity level of the participants. For example, being
more outside the home (‘outdoors’) increases the
likelihood of having a highly active day comparing to
an inactive day. Also, being with friends or
colleagues seems to increase the likelihood of having
a moderately active day when compared to inactive
day. The results of this work can be found at (Cabrita
et al. 2015). The same data analysis will be performed
with the data from all participants but no significant
differences are to be expected.
b. How do daily activities influence experience of
c. How do daily activities influence the relation
between physical activity and pleasure?
The data of ten participants is currently being
analysed with multi-level modelling to answer
question b) and c). We expect that generally,
activities performed outside the house and with other
people will be the most pleasurable. However, we
expect differences between individuals.
5.3 Modelling: Simulation Study
Combining Information Acquired
This part of the work will start in March 2016 and it
is currently in the ideation phase. The outcome of this
study is strongly dependent on the results of the
literature and observational studies, as they serve as
input to decide on the parameters and relations to be
included in the model. The model should be
implemented in the new version of the Activity
Coach, a mobile system developed at Roessingh
Research and Development to motivate people to
become more active (Op den Akker et al. 2012).
At the current moment (February 2016) the literature
study is finished and submitted. The data acquisition
of one of the observational studies is completed, and
its data is being analysed. The lessons learnt so far on
each one of the objectives can be summarized as
follows in the rest of this section.
Objective 1: Increase understanding on the
relation between positive emotions and
physical health in daily lives of older adults
living independently;
The results of the literature review suggest that,
independently of the cause-effect direction, positive
emotions and functional status do relate in daily life.
This means that, by promoting positive emotions in
daily life, we are contributing for the general health
and supporting independent living of older adults.
Furthermore, in this theoretical study we see that the
strength of the relation between positive emotions and
functional status highly relates to demographic
aspects as gender, age and culture. Also, preliminary
analysis of one observational study suggest that the
influence of daily environments on the experience of
positive emotions and physical activity is highly
Objective 2: Investigate how technology can
support in monitoring and coaching active
ageing in daily life.
The findings in objective 1 reinforce the need for
tailored interventions. For example, based on the
results of the second observational study, when
classifying the level of activity of a certain day, it
does not seem appropriate to select a predefined cut-
off for the older population. Instead, one should look
at within individual data. This is important for
example when setting goals as, according to the Goal-
Setting Theory, when thriving for best results one
should set challenging but achievable goals ((Locke
& Latham 2002)). Also, the same study suggests that,
instead of motivating people to get physically active,
a coaching strategy could thus be to motivate people
to engage in outdoor- or social activities, increasing
physical activity indirectly. This motivation by proxy
could add to the diversity of coaching of such systems
and potentially increase adherence and pleasure in
using the system. This information will be combined
with the results of the other two points of this study
Technology based Interventions to Promote Healthy and Active Aging - The Role of Positive Emotions and Physical Activity
in order to provide recommendation for pleasurable
activities that increase the physical activity level.
Our results also provide information on how
technology can be used in research to improve the
knowledge on the field. The results of the literature
study suggest that there is a need of incorporating
more objective measures of functioning in research.
All the studies included in the literature review used
paper based questionnaires, vulnerable to the
subjectivity (and sometimes, optimism) of the
participants. The use of GPS or wearable technology
in this type of research might provide different
results. Furthermore, there is a clear need for
longitudinal research and with more continuous data
collection. This can be achieved with home
monitoring or experience sampling. Only in this way
we will be able to follow the functional decline when
it occurs. One single assessment is not able to
evaluate how physical and mental health relate over
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Technology based Interventions to Promote Healthy and Active Aging - The Role of Positive Emotions and Physical Activity