The present study investigated the effect of a
psychophysiological feedback, its display format
and its reliability on performance and cognitive
workload during a Multiple Object Tracking task.
This feedback was presented to the subjects as a
means to improve their focus on the task in order to
reach better levels of performance.
This task was chosen as it is a visual attention
task which can be compared to the attention tasks
fighter pilots or air traffic controllers are regularly
expected to perform. Results on duration and
difficulty are consistent with the literature
(Makovski et al., 2008; Oksama and Hyönä, 2004).
In a highly engaging task such as the Multiple
Object Tracking, displaying a psychophysiological
feedback has a significant effect on subjects. More
specifically, a psychophysiological feedback leads to
higher cognitive workload compared to no feedback
at all. Raw data increases cognitive workload
compared to an interpreted colored gauge.
Reliability of the feedback showed inconsistent
results: better performance with higher workload.
We made the assumption that the feedback being
ignored could explain this result.
As the MOT needs a lot of attention, eye tracking
data should be investigated further in order to
evaluate links between results and gaze patterns,
particularly the attention provided to the feedback.
We believe the next logical step would be to
evaluate effects of direct and psychophysiological
measures as feedback intervention on users’
cognition and performance.
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