ii. Empirical research with regard to the key
aspects of HCAD (see K1-K5, 2.1) in an
economic environment.
iii. A proof, that our approach covers the HCAD
key aspects.
In our process model, conceptual tasks are organized
by a design board, which visualizes the workflow
and increases transparency concering user research,
UX design and usability evaluation activities.
Requirements are continuously prioritized and flow
into the development process in a structured manner.
We can conlude that the integration of HCD
activities in Kanban leads to a product with a good
UX and makes the development process more
human-centric. The users of the developed internet
portal are satisfied and their needs are fulfilled. In
addition, project members felt comfortable with the
development process and the organization of their
work. Besides, we can conclude that cross-
functional collaboration is necessary to speed up
product development.
Future research may specifically investigate a
scaled approach of our process model. Moreover, it
might be interesting to prove whether the integration
of HCD and Kanban can face the challenges UX
experts have in ASD (e.g. feel exhausted in short
iterations, natural workflow is more orientated to a
continuous “flow”).
This research has been supported by the Megus
project (TIN2013-46928-C3-3-R) and by the
SoftPLM Network (TIN2015-71938-REDT) of the
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.
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