A New Distributed MIKEY Mode to Secure e-Health Applications
Mohammed Riyadh Abdmeziem
, Djamel Tandjaoui
and Imed Romdhani
LSI, USTHB: Bab Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria
Security Division, CERIST: Ben Aknoun, Algiers, Algeria
School of Computing, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, U.K.
Internet of Things (IoT), e-Health, Key Management Protocols, MIKEY, Security, Privacy, Cooperation.
Securing e-health applications in the context of Internet of Things (IoT) is challenging. Indeed, resources
scarcity in such environment hinders the implementation of existing standard based protocols. Among these
protocols, MIKEY (Multimedia Internet KEYing) aims at establishing security credentials between two com-
municating entities. However, the existing MIKEY modes fail to meet IoT specificities. In particular, the
pre-shared key mode is energy efficient, but suffers from severe scalability issues. On the other hand, asym-
metric modes such as the public key mode are scalable, but are highly resource consuming. To address this
issue, we combine two previously proposed approaches to introduce a new distributed MIKEY mode. In-
deed, relying on a cooperative approach, a set of third parties is used to discharge the constrained nodes from
heavy computational operations. Doing so, the pre-shared mode is used in the constrained part of the network,
while the public key mode is used in the unconstrained part of the network. Preliminary results show that our
proposed mode is energy preserving whereas its security properties are kept safe.
Internet of Things (IoT) is based on the pervasive
presence around us of various wireless technologies
such as Radio-Frequency IDentification (RFID) tags,
sensors, actuators and mobile phones, in which com-
puting and communication systems are seamlessly
embedded (Atzori et al., 2010). It is considered as
one of the most important communication develop-
ment in recent years. It makes our everyday ob-
jects (e.g. health sensors, industrial equipements, ve-
hicules, clothes, etc.) connected to each other and to
the Internet (Abdmeziem et al., 2016). Among the
different applications of IoT, e-health is gaining more
and more attention in the IoT world. In fact, popula-
tion ageing and the increase of survival chances from
disabling accidents lead to an increased demand for
continuous health care and monitoring (Dohr et al.,
Compared to other IoT applications, e-health ap-
plications are more vulnerable to attacks due to the
high sensitivity of the generated data (Li and Lou,
2010). This data is private in nature, and any secu-
rity vulnerability regarding the confidentiality would
seriously repulse patients from adopting e-health ap-
plications. For example, personal health
information such as an early stage of pregnancy or
of certain medical conditions must be kept
confidential. The leaked data can be used for illegal
In addition, any malicious alteration of
health records
would engender dramatic
consequences, as it could
trigger wrong medical
prescriptions, or delay emergency interventions.
Securing data communications
for e-health
applications passes inevitably through
management protocols. They are in charge of de-
livering security credentials to the different involved
entities. These credentials are used to make sure that
only authorized entities can access and modify data.
This is particularly relevant in an e-health scenario
considering its sensitivity.
MIKEY is a key management protocol that aims
to provide security associations to be used as an input
for security protocols. The main motivation behind
its design is to ensure end to end security while re-
maining simple and efficient (low-latency, low band-
width consumption, low computational workload,
small code size, and minimum number of roundtrips)
(Arkko et al., 2004). The flexibility of MIKEY allows
the designers to leverage upon several modes accord-
ing to the specificities of the network scenario. Thus,
MIKEY seems to be the adequate protocol that can
Abdmeziem, M., Tandjaoui, D. and Romdhani, I.
A New Distributed MIKEY Mode to Secure e-Health Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0005945300880095
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data (IoTBD 2016), pages 88-95
ISBN: 978-989-758-183-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
be extended to ensure secure communications in IoT.
However, MIKEY various modes have not originally
been designed to be implemented in constrained en-
vironments with power and computation limitations,
weak reliability of wireless links and high scalability
In this paper, we introduce an extension of our
two previous approches (Abdmeziem and Tandjaoui,
2014) (Abdmeziem and Tandjaoui, 2015) to propose
a new standard-based cooperative key management
scheme. In fact, we design a new distributed hybrid
mode for MIKEY protocol combining the Pre-shared
key mode with the Public key mode. To do so, we
divide our network model into two segments. The
first segment covers the communication channel be-
tween the constrained nodes and a set of third parties,
to which the heavy computational operations are of-
floaded. To lighten the overhead on constrained en-
tities, only symmetric operations are used (i.e. pre-
shared key mode). The second segment covers the
communication channel between the third parties and
any remote entity to which gathered data is transmit-
ted. In this segment, asymmetric operations are used
(i.e. public key mode).
The proposed distributed hybrid mode allows us
to mitigate the disadvantages of both Pre-shared key,
and the Public Key modes while benefiting from their
advantages. Indeed, the constrained nodes do not suf-
fer from the scalability issue, as they can establish a
secret with any remote entity without having a previ-
ously shared knowledge. In the same time, they are
only involved in simple operations, which are com-
pliant with e-health applications limitations.
As a first assessment of our approach, we con-
ducted a theoretical analysis of its security properties.
Furthermore, we formally validated the analysis using
Avispa tool (Moedersheim and Drielsma, 2003). The
obtained results showed that our approach keeps the
security properties safe while being energy efficient.
The remaining of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 provides a general overview on
MIKEY protocol. In section 3, we introduce our new
MIKEY mode. Firstly, we present our network ar-
chitecture. Then, we set our assumptions, before de-
tailing the protocol’s functioning. In section 4, we
analyze the security properties of our proposed mode.
Existing security approaches are reviewed in section
5. Section 6 concludes the paper and sets our future
In the following, we provide the necessary back-
ground on MIKEY’s functioning (Arkko et al., 2004).
Table 1: Terminology table.
d at a
Data encrypted with key k
[d at a] Optional data
Pre-Shared key
Message Authentication Code
Public Key of x
Certificate of x
Traffic Encryption Key
TEK Generation Key
Fresh value used for key
auth key Authentication key
encr key Encryption key
MIKEY header
Identity of x
Security policies
encr key/envelopekey
Signature of x
Figure 1: Pre-shared key mode signaling flow.
Figure 2: Public key mode signaling flow.
A New Distributed MIKEY Mode to Secure e-Health Applications
MIKEY considers two entities that aim to
establish a
shared secret. One of the two entities
assumes the Ini-
tiator role, whereas the second one
assumes the Re-
sponder role. The key distribution
modes are defined
as follows (the different used
notations are described
in Table 1):
Pre-shared Key Mode: in this mode, both the Ini-
tiator and the Responder share a PSK from which
two keys are derived, encr key and auth key. An ini-
tialisation phase where the key is distributed is as-
sumed. To establish a session, the Initiator randomly
generates a TGK, and sends it to the Responder as
part of the first message (i.e. I MESSAGE). This
latter is replay protected with timestamps, encrypted
with encr key and authenticated through a MAC us-
ing auth key. An optional verification response (i.e.
R MESSAGE) from the Responder provides mutual
authentication. R MESSAGE contains a MAC com-
puted upon both Initiator and Responder identities,
and the same timestamp contained in I MESSAGE
using auth key (Fig. 1).
In the pre-shared key mode, only symmetric oper-
ations are involved. Hence, this mode fits well with
the IoT constrained environement, as it can be run
with limited energy and power resources. Neverthe-
less, this mode suffers from a severe scalability issue.
In fact, a pre-establishment phase is required where a
shared key is set between the involved parties.
Public Key Mode: in this mode, the Initiator trans-
mits the genrated TGK based on an ”envelope key”
approach. The Initiator encrypts and authenticates
the TGK using a randomly/pseudo-randomly chosen
envelope key, and sends it as part of I MESSAGE. In
addition, it includes the envelope key encrypted with
the Responder public key PK
. According to (Arkko
et al., 2004), the mandatory asymmetric primitive to
implement is RSA (Rivest et al., 1978). In case where
the Responder owns several public keys, the Initia-
tor specifies the used key in the optional CHASH pa-
rameter. Both ID
and CERT
are also optional. It
is worth mentioning that I MESSAGE is signed us-
ing PK
, and replay protected with timestamps. Sim-
ilar to the Pre-shared key mode, an optional response
message (R MESSAGE) ensures mutual authentica-
tion (Fig. 2).
The Public key mode is based on asymmetric
primitives (i.e. RSA). These latter use complex ex-
ponential operations, which prove to be difficult to
run on constrained devices. On the other side, this
mode does not require from the involved entities to
pre-share credentials. Thus, two entities with no pre-
vious shared knowledge can establish a secure com-
munication channel.
In addition to the two previous modes, a third
mode called ”Diffie-Hellman mode” is defined. This
latter is mainly based on the Diffie-Hellman key ex-
change protocol. This mode has a higher computa-
tional and communication overhead compared to the
public key and the Pre-shared modes. Due to its in-
adequacy with our constrained e-health scenario, this
mode is ruled out.
In this section, we present our new distributed mode
for MIKEY protocol. Firstly, we introduce our e-
health network architecture. Secondly, we define a
set of assumptions before detailing the different ex-
changed messages.
3.1 NeTwork Architecture
We consider an end to end communication channel
between smart objects (i.e. sensor nodes) and any
remote server. This choice is motivated by the high
sensitivity of gathered data in e-health applications.
Hence, key management protocols are required be-
tween the two entities to secure their communica-
tions. These protocols have to deal with the resources
capabilities of the involved entities, along with the
fact that no prior knowledge is established between
IP-enabled smart objects are in charge of sensing
health related data (e.g. blood pressure, blood glu-
cose level, temperature level, etc.). They are planted
in the human body. Gathered data is transmitted to re-
mote entities that are in charge of the processing and
analysis. In our approach, we consider four main el-
ements: the mobile and contextual sensors, the third
parties, the remote server and the certification author-
ity. (Fig. 3).
Mobile and Contextual Sensor (Smart Object): the
sensors are planted in, on, or around a human
body to collect health-related data (e.g. blood
pressure, blood glucose level, temperature level,
Third Party: compared to the standard MIKEY
modes, the third parties represent an additional
component in our proposed hybrid mode. A third
party could be any entity that is able to perform
high consuming computations.
Remote Entity: the remote entity receives the
gathered data for further processing. A remote
server could be used by caregiver services in or-
der to take appropriate decisions according to pa-
tient’s data.
IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data
Figure 3: Mikey hybrid mode: Network architecture.
Certification Authority: the certification authority
is required to guarantee authentication between
the third parties and the remote server by deliv-
ering valid and authenticated certificates.
The network is thus heterogeneous combining
with various capabilities both in terms of com-
puting power and energy resources. Smart objects
have limited computational power, memory and en-
ergy resources. They are unable to perform public
key cryptographic operations. However, the third par-
ties and the remote server are equiped with high en-
ergy, computing power and storage capabilities. They
can take the form of a server hardware or being dis-
tributed in a Cloud infrastructure with flexible re-
sources (Chang and Ramachandran, 2016).
The mapping with MIKEY concepts is defined as
The Initiator role is mapped with the smart object
(also designated as constrained node)
The Responder role is mapped with the remote en-
tity. This latter can be set in hospitals automati-
cally triggering an exchange in order to check on
patient’s vital signs.
3.2 Assumptions
Before presenting the details of our protocol, we set
the following assumptions:
Sensor nodes are able to perform symmetric en-
cryption. Both third parties and the remote server
are able to perform asymmetric cryptographic op-
The third parties are not necessarily trusted.
The certification authority is a trusted entity. It de-
livers authenticated cryptographic credentials to
the third parties and to the remote server.
Each sensor node is able to keep a list of remote
third parties. This list is pre-established during an
initialization phase.
Each sensor node shares a PSK with each third
3.3 Message Exchanges
In our proposed mode, the network is divided into two
segments. The first segment is defined by the commu-
nication channel linking the constrained nodes to the
third parties. This segment involves the constrained
part of our network model. Hence, we propose to
consider using the Pre-shared key mode of MIKEY.
The second segment is defined by the communica-
tion channel linking the third parties to the remote
server. This segment does not suffer from resources
constraints, thus, we propose to consider using the
Public key mode of MIKEY.
After an initialization phase where each con-
strained node is pre-loaded with the identities of a set
of third parties, along with the different PSK, our pro-
posed MIKEY mode proceeds with successive mes-
sages. Table. 1 summarizes the notations used, and
Fig. 4 illustrates the signaling flow. To remain stan-
dard compliant, the messages headers, along with var-
ious message parameters are kept unchanged (RFC
3830 (Arkko et al., 2004)). In the following, we detail
the different exchanged messages.
A New Distributed MIKEY Mode to Secure e-Health Applications
I TPi MESSAGE: the Initiator randomly gener-
ates a secret TGK, which will be used later to
further derive keying materials at both I and R
sides. The TGK is split into n parts TGK
. Each part is sent to the
appropriate TP
message is replay pro-
tected with timestamps,
encrypted and authen-
ticated using the pre shared PSK. The general
structure of the message is as follows.
i { 1, n} {HDR, T, RAND,[ID
], [ID
Because wireless connection is the main media in
e-health applications, and in IoT in general, I ap-
plies an error redundancy scheme to the generated
TGK. The aim is to enable R retrieving the secret
without requiring the reception of all the pack-
ets, in case where some of them were lost during
the transmission process. For instance, the widely
used Reed-Solomon scheme can be applied (Reed
and Solomon, 1960).
upon receiving
authenticates and
the received message using its corresponding
PSK. An optional verification response
sent from
to I provides mutual authentication.
structure of the message is as follows.
i {1, n} {HDR, T,[ID
TPi R MESSAGE: after having properly authen-
ticated the received I TPi MESSAGE, TP
domly generates an envelope key. This lat-
ter is
used to encrypt and authenticate the
part, which is included in
MESSAGE. The envelope key is encrypted
the public key of R and included in the mes-
sage. In addition, TP
s signature that covers all
the fields of the message is also included. The
message is then sent to R. The structure of the
message is as follows.
i { 1, n} {HDR, T, RAND,[ID
], [CERT
R TPi MESSAGE: upon successful authentica-
tion and decryption of TPi R MESSAGE by R, the
TGK is retrieved. In fact, after having received
enough packets containing the different TGK
, R
reconstructs the original TGK. An optional veri-
fication response sent from R to TP
provides mu-
tual authentication. The structure of the message
is as follows.
i {1, n} {HDR, T,[ID
R I MESSAGE: using the established TGK, R
encrypts and authenticates a verification message
(i.e. R I MESSAGE). This latter is sent to I,
which authenticates the received message. A suc-
cessful authentication is considered as a proof of
Rs knowledge of TGK. It is worth noting that
I MESSAGE is optional and only sent if ID
been included in the different exchanges. The
structure of the message is as follows.
The reconstructed TGK is used to derive further
keying materials. The derivation process is de-
tailed in MIKEY RFC3830(Arkko et al., 2004).
Both I and R are then able to derive state connec-
keys for encryption and authentication of the
exchanged data. A secure end to end channel is
hence created between highly constrained sensors
remote unconstrained servers. Our proposed
takes advantage of both the Pre-shared and
modes, while limiting their disadvan-
4.1 Key Exchange Properties
In this section, we briefly analyze the security fea-
tures of our proposed mode based on the proprieties
presented in (Roman et al., 2011). For the following
discussion, we consider our communication channel
split into two segments: Seg1) from I to the TP
Seg2) from the TP
to R (see Fig. 3)
Confidentiality: regarding Seg1, the exchanged
messages between I and the different TP
are en-
crypted using the corresponding PSK
. Based on RFC
3830 (Arkko et al., 2004), we advocate the use of
AES-CCM mode that defines AES-CBC for MAC
generation and AES-CTR for encryption (Dworkin,
2007). Nowadays, more and more tiny sensors in-
clude AES hardware coprocessor, which would help
to decrease the overhead. Regarding Seg2, commu-
nications are secured using Public Key Encryption.
According to RFC 3830 (Arkko et al., 2004), RSA is
used as a cryptographic primitive (Rivest et al., 1978).
The certification authority is in charge of delivering
the required certificates.
Authentication and Integrity: in our protocol,
communications are authenticated using MACs in
Seg1 and digital signatures in Seg2. Thus, the ex-
changed data is guaranteed to remain genuine. This
property ensures that the data has not been altered,
and has been sent from legitimate entities (and to
legitimate entities, as verification messages can be
IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data
Figure 4: Distributed MIKEY mode: message exchanges.
added to provide mutual authentication). Further-
more, nonces (i.e. time-stamps) are included in the
exchanged messages for protection against replay at-
Distribution: similar to the Pre-shared mode, an
initialization phase is required to distribute the shared
PSK between the constrained nodes and the TP
. This
phase is generally performed off-line. Nevertheless,
in Seg2 and similar to the Public key mode, TP
R establish a secure channel in an online mode tak-
ing advantage from the asymmetric primitives. As a
consequence, upon an initial distribution in Seg1, our
mode can be run without any external intervention al-
lowing automatic updates.
Overhead: the constrained entities are only in-
volved in symmetric operations, which are much less
resource consuming than asymmetric ones. Actually,
the powerful third parties take in charge all asym-
metric operations. Indeed, limiting computation so-
licitations for the constrained nodes decreases their
power consumption and thus increases their battery
Resilience: involving several third parties in the
key exchange process makes our mode highly re-
silient. To compromise and recover the exchanged se-
cret TGK, an attacker would need to corrupt all third
parties, as TGK is split into numerous shares. Thus,
unless an attacker compromises all TP
, it is nearly
impossible to recover the original TGK. As a result,
our hybrid mode does not assume the third parties to
be trusted.
Extensibility and Scalability: in an e-health sce-
nario, new sensors can be integrated at any time. We
can easily imagine a physician prescribing the im-
plantation of a new sensor for various medical pur-
poses. Our protocol requires an initialization phase
where the sensor (i.e. I) is set with a list of TP
tities, along with the PSK
that are shared with each
. However, our protocol proceeds without any op-
eration regarding the TP
or R. After the initialization
phase, the joining sensor is ready to establish an end
to end secure channel with any remote entity.
Storage: due to recent hardware advances in flash
memory, smart objects provide considerable amounts
of storage space (Tsiftes and Dunkels, 2011). This
space is used in our hybrid mode to store the TP
identities list along with the corresponding PSK
. Fur-
thermore, we assume that the number of TP
will not
exceed a reasonable threshold. Thus, storage space is
not considered as an issue in our protocol deployment.
4.2 Formal Validation
To prove that our protocol does not violate the re-
quired security properties, in particular, confidential-
ity, authentication, delivery proof and replay protec-
tion, we carried out an analysis using Avispa tool
(Moedersheim and Drielsma, 2003). AVISPA (Au-
tomated Validation of Internet Security Protocol and
Applications) is a state-of-the-art verification tool for
security protocols that includes a set of model check-
ers with a common front end. The tool follows the
Dolev-Yao intruder model (Dolev and Yao, 1981) to
intercept messages, or to insert modified data. It per-
forms analytical rules to state whether the protocol is
safe or not. In case of unsafety, the tool provides a
trace highlighting the steps that led to the attack.
Protocol models in Avispa are written in a role-
based language called High Level Protocol Specifi-
cation Language, or HLPSL (Chevalier et al., 2004).
The actions of the different entities are specified in
a module called basic role, while their interactions
are defined by composing multiple basic roles to-
gether into a composed role. In addition, the secu-
rity goals of the analyzed protocol are specified in
the goal section before launching the analysis. Be-
sides, Avispa uses several different automatic proto-
col analysis techniques to validate the analyzed proto-
col against the specified security goals such as the on-
the-fly model-checker (OFMC), and the constraint-
logic based attack searcher (CL-AtSe).
In our modeling, we first specified a basic role
to describe the actions of the different involved en-
A New Distributed MIKEY Mode to Secure e-Health Applications
Figure 5: Avispa output (OFMC).
Figure 6: Avispa output (CL AtSe).
tities. Then, we specified how the participants inter-
act with each other in a composed role. The differ-
ent roles have been implemented using the HLPSL
language, and introduced as an input for Avispa tool.
The specification has been anayzed against the Dolev-
Yao intruder model using the OFMC, and the CL-
AtSe backends. The results have been indicated in
reports for each backend model produced by Avispa
tool. They show that our protocol is ”SAFE” against
OFMC (Fig. 5), and CL AtSe (Fig. 6). Based on the
obtained results, we can affirm that our distributed hy-
brid mode is safe with respect to the specified security
In our literature review, we distinguish two main re-
search axes. The first one is focused on the secu-
rity approaches designed upon standard based pro-
tocols, while the second one is focused on the ap-
proaches based on the offloading of heavy computa-
tional operations to third parties. Numerous energy
aware approaches have been introduced for the IP-
based IoT. In (Hui and Thubert, 2011), the compres-
sion of IPV6 headers, extension headers along with
UDP headers has been standardized through 6LoW-
PAN. Authors in (Raza et al., 2011) presented 6LoW-
PAN compressions for IPsec payload headers (AH
and ESP). In (Raza et al., 2012b), an IKE com-
pression scheme has also been proposed providing a
lightweight automatic way to establish security as-
sociations for IPsec. Likewise, header compression
layers for DTLS and HIP DEX have been introduced
in (Raza et al., 2012a), (Hummen et al., 2013), and
(Sahraoui and Bilami, 2015). Furthermore, in (Ab-
dmeziem and Tandjaoui, 2014), authors introduced a
compression scheme in addition to a new exchange
mode to reduce MIKEY TICKET overhead.
Besides the proposed standard-based schemes,
several approaches that aim to offload resource con-
suming operations to third entities have been pro-
posed. Authors in (Saied and Olivereau, 2012) in-
troduced collaboration for HIP. The idea is to take
advantage of more powerful nodes in the neighbor-
hood of a constrained node to carry heavy compu-
tations in a distributed way. Likewise, IKE session
establishment delegation to a gateway have been pro-
posed in (Bonetto et al., 2012). Furthermore, authors
in (Freeman et al., 2007) introduced a delegation pro-
cedure that enables a client to delegate certificate vali-
dation to a trusted server. While the precedent delega-
tion approaches reduce the computational load at the
constrained node, they break the end to end principle
by requiring a third trusted party. Authors in (Abd-
meziem and Tandjaoui, 2015), addressed the prece-
dent issue by enhancing the existing schemes to en-
sure the end to end property.
The proposed approach in this paper can be posi-
tioned in both axes. In fact, it is based on the offload-
ing of heavy asymmetric operations to third parties,
while being implemented through a standard based
protocol (i.e. MIKEY).
IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data
We addressed the problematic of establishing secured
communication channels in the constrained environ-
ment of e-health applications. In fact, we introduced
a new MIKEY mode that combines the pre-shared
key mode with the public key mode. In this mode,
heavy operations are offloaded to dedicated powerful
third parties. Doing so, the constrained entities are
only involved in the symmetric operations of the pre-
shared mode. The public key mode is left to the un-
constrained part of the network. As a result, the con-
strained entities are able to establish a secured chan-
nel with any remote entity without having established
an initial shared knowledge. Indeed, through our dis-
tributed hybrid mode, we benefit from the advantages
of both pre-shared mode (resource preservation) and
public key mode (scalability), while mitigating their
disadvantages. The first preliminary results show that
our mode is secure, and resource preserving at the
same time. In the future, we plan an implementation
on real test-beds to assess its energy consumption per-
formances under real conditions.
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(2016). Architecting the internet of things: State of
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A New Distributed MIKEY Mode to Secure e-Health Applications