In this paper, we propose the Cap-Token option to
solve the payload ambiguity problem when applying
the capability-based access control model for an IoT
network. Because the Cap-Token option is indepen-
dent form other CoAP fields and the option knows
its size, we can prevent a capability token from being
mixed up with the contents of other CoAP fields. Be-
sides, we also propose a compression mechanism to
reduce the size of the Cap-Token option. Our evalua-
tion shows that the compression mechanism can save
the size of the Cap-Token option by 60%. This also
helps decrease the overhead (the increase in the IP
datagram size) after applying CBAC for an IoT net-
work. Our results show that the overhead of adding a
compressed Cap-Token option to a request message is
only 69%, while adding an uncompressed Cap-Token
option is 176% and directly attaching a capability to
the end of CoAP is 304%. The smaller IP datagram
size also helps generate fewer data link frame when
sending a CoAP request message over a 6LoWPAN
Our future work focuses on solving the storage
consumption problem on the requester’s device. Be-
cause the current design only allows a capability to-
ken to be used to access a particular device, a re-
quester has to acquire at least N capability tokens if
attempting to access the resources hosted on N IoT
devices. This may consume a large amount of stor-
age space in a large IoT use case, such as smart city.
Hence, we plan to design a new type of capability to-
ken to tackle this problem.
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