that the strengths of digital images above can be max-
imized. Our experiments validate the robustness of
To our knowledge, there is no digital image ser-
vice using embedding data technologies into images.
RIC is mainly designed for digital images for chal-
lenging to open a new Superdistribution system, com-
pared to the existing ecosystems provided by platform
companies. Using RIC, it is possible that RIC images
can spread out in any sharing way, such as E-mail,
SNS, chat-app, and the original embedded digital data
can be easily extracted by end recipients on any Inter-
net services, regardless of platforms. We had already
implemented RIC to iOS, Android, Chrome browser
extension, and so on to confirm that RIC can be oper-
ated across diverse platforms.
In spite that high robustness of RIC is realized,
the performance of RIC, such as extracting time is
not completely considered. For example, the doubt
color correction algorithm helps detect damaged im-
ages, but it is highly likely that decoding process of
terribly damaged images takes relatively long time
when N
is big. We keep trying the way of optimizing
a doubt color correction algorithm with a small value
of N
. In addition, research for image’s inclination
matching is also critically important for security pol-
icy, and we are still trying several additional image
matching features. These future works will upgrade
the completeness and stability of the system, which
also means RIC will possibly be able to be operated in
the worse conditions than the currently defined speci-
This work was supported by Tokyo Institute of Tech-
nology and Pulit Inc. The authors would like to ap-
preciate the anonymous reviewers for their valuable
suggestions and comments.
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