The aim of this paper was to characterise the work-
load of HEVC decoding at the GoP, frame and CU
level. The state-of-the-art in video stream workload
modelling, either assumes Gaussian distributed ran-
dom properties such as frame decoding times and de-
pendent data volumes or tries to estimate the decoding
times with respect to frame sizes. Furthermore data
dependency patterns (i.e. GoP structure patterns) are
not addressed in the state-of-the-art. In this work, a
bottom-up workload generation methodology is pre-
sented where, block-level characteristics were used to
derive higher-level properties such as frame execution
costs and reference data volumes. This work attempts
to generate video decoding workloads with real sta-
tistical properties obtained from profiled video de-
coding tasks. It was found that frame-level decoding
time correlated well with the CU-level statistics ob-
tained. This work quantitatively shows that the inter-
frame dependency pattern of the GoPs are highly cor-
related with the level of activity or motion in the video
stream. Algorithms were presented to generate the
GoP sequence and structure as well as frame genera-
tion which satisfy the probability density of real video
The exponential Weibull distribution was fit to the
distribution of the number of P/B frames in a GoP,
CU-level decoding time and encoded frame sizes. To
represent the multi-modal nature of Skip-CU decod-
ing times, higher-order polynomial functions were
chosen. Characteristics of different types of video
streams including high/low activity and coarse/fine
level detail imagery was analysed. The workload gen-
eration algorithms presented can be used as an input
to system-level simulators. The evaluation of the pro-
posed technique showed that the workload generators
do not fully capture the extreme variations between
frames. However, the average-case properties of real-
video streams and synthetically generated streams are
As future work, firstly, we hope to analyse the
frame-level variations and in more detail to improve
the accuracy of the synthetic workload. Secondly,
the relationship between the workload model and the
experimental platform (e.g. decoder configuration,
memory and processor architecture etc.) will need to
be further analysed to derive a robust generator. Fur-
thermore, the workload generator would need to be
evaluated with higher resolution videos (e.g., 1080p
or 4k) and high frame rates (e.g. 60 fps).
We would like to thank the LSCITS program
(EP/F501374/ 1), DreamCloud project (EU FP7-
611411) and RheonMedia Ltd.
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Synthetic Workload Generation of Broadcast Related HEVC Stream Decoding for Resource Constrained Systems