when querying with a misspelling name, comparing
to the original chaotic searchable encryption method.
The same test is then performed when the user did
require the most similar three identity files for his
query and the results for the first and second
algorithms are then calculated. The averages over the
100 names for the first and second algorithms are
respectively equal to 0.796 and 1. As we can see, the
algorithms are more successful, in this case, to find
the right identity files when querying with a
misspelling name. The main reason is that the cloud
provider is retrieving three files and not just one and
then there is a bigger chance to find the matched
identity file.
In this paper, we proposed the first combined chaos and
metaphone based searchable encryption approach. The
proposed algorithm allows fuzzy keyword searches
over the encrypted data stored on the cloud. Our
approach proved the possibility of the usage of the
searchable encryption on the identity storage use case
and guarantees the privacy and confidentiality of the
people crossing borders even vis-à-vis the cloud
provider who is semi-trusted in our case.
This work is made within the framework of the Irish
Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce (IC4)
which is an Irish government and Enterprise Ireland
supported technology research centre established in
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