Security Incident Information Exchange for Cloud Services
Christian Frøystad, Erlend Andreas Gjære, Inger Anne Tøndel and Martin Gilje Jaatun
Software Engineering, Safety and Security, SINTEF ICT, P.O. Box 4760, NO-7465, Trondheim, Norway
Incident Response, Cloud Computing, Accountability.
The complex provider landscape in cloud computing makes incident handling difficult, as Cloud Service
Providers (CSPs) with end-user customers do not necessarily get sufficient information about incidents that
occur at upstream CSPs. In this paper, we argue the need for commonly agreed-upon incident information
exchanges between providers as a means to improve accountability of CSPs. The discussion considers sev-
eral technical challenges and non-technical aspects related to improving the situation for incident response in
cloud computing scenarios. In addition, we propose a technical implementation which can embed standard
representation formats for incidents in notification messages, built over a publish-subscribe architecture, and
a web-based dashboard for handling the incident workflow.
Cloud computing offers its users a significant amount
of benefits such as increased agility, reliability,
easier and better scalability and elasticity, mainte-
nance, device and location independence, and re-
duced cost (Kalloniatis et al., 2014). Due to this, the
popularity of cloud infrastructure is understandably
on the rise among both smaller companies and multi-
national enterprises alike, further enabling start-up
companies to innovate with rapidly growing customer
bases without costly IT investments up-front.
While the benefits of cloud computing are well
known, there are still drawbacks or challenges which
need to be taken into account by stakeholders look-
ing into adoption of such infrastructure. This paper
focusses on incident response, which is the process of
handling the occurrence of an incident from detection,
through analysis, containment, eradication & recov-
ery and preparation (Grobauer and Schreck, 2010).
These activities have increased in complexity since
the time when servers were physical machines run-
ning a single system for one organisation, possibly
at their own physical premises, too. A set of secu-
rity issues related to incident handling in the cloud
were examined by Grobauer & Schreck (Grobauer
and Schreck, 2010) back in 2010, who then called for
more research in several areas. In the years which
have passed since this paper, there has only been pub-
lished a little amount of research addressing those
challenges. Most of this, however, is mainly con-
cerned with digital forensics in the cloud, or more tra-
ditional incident response scenarios, and nothing on
the perspective of dealing with complex cloud pro-
visioning chains. In general, we find a lack of aca-
demic attention paid to incident management between
independent companies and organizations involved in
cloud computing, and to giving the involved parties
sufficient access to related data and event sources in a
timely manner.
Sharing of incident information has typically been
based on one-to-one trust relationships between Com-
puter Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT)
members in the relevant organisations. The actual ex-
change of incident information normally happen by
means of email, phone, incident trackers, help desk
systems, conference calls and face to face. With the
advent of cloud computing, however, the human el-
ement is much less prominent. A cloud service can
be made up of a chain of providers where none of
the CSIRT members have ever communicated directly
with a representative from any of the other providers.
In addition, an incident in the cloud may need to in-
volve different parts of the provider chain, potentially
even in an automated, real-time fashion, to minimise
business disruption (Gjære et al., 2014). This sets new
requirements to the way incident response needs to
be managed and supported by tools which are able to
communicate effectively across rapidly changing con-
stellations of organisations.
An essential challenge is that there is no single
part of the supply chain which has access to all events
and all areas to monitor, thus nobody can immedi-
ately see the full picture. In a survey conducted
Frøystad, C., Gjære, E., Tøndel, I. and Jaatun, M.
Security Incident Information Exchange for Cloud Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0005953803910398
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data (IoTBD 2016), pages 391-398
ISBN: 978-989-758-183-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
by Torres (Torres, 2014), little visibility into sys-
tem/endpoint configurations/vulnerabilities as such
was considered one of the top hindrances to effec-
tive incident response in their organisation. The cloud
actors therefore need to be able to communicate effi-
ciently in order to provide each other with informa-
tion to ease detection or assist responding to an inci-
dent. It has also been claimed that attackers are better
at handling information sharing than those protecting
services and systems (Horne, 2014). This adds to the
importance of providing good tools and solutions to
incident handlers.
Laws are powerful incentives for changing be-
haviors in entire industries within a country. When
large unions, like the United States or the European
Union, introduces quite similar laws, this affects the
entire western world and also, to some degree, the
rest of the world (Greenleaf, 2012). The introduc-
tion of new regulations in Europe, like the General
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Network In-
formation Security (NIS), increases the need for an ef-
fective way of exchanging incident information. Due
to the substantial fines mandated by the GDPR, ser-
vice providers are given an incentive to ensure accu-
rate and timely notification about breaches relating to
personal information. Laws are not only an incentive,
but sometimes also a hindrance or at least an obsta-
cle. The difference between laws covering personal
information, could complicate information exchange.
In order for an incident exchange solution to be use-
ful, it needs to be adopted by businesses and CSPs.
Given how most businesses strive to improve their fi-
nancial results, it is likely that for the system to be
adopted, one of the following criteria must be ful-
Use of the solution results in reduced costs or in-
creased revenue – directly or indirectly
Actors are required by law to use a system that
has functionalities such as those described in this
More efficient incident response, e.g. by increased
automation of response to common and simple inci-
dents (Metzger et al., 2011), can result in a financial
benefit. Additionally, professional incident notifica-
tion schemes can strengthen the provider’s reputation
as an accountable and trustworthy provider. However,
the sharing of incident information can also be con-
sidered risky for a provider. Traditionally, incident
information has mostly been shared directly between
people with a direct trust relationship, i.e., who know
each other personally. In vendor and outsourcing re-
lationships, organizations thus take many measures to
build trust in order to facilitate incident information
exchange (Jaatun and Tøndel, ). It may not be pos-
sible to achieve the same level of trust between or-
ganizations as between individuals. Cloud providers,
however, cannot rely on individual trust relationships,
but need to establish trust on an organizational level
and exchange incident information based on that trust.
Bandyophyay et al. (Bandyopadhyay et al., 2009)
divides costs of cyber-incidents into two broad cate-
gories: primary and secondary losses, where primary
losses refer to direct loss and operating loss and sec-
ondary losses refer to any second-degree effects that
is indirectly triggered by information concerning the
security of the company (e.g. reputation damage or
credit rating). Several factors may impact the cost.
As an example, Bandyophyay et al. (Bandyopadhyay
et al., 2009) explains how a decision to report the in-
cident to an insurance company can increase the cost
associated with the incident: the reporting may result
in the breach becoming known to external parties, and
thus secondary losses is experienced. Cloud providers
may be reluctant towards sharing incident information
for similar reasons. In addition, there may be a need to
share information on the incident before the incident
is fully understood, including the cause of the inci-
dent. Revealing incident information may thus, in the
worst case, give information to any attackers on the
impact of their attack. Technological solutions that
provide secure means to distribute incident informa-
tion can to some extent reduce the risk of sharing inci-
dent information, as providers can have an improved
overview of who has received what information re-
garding the incident. Terms regarding sharing and re-
ceiving incident information can also be covered in
We have investigated functional aspects of how inci-
dent information should be represented and shared.
The following provides an overview of how these as-
pects relate to cloud computing scenarios in particu-
3.1 One Format to Rule them All?
In order to ensure that every part of the cloud supply
chain is able to understand the information sent, we
believe it is necessary to agree on a definition of an
IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data
incident and its data elements. This would allow for
easier development and deployment of new systems
as well as increase interoperability, as one would not
have to conform to multiple different definitions and
data sets, but can rely on one base format. At the same
time, if an organization needs a different representa-
tion internally, this should still be possible as long as
it is feasible to translate this representation into the
common representation.
Schneier (Schneier, 2014) claims that Incidents
aren’t standardized; they’re all different. NIST (Ci-
chonski et al., 2012) further state that each CSIRT
team must choose their own list of required data el-
ements, based on factors like team model, team struc-
ture and how the team defines an incident. This raises
the question of whether it is actually possible to rep-
resent every incident in one format, or if it is a bet-
ter approach to allow multiple formats and thus allow
for specialization. By using only one format that is
able to represent everything, one could, theoretically,
know that all conforming implementations would be
able to understand any incident received and be able
to handle it automatically, if desired. On the other
hand, the format would be very complex, as it needs
to include mechanisms to represent all possible rele-
vant information for any incident imaginable.
We have found the Incident Object Descrip-
tion Exchange Format (IODEF) (Danyliw et al.,
2007) and Structured Threat Information eXpression
(STIX) (Barnum, 2012) to be comprehensive for-
mats for expressing incidents. They can support most
properties included in other relevant formats, like
eCrime (Cain and Jevans, 2010) and Cyber Observ-
able eXpression (CybOX) (The MITRE Corporation,
2015), but also brings along noteworthy challenges.
The formats are complex, making them difficult to un-
derstand for humans.
On the other hand, an option can be to only trans-
fer unstructured text messages between parties in the
cloud supply chain. This would reduce the solution
to be a secure “email” system, and thus in accordance
with how incident information is mostly exchanged
today (Frøystad, 2014). The ability to provide free
text would allow the parties to exchange any informa-
tion required, but they would have to agree on a spe-
cial formatting for the text if planning to support auto-
matic handling of incidents. This would make it eas-
ier to implement the solution, and thus reduce initial
adoption costs. Notable drawbacks of this approach
include fragmentation in message formatting, leading
to potential difficulties for humans in interpreting or
encoding incident information.
A middle ground would be to have a small base
format, with the ability to represent the most common
information in a simple way and providing a struc-
tured way of attaching other incident formats such
as those mentioned above. This allows for reuse of
existing incident formats, specialization, incremental
implementation, and flexibility to support newer for-
3.2 Notification
At some point, the CSP experiencing an incident
needs to notify its cloud customers that is other
providers in the cloud supply chain buying services
from the CSP. This could be because required by law,
legal agreements with the cloud customer or because
the CSP strives to be accountable. One approach is to
decide which notifications to send a-priori by the mu-
tual agreement between provider and customer, which
each make sure that they exchange the necessary in-
formation to fulfil the relevant laws and provide suffi-
cient data for information exchange to be useful.
Another approach could be that the provider de-
cides which notifications to send, without the cloud
customer’s influence. This could include notifications
with a core message like: “We have been breached,
but your data was not compromised.
A hybrid, combining the two, would allow the
mutual agreement to be created by the provider list-
ing which types of incidents the cloud customer is al-
lowed to access, and the cloud customer subscribing
to the incident types he needs. In order to allow the
cloud provider to fulfil any legal obligations to notify
the cloud customer, he could, when obligated by law,
send such notifications whether the cloud customer
subscribes to them or not.
Figure 1 shows an example of the relationship be-
tween service providers and services used, and thus
provides an example of the amount of unneeded or
unwanted incident information a subscriber could re-
ceive if the defined triggers are not taken into account.
E.g. in the case of cloud B, it only uses a fraction of
the services offered by cloud C and D. If cloud B was
notified about all incidents at C and D, this would in-
clude a large amount of unneeded information relat-
ing to services not in use by cloud B. Additionally
if cloud D has thousands of customers, the overhead
of negotiating and defining which incident informa-
tion to share would become noticeable. Therefore, it
is expected to be better to use the hybrid approach,
where the subscriber defines what he wants to be no-
tified about and the provider additionally pushes all
information required by law to the subscriber by us-
ing mandatory notifications that could be defined for
each subscriber.
Security Incident Information Exchange for Cloud Services
Figure 1: Data flow in supply chain. Each cloud represents
a service provider. Each coloured square represents the ser-
vices used by the subscriber. The coloured square inside
each stippled square, represents the data or parts of the ser-
vices actually used by the subscriber.
3.3 Propagation of Incidents
Incidents which affect one CSP could in turn af-
fect other CSPs, and hence be propagated. Two ap-
proaches to representing propagated incidents have
been considered. The first approach embeds the par-
ent incident in an unchanged manner, allowing all re-
cipients of a derived incident an incident created
based on information from another incident to ac-
cess all of the information received by an earlier link
in the supply chain. At first glance, this seems like
a valid approach and one that could result in bet-
ter cooperation, faster response time and better inci-
dent handling as a result of access to more and bet-
ter information. However, if all information from one
provider is passed on to entities further down in the
chain by a receiver, this would limit trust as the en-
tity sending the incident information would not know
who receives it. Given the potentially sensitive nature
of information related to security incidents, there is a
real possibility this would result in the system not be-
ing used or only superficial information being shared.
To allow the incident sender to be more in con-
trol of his incident information, a better approach is
to only reference the parent incident when propagat-
ing down to a subscriber of a subscriber. In this way,
only relevant information would propagate directly,
through the actions of an entity, while there would
still be a hard link to follow in order to establish ex-
actly what happen during the incident handling. This
could, e.g., be useful when auditing a provider or dur-
ing criminal investigations.
In order to allow cloud providers and cloud customers
to exchange security incident information, we ex-
amine an incident exchange format and subscription
based Application Programming Interface (API). A
standardised format would allow for increased au-
tomation of incident response tasks, yet it does not re-
quire automation to be implemented anywhere. Only
the interface provisioned by notification publishers
need to be defined, while the implementation of the
underlying functions can be up to the implementers,
and can vary between different actors.
The examination only deals with notifications be-
tween cloud providers and cloud customers, not noti-
fications to end-users. If e.g. Dropbox uses Amazon
S3 for storage of files, Dropbox is in the best posi-
tion to know which end users to notify in the event
of an incident happening at Amazon. Thus, this work
contributes to notification of end users by allowing in-
cidents to propagate the cloud supply chain, while not
directly handling the end user notification itself.
4.1 Notification Message Format
For the content of the incident notification messages,
we propose a core format which supports manual in-
cident handling as well, i.e. the case where the in-
cident notification is read and acted upon by a hu-
man. Essential here is the capability to keep track of
e.g. where an incident has occurred and how it may
be correlated with other incidents, to make the noti-
fication system well suited for complex networks of
services. In order to support automation, i.e. when
a service could adapt itself during runtime to miti-
gate a threat (Gjære et al., 2014), we also make it
possible to attach more structured and standardised
formats to the message. A goal with our work is to
keep the complexity to a minimum so that even small
organisations/start-ups should be able to implement
and utilise cloud incident notification tools. While
some organisations only need manual handling, we
retain the possibility to support more extensive for-
mats needed for automation, at the same time facili-
tating specialisation and forward compatibility.
The fields included in the core format are based
on a review of the RFC 5070 standard for an
IODEF (Danyliw et al., 2007), the Federal Inci-
dent Notification Guidelines (US-CERT, 2014), the
EU Commission Regulation No 611/2013 (Europea-
nUnion, 2013), STIX (Barnum, 2012), and a shared
mental model for incident response teams described
by Flodeen et al. (Floodeen et al., 2013).
The incident is associated with an incident
type, and in addition its status is described (re-
solved/unresolved). The provider can give an esti-
mate of the consequence of the incident (as a float
number), and the meaning of this estimate is deter-
mined by the SLA. A short written summary of the
incident, as well as possibly a more detailed descrip-
tion can be provided. In addition the (guessed) oc-
IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data
currence time of the incident as well as the time the
incident was first detected are provided. The parent
field provides traceability for propagated incidents,
and the liaison field contains relevant contact infor-
mation for this incident. By using the optional tlp
field, a provider can instruct the receiving cloud cus-
tomer on how to handle the received incident infor-
mation. Given the difference between ENISAs Traf-
fic Light Protocol (TLP) (ENISA, 2015) and the TLP
described by US-CERT (US-CERT, 2015), it is pos-
sible to state which schema is used. The format also
allows the sender to specify a different TLP value for
specific fields. For any field not added specifically to
the fields array, the main TLP value applies.
4.2 Custom Fields and Attachments
Our preliminary approach uses a small base format,
with the ability to represent the most common in-
formation in a simple way, while providing a struc-
tured way of attaching other incident formats such as
IODEF and STIX. In addition, the format supports
custom fields, which allow the provider and the sub-
scriber to agree upon extra information to be included
in the base format without altering its base structure.
This allows for two levels of implementation, as well
as support incremental development of the highest
level. Level 1 would only implement the base format,
and thus only be suitable for incident handling where
there are humans acting on the incident reports. Level
2 would implement different attachment formats, and
thus be able to support more automation of incident
handling. This allows for reuse of existing incident
formats, specialization , incremental implementation
, flexibility to support new formats, and the possibility
to exchange evidence in the case of a forensic investi-
Having a defined set of incident formats, agreed
upon between the provider and subscriber through
Service Level Agreements (SLAs), simplifies the im-
plementation as a cloud customer would only have
to support the attachment formats agreed upon with
the cloud provider and the cloud provider only the
formats agreed upon with its customers. Thus not
all cloud providers and customers have to support
all incident formats, but still gives flexibility to the
provider and the subscriber in identifying the for-
mats most suitable for their use case and apply
those.Custom fields allow providers and subscribers
to agree on extra information to include in the base
format without changing its structure. This is an easy
way of exchanging a few extra values that the sub-
scriber wants, but without the overhead of a large in-
cident representation format. There are multiple ways
custom fields could be implemented, including allow-
ing any values to be included in any format, allowing
only a predefined set of basic data values, and provid-
ing data building blocks that allow representation of
anything in a structured way.
By allowing only basic data types, such as String,
Integer, and Boolean, use of custom fields where at-
tachments should have been used would become less
likely, but still possible through abusing the String
value field. Explicitly stating the type of the value
in the field would make it easier for the subscriber to
interpret the value. A potential problem with this ap-
proach is the reduced flexibility, though it might be
argued that attachments should be used for anything
more complex than including simple values. Thus
only basic data types are allowed.
Table 1: REST interface for our solution.
Incident types /incidents/types
Incident type /incidents/
Trigger types /incidents/
Trigger type /triggers/types/
Subscriptions /subscriptions
Subscription /subscription/
4.3 Prototype
The customers of a cloud provider may have vary-
ing preferences when it comes to which systems, ser-
Security Incident Information Exchange for Cloud Services
vices and incident types they are interested in notifi-
cations for, as well as which thresholds for severity
these should operate in relation to. Supporting such
individual preferences can be accommodated by pub-
lishers e.g. through offering customers a subscription
mechanism. The individual provider will obviously
need to have the final say as to what information their
customers are allowed to receive, regardless of pref-
The API is implemented through Representational
State Transfer (REST), which acts as an adapter pat-
tern (Gamma et al., 1994) so the system is allowed
to function on every platform as long as they imple-
ment the API and provide the mechanisms needed to
support REST. Reducing coupling to a minimum in-
creases flexibility, modifiability and portability, and
makes it easier to adopt the solution also for estab-
lished systems and solutions. A list of all endpoints
along with their HTTPS method can be found in Ta-
ble 1. The prototype can be found at (SINTEF-
Infosec, 2016).
Catalyzed by the dashboard prototype, we have con-
ducted two focused interviews with experienced inci-
dent handlers from two organisations to evaluate our
approach. The participants both found the incident
format to be mostly complete, but mentioned some
special fields which could be useful in the base for-
mat. An indication on the time of next update was
brought up in both interviews. An estimate on the
expected time of correction, and the channel from
which the incident report originally was received,
was further mentioned as frequently useful informa-
tion. In addition, adopting the Traffic Light Protocol
(TLP) (US-CERT, 2015)(ENISA, 2015) was consid-
ered relevant for classifying confidentiality between
parties, in terms of redistributing message contents.
This was addressed in this iteration of the prototype.
A way to relay recommended actions to the subscriber
was also mentioned as important. These suggestions
should be examined further, and be included if there
is a common need for them among incident handlers.
Given that other participants in the cloud delivery
chain supported the REST interface and the incident
format, the participants would find it useful for noti-
fying customers. One participant also mentioned the
possibility for such a solution to improve the amount
and quality of reports to national Computer Emer-
gency Response Teams (CERTs). What was missed
from the interface was a way of requesting further in-
formation and reply to a report within the system. One
participant suggested using a comment section avail-
able to all recipients of an incident, thus avoiding the
sender having to respond to the same questions mul-
tiple times and allow collaboration between receiving
incident handlers.
Here, we will discuss adoption, benefits for small and
larger organizations, how our solution facilitates early
decision making on sharing, comparing our solution
to previous research and industry efforts and finally
the need for further research.
Our main contribution is a simplified method of
incident sharing, making it available for organizations
of all sizes, while still allowing for implementing a
large ecosystem with automation if so desired. While
the proposed approach does not facilitate all cloud
providers and customers in understanding all mes-
sages at any link in the chain, it ensures that all par-
ticipants in the chain understand the information they
are eligible to receive by requiring each link to be in-
teroperable with its adjacent links.
In Section 2 it was pointed out that adoption of
such an incident notification tool will likely depend
on businesses expecting a positive economic impact
from using it. The proposed solution is unlikely to
contribute directly to a higher revenue stream, but
might contribute indirectly. If a CSP, or any other
organization adopting this solution, is diligent in shar-
ing information about incidents, this could contribute
to building an image of trustworthiness and profes-
sionalism. Such an image could in turn result in
more customers, and thus increased revenue. A Level
1 implementation, that is exchange of security inci-
dent information without any automation in incident
handling, is unlikely to result in significantly reduced
costs. However, the solution has been designed with
implementation cost in mind, so the cost of adopt-
ing the solution should be quite low. The incremental
nature of the solution allows implementers to gradu-
ally introduce more formats and also automation. As
the implementation progresses into a Level 2 imple-
mentation, with an increasing amount of automation,
the reduced costs are expected to become noticeable.
Metzger et al. (Metzger et al., 2011) claim that more
than 85 % of abuse cases can be partly or fully auto-
mated, which in turn would free up resources allow-
ing for reduced costs.
“Even the smallest organizations need to be able
to share incident information with peers and partners
in order to deal with many incidents effectively” (Ci-
chonski et al., 2012). An important consideration
IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data
taken when creating the proposed solution, was that it
should be feasible for even small organizations to im-
plement, utilize and receive value. The two level im-
plementation allows for smaller organizations to reap
a subset of the potential benefits, while larger orga-
nizations implementing full automation reaps the full
set of potential benefits.
NIST (Cichonski et al., 2012) state that “The inci-
dent response team should discuss information shar-
ing with the organizations public affairs office, legal
department, and management before an incident oc-
curs to establish policies and procedures regarding
information sharing. Our proposed solution facili-
tates such decisions to be taken before incidents oc-
cur, as subscribers are able to subscribe to incident
types made available to them by the CSP. Thus, the
CSP needs to have decided beforehand which inci-
dent types each subscriber is allowed to subscribe to.
In addition, each organization is free to decide how to
implement the backend and can thus require a man in
the loop, allowing for a second screening of incidents
before they are sent to subscribers.
Comparing the approach presented in this paper
with previous research efforts on sharing incident in-
formation, Cusick and Ma (Cusick and Ma, 2010) de-
scribe a solution conceptually similar to the one pro-
posed here, but for internal use in the organization.
Users might subscribe to be notified when events are
created or changed, which has lead to improved com-
munication around the incidents. The authors state
that this feature alone made it worth their while to
create a new process and implement new tooling. Our
proposal takes this one step further, and allows other
entities to be notified just as easily as the human sub-
As mentioned, both STIX and IODEF are excel-
lent formats in their own respect. Still our main prob-
lem with both of them comes down to the general-
ized complexity and overwhelming scope. When a
collection of large formats are supposed to represent
everything, even the simple cases, this is likely to cre-
ate some overhead in situations where what is rep-
resented does not fit the format. It seems like both
have tried to counter this effect by making some fields
optional, but Floodeen et al. (Floodeen et al., 2013)
has found incident handlers in practice enters all in-
formation required by a system or a standard, rather
than only the necessary information based on situa-
tion. Thus making fields optional will have a limited
effect on which fields are used unless the tool strictly
regulates which fields are presented to the incident
Cusick and Ma had a different experience from
that described by Flooden et al. (Floodeen et al.,
2013). Cusick and Ma found that engineers entered
the minimum amount of information required and of-
ten just closed the ticket when it was handled without
any information about steps taken to solve the inci-
dent. This problem will not be solved by the solution
proposed here; if anything it will become more appar-
ent and pressing. Compared to e.g. STIX the format
presented in this paper is in danger of going too far in
the opposite direction, which might result in overhead
for the incident handler in deciding which information
to enter – since the format does not necessarily ask for
all the necessary information. Depending on the rela-
tionship between two parties exchanging incident in-
formation, it might be alarming for one party to never
receive any information other than “we have an inci-
dent it was solved”. This might lead the consum-
ing organization to wonder if the incident has really
been handled at all, and thus affect the trust between
the two organizations. To solve this problem, organi-
zations will probably need to consider the organiza-
tional culture as well as the use of pre-defined custom
fields on the incident types which might serve as a
way to mitigate this effect. The backend implement-
ing this specification will also need to assist the in-
cident handler in generating the relevant attachments
when needed.
Still, there are many equally important challenges
to tackle in order for sharing of security incident in-
formation to become common. Some of these are:
trust, company culture, security in information shar-
ing (like utilising broadcast encryption and signing of
incident notifications), new mechanisms of collabora-
tion, laws and SLAs. The interface we present here
is simple enough to be used to facilitate further re-
search into several of these areas. Our initial find-
ings, from our limited number of interviews, indicate
the need for a larger survey to be conducted on the
fields included in the base format in order to learn
more about its completeness and eventually which ad-
ditional fields to include.
Incident information exchange is, at present, largely
a manual exercise between two individuals who trust
each other, via e.g. email, phone, or help desk sys-
tems. The same methods are prominent in both in-
house and cloud chains if ever incident informa-
tion is exchanged at all. There are however legal re-
quirements and contractual obligations which in some
cases cements the need to exchange incident informa-
tion in an effective manner.
The examination conducted in this paper is a first
Security Incident Information Exchange for Cloud Services
step in the direction of more effortless incident infor-
mation exchange by means of formalistic and deter-
ministic channels. Here we facilitate a direct connec-
tion between two parties in the supply chain, allowing
for automated and/or manual handling of exchanged
incident information. The proposal also allows for
easy integration with existing systems and solutions,
as well as use of internationally standardised message
formats for possibly handling adaptation of services
automatically during runtime.
This research is funded by the European Commis-
sion’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-
2013) under grant agreement no: 317550 A4Cloud
– Accountability For Cloud and Other Future Internet
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IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data