counter implementations are described in section III.
In section IV it is presented a set of experimental
results. Finally, conclusions and discussions of future
work are shown in section V.
In this section, we raise some concepts related to IoT
objects, in order to characterize the scenario, which
fits our proposal. First, on section 2.1 is presented
some concepts related to IoT devices. Next section,
describes concepts on microcontrollers and Arduinos.
Sections 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 clarify the concepts related
to motion and ultrasonic technologies, respectively.
2.1 IoT Devices
The increasing number of smart devices, ranging
from computers to simple domestic appliances,
together with the ease of access to the internet,
brought up the notion of Internet of Things
(IoT). There are several ways to define IoT, but the
essence of the concept is the device interconnection.
IoT can be defined as a global network infrastructure
where physical devices, with a unique identity and a
virtual representation, have the ability to
communicate with other devices and distributed
architectures, like clusters, grids and clouds (Manna,
2014). Besides the communication with each other,
IoT devices are able to access information on the
internet, to retrieve and manipulate data and to
interact with users. Thus, it is possible to increasingly
observe the fusion of the physical and digital world.
In a typical IoT structure there are different types
of sensors, such as temperature, motion, humidity,
RFID, used to obtain specific data about the
environment. These sensors are connected with
embedded devices that collect and process the data
provided by the sensors (Toma, 2014).
2.2 Microcontroller
Primarily, it was called a microcomputer due to the
fact that includes built-in RAM, ROM, and I/O
(Gridling, 2006).
Differently from microprocessors, the objective in
developing microcontrollers was to create a complete
computer in a single chip with memory, peripherals
components and a processor that can be used as an
embedded system (Sickle, 2001). Nowadays, there
are embedded systems that require a minimal of
memory and processing, while others are extremely
2.2.1 Arduino
Arduino is an open-source prototyping platform
composed by a microcontroller or physical
programmable circuit board and a software or IDE
that runs in a computer. The Arduino boards interacts
with the environment through peripheral components,
like electronic sensors, lights, and motors. Then,
using the Arduino programming language and the
Arduino Software (IDE), it is possible to manipulate
data captured (W. Arduino, 2016).
Nowadays, there are several different types of
controllers on Arduino platform, which differ mostly
on IO pins and version of flash memory (Raspaile,
2013). The most important ones are Arduino Uno,
Arduino Mega2560, Arduino Nano, Arduino Mini,
Arduino Due, Arduino Leonardo and Arduino ADK.
2.3 Motion Sensor
A motion sensor is a device used to detect movements
in a certain area and it can use multiple types of
technologies to perform this task, which defines
aspects such as range, precision and sensitivity
(M.Sensor, 2016). There are two main types of
motion sensors:
• Passive sensor: it detects variations in energy in
the surrounding area, but it does not emity
• Active sensor: it transmits infrared light,
microwave radiation, or sound waves and waits
for its response. Due to continuous activity, this
type of sensor consumes a significantly larger
amount of energy.
There are several applications for motion sensors.
The most common are: security systems, to open and
close automatic doors and to turn on lights when a
person enters a room.
2.4 Ultrasonic Sensor
The operation of an ultrasonic sensor is based on the
transmission of ultrasonic pulses and the time
response of the pulses. In this way, the principle
underlying this technology is that speed of sound in
air is approximately constant (Wijk, 1998). Thus,
estimating the time for pulse reflection allows
knowing the distance to the object due to the
proportionality relation. Therefore, ultrasonic sensors
are used frequently to detect objects and for distance
measurement applications.
These sensors are capable of detecting any type of
object that have sufficient acoustic reflectivity. On