Table 1: ETH dataset tracking results comparison.
PRIMPT(Kuo and
Nevatia, 2011)
6.2 Evaluation Metric
Since it is difficult to use a single score to judge any
tracking performance, several definitions are used as
Recall: correctly matched detections / total
detections in ground truth.
Precision: correctly matched detections / total
detections in the tracking result.
FAF: average false alarms per frame.
GT: the number of trajectories in ground truth.
MT: the ratio of mostly tracked trajectories,
which are successfully tracked for more than
ML: the ratio of mostly lost trajectories, which
are successfully tracked for less than 20%.
PT: the ratio of partially tracked trajectories,
i.e., 1-MT-ML.
Frag: fragments, the number of times the
ground truth trajectory is interrupted.
IDS: id switch, the number of times that a
tracked trajectory changes its matched id.
Higher scores the recall, precision and MT are
the better results of tracking algorithm are. While,
lower scores the FAF, ML, PT, Frag and IDS are
indicate the better results of the tracking method.
We evaluate our approach on two public
sequences: ETH BAHNHOF sequence and ETH
SUNNY DAY sequence. These two sequences are
captured by a stereo pair of cameras mounted on a
moving child stroller in a busy street scene. Because
of the low view angle and forward moving cameras,
occlusions and interactions of the targets frequently
occur in these video sequences, which make the
dataset rather challenging. For fair comparison, the
two sequences are both from the left camera and also
use the same ground truth as reference(Kuo and
Nevatia, 2011). The tracking evaluation results are
shown in Table 1.
Compared with (Kuo and Nevatia, 2011), the
improvement is obvious for some metrics. Our
approach achieves the highest recall. It also achieves
the lowest Frag, ID switches. Meanwhile, our
approach achieves competitive performance on
precision, false alarms per frame compared with
(Kuo and Nevatia, 2011).
This work was supported, in part, by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.
61101191), Aeronautical Science Foundation of
China (Grant No. 20130153003), Science and
technology research of Shaanxi Province(Grant No.
2013K09-18), and SAST Foundation (Grant No.
SAST201342, No. SAST2015040)
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ICINCO 2016 - 13th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics