tance travelled by the robot does not only depend on
the destination, but it also depends on the local tra-
jectories planned by the local path planner, which ac-
counts for the robot kinematic constraints. Hence, the
length of the travelled path is typically longer than
that which is considered as the global path, L(q, q
) in
both algorithms. Furthermore, the time taken to finish
the whole process does not only depend on the algo-
rithm or the distance travelled. It also depends on the
speed of the robot while it is navigating. This speed
may be reduced significantly if the robot passes close
to an obstacle, which is a precaution taken by the lo-
cal path planner in order to avoid collision with obsta-
cles. For these reasons, this study mainly focused on
the accuracy of the map obtained by the two different
algorithms which were implemented from scratch as
ROS packages for the first time.
In this paper, a modular design concept was used
in order to implement a robotic system that can au-
tonomously explore, navigate and map an unknown
environment in ROS. Furthermore, this work con-
tributes a new package to the ROS community. This
package consists of the implementation of two explo-
ration algorithms which can be used independently
of the navigation and the SLAM components. More-
over, the experimental evaluation of the Nearest Fron-
tier (NF) and the Next Best View (NBV) approach re-
vealed that in general, the NBV approach produces
more accurate maps than the NF approach. Further-
more, from this study one can also conclude that as
the parameter λ in the NBV approach is increased, the
NBV algorithm converges to the NF approach. More-
over, the results clearly confirm that the best choice
of an exploration strategy, is highly dependent on the
problem at hand and the environment in question.
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