Table 6: Summary of experiments.
WOW 0.1 0.6501 0.4304 0.3974
0.2 0.7583 0.3613 0.3169
0.3 0.8355 0.2982 0.2488
0.4 0.8876 0.2449 0.1978
SUNIWARD 0.1 0.6542 0.4212 0.3972
0.2 0.7607 0.3493 0.3170
0.3 0.8390 0.2863 0.2511
0.4 0.8916 0.2319 0.1977
MVG 0.1 0.6340 0.4310 0.4124
0.2 0.7271 0.3726 0.3399
0.3 0.7962 0.3185 0.2858
0.4 0.8486 0.2719 0.2353
HUGO 0.1 0.6967 0.3982 0.3626
0.2 0.8012 0.3197 0.2847
0.3 0.8720 0.2557 0.2212
0.4 0.9517 0.1472 0.1230
Ky based approach 0.1 0.7378 0.3768 0.3306
0.2 0.8568 0.2839 0.2408
0.3 0.9176 0.2156 0.1710
0.4 0.9473 0.1638 0.1324
Ko based approach 0.1 0.6831 0.3696 0.3450
0.2 0.8524 0.1302 0.2408
0.3 0.9132 0.1023 0.1045
0.4 0.9890 0.0880 0.0570
has been retained. To achieve a complete comparison
with other steganographic tools, the whole database
of 10,000 images has been used. Ensemble Classi-
fier with SRM features is again used to evaluate the
security of the approach.
We have chosen 4 different payloads, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3,
and 0.4, as in many steganographicevaluations. Three
values are systematically given for each experiment:
the area under the ROC curve (AUC), the averagetest-
ing error (ATE), and the OOB error (OOB).
All the results are summarized in Table 6. Let us
analyse these experimental results. The security ap-
proach is often lower than those observed with state
of the art tools: for instance with payload α = 0.1, the
most secure approach is WOW with an average test-
ing error equal to 0.43 whereas our approach reaches
0.38. However these results are promising and for two
reasons. First, our approaches give more resistance
towards Ensemble Classifier (contrary to HUGO) for
large payloads. Secondly, without any optimisation,
our approachis not so far from state of the art stegano-
graphic tools. Finally, we explain the lack of security
of the Ko based approach with large payloads as fol-
lows: second order derivatives are indeed directly ex-
tracted from polynomial interpolation. This easy con-
struction however induces large variations between
the polynomial L and the pixel function P.
The first contribution of this paper is to propose of
a distortion function which is based on second order
derivatives. These partial derivatives allow to accu-
rately compute the level curves and thus to look fa-
vorably on pixels without clean level curves. Two
approaches to build these derivatives have been pro-
posed. The first one is based on revisiting kernels
usually embedded in edge detection algorithms. The
second one is based on the polynomial approxima-
tion of the bitmap image. These two methods have
been completely implemented. The first experiments
have shown that the security level is slightly inferior
the one of the most stringent approaches. These first
promising results encourage us to deeply investigate
this research direction.
Future works aiming at improving the security of
this proposal are planned as follows. The authors
want first to focus on other approaches to provide
second order derivatives with larger discrimination
power. Then, the objective will be to deeply inves-
tigate whether the H¨older norm is optimal when the
objectiveis to avoid null second orderderivatives, and
to give priority to the largest second order values.
This work is partially funded by the Labex ACTION
program (contract ANR-11-LABX-01-01). Compu-
tations presented in this article were realised on the
supercomputingfacilities provided by the M´esocentre
de calcul de Franche-Comt´e.
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