In order to evaluate the working of proposed system
with real data, we used dataset captured from stereo
camera based IPS (Baumbach and Zuev, 2014). Since
the data is real in nature, it is not feasable to evaluate
the absolute surface error of reconstructed model and
actual environment. Therefore Screenshots of such
reconstruction are illustrated in figure 5 and 6 for vi-
sual inspection and evaluation.
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along with capability of incremental 3D depth fusion.
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is purely threads based CPU processing, however fur-
ther implementation is required to extend the frame-
work to utilize latest GPU computation power along
with CPU processing. Furthermore, since the system
handles noise inherently, it would be interesting to in-
tegrate planar simplification techniques for improved
3D reconstruction in future research exploration.
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Derivation of RFusion
In this section we derive the equations of RFusion,
for the sake of better readability we will simplify the
equations for 2D fusion system rather than 3D fusion
system. Assuming n = support of SDF signal, ˆx is
estimated state of system for particular 3D voxel and
y = new TSDF signal. Then such system can easily be
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