which degrades computational efficiency, especially
when one uses an explicit scheme for temporal inte-
gration. The Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy (CFL) condi-
tion (de Moura, 2012) imposes an impractically se-
vere limit on the time step due to the small grid spac-
ings. Even if an implicit time integration scheme is
used, the grid concentration implies unphysical high
resolution of the numerical accuracy around there.
We proposed a grid system, Yin–Yang grid, to
avoid the coordinate singularities on the poles of
the spherical polar coordinates (Kageyama and Sato,
2004; Kageyama, 2005). The Yin–Yang grid is a kind
of the overset grid (Chesshire and Henshaw, 1990)
that is applied to the spherical geometry. It has two
congruent grid elements—Yin and Yang—that are
combined to cover a two-dimensional spherical sur-
face or a three-dimensionalspherical shell volume be-
tween two concentric spheres.
We have applied the Yin–Yang grid to geody-
namo simulations (Kageyama et al., 2008; Miyagoshi
et al., 2010), solar dynamo simulations (Masada et al.,
2013; Mabuchi et al., 2015), and mantle convection
simulations (Kameyama et al., 2008). The Yin–Yang
grid is also used in other fields and by other groups,
from geophysics to astrophysics, from climate mod-
els to image proccessings. The spherical tessellation
problem (Yan et al., 2016) would be one of the most
promising applications in future in which the Yin–
Yang grid is potentially useful.
While the Yin–Yang grid system avoids the coor-
dinate singularities at the poles (ϑ = 0 and π), an-
other singularity at the origin (r = 0) is laid aside.
Yin–Yang simulations have, therefore, a “cavity” at
the center of the sphere, unless some symmetries are
assumed on the solutions at r = 0.
We have recently proposed an overset grid sys-
tem, Yin–Yang–Zhong grid, for the spatial discretiza-
tion of a full sphere, or a ball, including the ori-
gin (Hayashi and Kageyama, 2016). The Yin–Yang–
Zhong grid has three components; Yin, Yang, and
Zhong (see Figure 1). The new component grid
(Zhong) is a set of cuboid blocks based on the Carte-
sian grid. (“Zhong” stands for “center” in Chinese
language.) The Zhong grid component is placed to
cover the “cavity” of the Yin–Yang grid. The three
component grids cover the full sphere with partial
overlaps on their borders. The boundaries are sewed
together by mutual interpolations, following the gen-
eral overset grid methodology (Chesshire and Hen-
shaw, 1990). We performed a couple of valida-
tion tests of the Yin–Yang–Zhong grid (Hayashi and
Kageyama, 2016). For example, we compared damp-
ing rates of various eigenfunctions of the diffusion
equation in a sphere with analytical solutions.
The Yin–Yang–Zhong grid is a straightforward
extension of the Yin–Yang grid, by just adding a new
component grid (Zhong) at the center. Therefore, it is
relatively easy to modify an existing Yin–Yang code
into a Yin–Yang–Zhong code.
In the following, we summarize our recent appli-
cations of the Yin–Yang–Zhong grid for MHD simu-
lations in a sphere. We then briefly review visualiza-
tion methods that we have developed for those simu-
2.1 MHD Relaxation in a Sphere
MHD relaxation is a fundamental process in MHD
physics. When an MHD fluid with a magnetic field
is placed in a vessel (with no initial flow), the MHD
system shifts spontaneously toward another state if
the initial state is unstable. After a short period of
transition, the system calms itself down to a quasi-
equilibrium state. This process is called MHD relax-
ation (Ortolani and Schnack, 1993). Various plasma
experiments show surprisingly good agreements with
a relaxation theory proposed by Woltjer (Woltjer,
1958) and Taylor (Taylor, 1986). Although plasma
instabilities, and therefore flows, play essential roles
in the Woltjer-Taylor theory, the flow velocity is as-
sumed to be absent in the relaxed state in the theory.
Figure 2: Streamline visualization of the flow of a quasi-
stationary state of an MHD relaxation simulation in a
sphere. The color denotes the velocity amplitude (blue to
red for slow to fast). The simulation is performed using the
Yin–Yang–Zhong grid.
We have performed an MHD simulation inside a
sphere using the Yin–Yang–Zhong grid to investigate
the MHD relaxation processes that has a flow in the
relaxed state. Figure 2 shows streamlines in a relaxed
state obtained by the simulation. The quasi-stationary,
relaxed state has both the magnetic field and flow field