provides several advantages over a slightly more
performant fault intolerant system. Not only that, but
the performance decay using the remote mechanism
is nearly negligible.
In the future, we intend to improve both the local
and remote mechanisms. Regarding the file system,
we intend to develop a highly performant algorithm,
that does not rely on copying the previous log on
each update. Regarding the remote mechanism, we
intend to adapt the CN for other requirements, in
order to improve performance. This can be done by
allowing priority nodes and removing the symmetry
factor. This way, servers can preferentially become
masters, if they have better hardware or conditions.
The CN can also be improved by changing the
underlying communication protocol, which at the
moment is assumed to be unreliable. We also intend
to develop a master look-up mechanism, like DNS
registration. At the moment, there is no such
mechanism, and clients resort to finding masters
In conclusion, we extended DFAF with a log-
based fault-tolerance model, this way guaranteeing
ACID properties on the underlying DBMS
transactions. We describe two ways of storing the
information, to leverage performance and reliability,
but support other models. We also propose a master-
slave fault tolerant network which can be used as a
remote server to keep information replicated and
consistent. Both the logging model and the CN can
be used for other applications as well; we have for
example adapted the CN to act as a concurrency
handler in another module of DFAF.
This work is funded by National Funds through FCT
- Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under the
project UID/EEA/50008/2013.
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