distances possibly because of the added noise. The
trend is similar for other points well within the
boundary. However for a starting position that lies at
one of the extremum of the workspace, the
correlation value is less (Fig. 11). The proposed
method also performs better than the Inverse
Jacobian method.
This paper presents a data driven method for
learning the inverse statics mapping of a redundant
soft manipulator. The novelty in our methodology
arises from our linearized IS problem reformulation
and sampling approach while implicitly feeding the
learning system with information about the system
boundaries. We have demonstrated through
simulations that the proposed approach is suitable
for static control of high dimensional redundant soft
manipulators. We have also tried to address the
possibility of utilizing the distinct self-motion
manifolds of soft robots and its probable
implications. Finally, comparison of the proposed
method with commonly used inverse Jacobian
method indicates that the learning system
generalizes to the ‘shortest path’ solution.
The authors would like to acknowledge the support
by the European Commission through the I-
SUPPORT project (HORIZON 2020 PHC-19,
#643666).The authors would like to thank Italian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International
Cooperation DGSP-UST for the support through
Joint Laboratory on Biorobotics Engineering project.
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