resolution is too low and it misses a fair amount of
details. The integration of first principles and empir-
ical model enables the combined model to maintain
the scientific insights into pollutant formation pro-
cesses and prognostic abilities for atypical scenarios,
but have an improved forecasting ability for the mi-
The analysis shows that the hybrid model under
realistic conditions provides improved forecasting re-
sults than used first-principles models. An effective
methodology for the development of a model with an
increased reliability of ozone forecasting that can be
used for alerting the inhabitants according to regula-
tions has been demonstrated.
Work on improved alerts based on on-line air-
quality model will be continued for obtaining better
air-quality forecasting models using other strategies
on prediction.
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Agency with Grant Development and Implementa-
tion of a Method for On-Line Modelling and Fore-
casting of Air Pollution, L2-5475 and Grant Systems
and Control, P2-0001. The Slovenian Environment
Agency provided part of the data.
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