A Preliminary Mapping Study of Software Metrics Thresholds
Elisabetta Ronchieri and Marco Canaparo
INFN, CNAF, Viale Berti Pichat 6/2, 40126, Bologna, Italy
Software Metrics, Thresholds, Mapping Study.
Many papers deal with the topic of thresholds in software metrics to determine the quality level of a software
project. This paper aims to identify the status of influential software metrics thresholds papers. We use search
facilities in the SCOPUS Web tool to establish the cited papers published from 1970 to 2015. We classified
the selected papers according to different factors, such as the main topic and the general type. The cited papers
were more frequently on journals than conference proceedings. We observed three main problems: an unclear
explanation of the method for selecting the technique that calculates thresholds; a direct application of the
metric threshold values to different code context; a lack of objective analysis for the calculated thresholds. To
our knowledge, this paper is the only one that performs this kind of study. It can provide baselines to assist
new research and development efforts. Due to the page limit, this paper contains a summary of the results.
Different organizations have proposed software met-
rics to measure code characteristics. For instance,
the IEEE defines software metrics as the quantitative
measure of the degree to which a system, component
or process possesses a given software attribute
Metrics have been used successfully for quantifi-
cation, whereas they have generally failed to support
subsequent decision-making (Fenton and Neil, 2000).
The use of metrics entails thresholds to determine if
a certain value is normal or anomalous. Thresholds
give semantics to metrics enabling them to become
a decision-making tool (Lorentz and Kidd, 1994).
However, the determination of suitable threshold val-
ues is arduous as detailed in the following studies:
Nagappan et al. (Nagappan et al., 2006) have shown
that thresholds obtained by performing a correlation
analysis are only valid for a limited set of similar soft-
ware systems; Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2013) have
claimed that thresholds cannot be generalized and de-
pend on specific domains (such as aerospace and stu-
dent exercises) and programming language character-
Organizations and computer scientists have given
many definitions of software quality over time: the
IEEE defines quality as the degree to which a system,
component, or process meets specified requirements
IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Termi-
nology. IEEE Std 610.12-1990.
or customer or user needs or expectations
. How-
ever, a good definition must lead us to measure qual-
ity meaningfully. According to Fenton and Bieman
(Fenton and Bieman, 2014), measurement is the pro-
cess by which numbers or symbols are assigned to at-
tributes of entities in the real world in such a way as
to describe them accordingto clearly defined rules. In
our study, we found many papers that talk about the
topic of thresholds, but none of them is able to pro-
vide objective rules to use them effectively: they usu-
ally use threshold directly without explaining clearly
the techniques used to calculate them nor the context
in which they are derived. Therefore, this paper aims
at identifying the influential software metrics thresh-
olds papers with the purpose of leading developers
and scientists to improve their knowledge in this field.
Our methodology leverages the evidence-based soft-
ware engineering (Kitchenham et al., 2004), which
(Kitchenham and Charters, 2007): relies on empiri-
cal software engineering research; suggests collecting
best available evidence on specific topic; uses sec-
ondary studies such as systematic literature reviews
and mapping studies. This paper introduces a pre-
liminary mapping study of software metrics thresh-
olds research. It intends to identify and categorize in-
fluential software metrics thresholds research. Thus,
it addresses two research questions: 1. What pa-
pers are currently most important in the software met-
IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Termi-
nology. IEEE Std 610.12-1990.
Ronchieri, E. and Canaparo, M.
A Preliminary Mapping Study of Software Metrics Thresholds.
DOI: 10.5220/0005988402320240
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2016) - Volume 1: ICSOFT-EA, pages 232-240
ISBN: 978-989-758-194-6
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Search queries.
Goal Search String
papers 2015 ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( software ) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( metrics ) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( thresholds ) )
AND SUBJAREA ( mult OR ceng OR CHEM OR comp OR eart OR ener OR engi OR envi OR mate OR math
OR phys ) AND PUBYEAR = 2015
papers 2015 ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( metrics ) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( for ) ANDTITLE-ABS-KEY ( object-oriented )) AND
SUBJAREA ( mult OR ceng OR CHEM OR comp OR eart OR ener OR engi OR envi OR mate OR math OR
phys ) AND PUBYEAR = 2015
papers 1970-2014 ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( software ) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( metrics ) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( thresholds ) )
AND SUBJAREA ( mult OR ceng OR CHEM OR comp OR eart OR ener OR engi OR envi OR mate OR math
OR phys ) AND PUBYEAR > 1969 AND PUBYEAR < 2015
papers 1970-2014 ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( metrics ) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( for ) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( object-oriented ) AND
TITLE-ABS-KEY ( software ) ) AND SUBJAREA ( mult OR ceng OR CHEM OR comp OR eart OR ener OR
engi OR envi OR mate OR math OR phys ) AND PUBYEAR > 1969 AND PUBYEAR < 2015
rics thresholds research community? 2. Can soft-
ware metrics thresholds papers be meaningfully ag-
gregated? We refer to this as a preliminary study, be-
cause we make no claim for completeness. We have
focused on the years 1970-2015: to the best of our
knowledge, there are no surveys in the thresholds’
field. We have used the SCOPUS tool
to search
for relevant peer-reviewed papers and the AlmaDL
of the University of Bologna to download
their complete text. So far we have decided to leave
other tools (such as ACM, IEEE and CiteSeer digital
libraries) for further studies.
Software metrics thresholds represent a way to deter-
mine the quality of code through a quantitative cri-
terion. Metrics can measure some features of the
code such as the size of the final program, the com-
plexity of the software design, the modularity of a
class and the quality characteristics of the software.
Size metrics quantify code size. They are estima-
tors of software cost and effort. Complexity met-
rics measure the relative simplicity of the system
design. Object-oriented metrics (Chidamber and
Kamerer, 1994) measure complexity, cohesion, cou-
pling and inheritance (Brito e Abreu and Carapuca,
1994). Quality metrics also compute the length of
time between occurrences of defects (mean time be-
tween failures) or defects density (e.g., defects per
size). Let us start illustrating criteria for thresholds
identification. We briefly summarize the various ap-
proachesto determine metrics thresholds (Alves et al.,
2010). Personal experience of software quality
experts is very common. Many authors (McCabe,
Scopus, https://www.elsevier.com/solutions/scopus
Libraries, digital resources and study rooms,
1976) (Nejmeh, 1988) have defined thresholds ac-
cording to their know-how. This complicates the re-
production or generalization of their results and leads
to arguments about their values. Descriptive statis-
tics, such as average and standard deviation, provide
reasonable thresholds when the data distribution is
Gaussian. Other techniques, such as error informa-
tion and cluster analysis, are recently exploited by re-
For the preliminary mapping study we defined all the
steps that compose the methodology we decided to
Let us start detailing how we have identified rel-
evant papers. We used SCOPUS to search for soft-
ware metrics thresholds papers published from 1970
up to 2015. SCOPUS is a general indexing system
that includes publishers, such as IEEE, ACM, Else-
vier, Wiley and Springer Lecture Notes publications.
The search process has been split in two phases ended
in January 2016: the first one considered studies up to
2014; the second one only regarded year 2015. The
papers were separated in two categories because we
included number of citations only amongst the filter-
ing criteria of the first group. Table 1 shows the search
queries whose identifier is Search
with Id = 1, ..., 4.
Due to the high number of papers found by the dif-
ferent searches, we decided to filter them according
to various criteria, as explained in the following para-
Papers 2015 - Search
found 24 articles many
of which were irrelevant, for example papers that
reported in the title the following words: biodiver-
sity, watermaking, MOSFET, dielettric, FFT, routing,
spectrum, dosimetry, reverberation, MPSoCs, MIC
and analog. We removed all the papers with the
words above in the title and one paper with no au-
A Preliminary Mapping Study of Software Metrics Thresholds
Table 2: Main topic of thresholds and general type of paper.
Main Topic of thresholds
Category Meaning
Development The paper is about a specification of a new tech-
nique for calculating thresholds.
Assessment The paper is about the assessment of existing
thresholds or techniques.
Analysis The papers discuss and or illustrate methods for
analyzing software metrics thresholds.
Framework The paper is about general or automated process
by which thresholds are defined, extracted and
Literature survey The paper summarizes the literature on some as-
pect of thresholds.
Application The paper is only an application of existing or
calculated values of thresholds.
General type of paper
Category Meaning
Empirical The paper assesses existing thresholds or a tech-
nique for calculating them.
Theoretical The paper discusses some issues about software
engineering and may consider some theoretical
aspects of software metrics thresholds.
Both The paper is a mixed theoretical and empirical
thors: as a consequence, there were 10 records left
with no citations that we call Search
. Search
77 articles many of which were relevant. We removed
one paper with the mobile word and 3 papers with no
authors: as a consequence, there were 73 records left
(only one contains a citation) that we call Search
After the filtering operations, we found that
and Search
have two relevant papers in
common. We identify this set with Search
and we
decided to exclude them from the set of Search
that we call Search
and Search
tively. A more detailed review of the abstract and
text in the papers belonging to Search
found 4 pa-
pers no relevant to the topic of this paper. Therefore,
there are 4 papers left named Search
. For what con-
cerns Search
, 44 papers are not relevant, therefore
27 records left named Search
. The total number
of relevant papers are 33 obtained adding together
+ Search
+ Search
. Among them there
are 9 papers requested to their authors.
Papers 1970-2014 - Search
found 213 articles
that becomes 128 after having removed those with no
citations. Many left papers were irrelevant, for exam-
ple those reported in the title the following words: for-
est, vehicle, voting, landscape, healths, social, UMLS,
neuronal, organs, PAM, genes, clinical, cloud anoma-
lies, breast, LC-MS/MS, proteomic, ECG, gyrokinetic,
tensor, mammography, satellite, macro-invertebrates,
water-making, hue, car hood, routing, network, cir-
cuit, cellular, MOSFET, ionospheric, cortical, ur-
Table 3: Citations per publication type for year 1970-2014.
Set #Citations #Books #Journals #Proceedings Total
< 10 0 5 4 9
10-19 0 1 0 1
20-29 0 2 0 2
30-39 0 0 0 0
40-49 0 1 0 1
50+ 0 0 0 0
Total 0 9 4 13
Set #Citations #Books #Journals #Proceedings Total
< 10 0 15 16 31
10-19 0 2 3 5
20-29 0 2 1 3
30-39 0 0 0 0
40-49 0 0 1 1
50+ 0 1 1 2
Total 0 20 22 42
Set #Citations #Books #Journals #Proceedings Total
< 10 2 78 77 157
10-19 1 21 17 39
20-29 0 12 4 16
30-39 0 10 1 11
40-49 0 3 3 6
50+ 0 24 7 31
Total 3 148 109 260
Table 4: Topic per paper type.
Year 2015
Topic Empirical Theoretical Both Total
Development 0 0 1 1
Assessment 2 1 3 6
Analysis 0 0 1 1
Framework 0 0 0 0
Application 2 0 0 2
0 0 0 0
Total 4 1 5 10
Years 1970-2014
Topic Empirical Theoretical Both Total
Development 30 20 49 99
Assessment 20 13 3 36
Analysis 10 0 1 11
Framework 11 23 34 68
Application 2 6 0 8
1 1 0 2
Total 74 63 88 225
ban, multi antenna, wireless, MLSDA, diagnostically,
DIBL, agriculture, vestibular, radio, history sensitive,
laser optics, fog events, SIFT, WLAN, WAAS, ultra-
sound, traffic, spatial vision, flood attack, portfolio
and filtering. We removed all the papers with the
words above in the title; as a consequence, there were
72 records left that we call Search
. Search
1403 articles that becomes 832 after having removed
those with no citations. We removed one paper with
ICSOFT-EA 2016 - 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications
Figure 1: The number of publications per year: books, proceedings and journals.
Table 5: Source of conference and journal papers for year 2015.
Conferences #papers Journals #papers
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 1 Expert Systems 1
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 3 Advances in Computers 1
Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, CIbSE
1 Procedia Computer Science 1
International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology,
KST 2015
1 Software and Systems Modeling 1
International Workshop on Software Architecture and Metrics,
SAM 2015
1 Journal of Systems and Software 4
IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification
and Validation Workshops, ICSTW 2015
1 Information and Software Technology 1
International Conference on Advances in Computing, Commu-
nications and Informatics, ICACCI 2015
1 Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 3
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and
Factory Automation, ETFA
1 Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 1
IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence
and Communication Technology, CICT 2015
1 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 2
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 1
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2
International Journal of Software Engineering and its Applica-
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge
Total 11 Total 22
the satellite word in the title; as a consequence, there
were 831 records left that we call Search
After the filtering operations, we found that
and Search
have 15 papers in common,
two of which are not relevant being out of topic. We
identify this set with Search
and we decided to ex-
clude them from the set of Search
and Search
we call Search
and Search
respectively. A more
detailed review of the abstract and text in the papers
belonging to Search
found 14 papers no relevant to
the topic of this paper. In addition, we removed 1
paper that we were unable to find. Therefore, there
are 42 papers left named Search
. For what con-
cerns Search
, 556 papers are not relevant, therefore
260 records left named Search
. The total number
of relevant papers are 314 obtained adding together
+ Search
+ Search
. Among them there
are 60 papers requested to their authors.
Let us explain how we have extracted data. Start-
ing from the relevant papers, we collected some stan-
dard information about all papers, such as the authors,
the full reference, whether the paper was related to a
conference or a journal, the total number of citations.
So far we have not observed for the selected papers
changes in the number of citations. We aim to clas-
sify all the papers according to the following criteria:
A Preliminary Mapping Study of Software Metrics Thresholds
Table 6: Source of conference papers for years 1970-2014.
Conferences #papers Conferences #papers
International Conference and Exhibition on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, TOOLS 39 1 International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, ESEM 2009 1
Central and Eastern European Software Engineering Conference in Russia, CEE-SECR 2009 1 International Conference on Signal Processing Systems, ICSPS 2009 1
World Congress on Software Engineering, WCSE 2009 1 International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, RCIS 2010 1
Malaysian Conference in Software Engineering, MySEC 2011 1 International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics, WETSoM 2012 1
International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology, IIT 2012 1 International Conference on Computing, Management and Telecommunications, ComManTel 2013 1
IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance, Reengineering, and Reverse Engineering, CSMR-WCRE 2014 1 International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development 1
ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, 2005 1 Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, NAFIPS 1
Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 1 Conference on Software Maintenance 4
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2006 1 International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, ICSOFT 2010 1
IEEE Aerospace Applications Conference Proceedings 1 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering 1
IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks 1 IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension 5
IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, ICSM 9 IEEE International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories 2
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Digest of Technical Papers, ICCAD 1 International Software Metrics Symposium 4
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, ISSTA’08 1 International Conference on Information and Communications Technology ICICT 2005 1
International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, ITNG 2009 1 International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, JCSSE 2012 1
Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Transportation System, PEITS 2009 1 IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, SCAM 2010 1
International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE 2004 1 International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering, SSBSE 2009 1
International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2010 1 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, GrC 2010 1
IEEE Software Engineering Workshop, SEW 2011 1 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, ICCSCE 2013 1
Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, SBES 2010 1 International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, ICSME 2014 1
IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, SCAM 2003 1 IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science, ICIS 2007; IEEE/ACIS Interna-
tional Workshop on e-Activity, IWEA 2007
European Dependable Computing Conference, EDCC-7 1 International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, QUATIC 2010 1
IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, SCAM 2008 1 ACM Computer Science Conference 1
Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC 3 Workshop on Interaction between Compilers and Computer Architectures, INTERACT-8 2004 1
International Conference on Quality Software, QSIC 2004 2 IEEE Computer Society’s International Computer Software and Applications Conference 1
International Computer Software and Applications Conference 1 International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA 1
International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, CSSE 2008 1 International Conference on Dependability of Computer Systems, DepCoS - RELCOMEX 2007 2
International Conference on Quality Software 1 International Conference on Software Engineering 4
International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI 1 International Software Metrics Symposium 4
International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, ISSRE 2 Joint Conference of the 21st International Workshop on Software Measurement, IWSM 2011 and the 6th Inter-
national Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, MENSURA 2011
International Conference onInformation Technology: New Generations, ITNG 2006 1 Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, WCRE 3
International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability and Safety, ICRMS 2009 1 IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering 1
International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE 2 IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, RE’08 1
International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, ICST 2008 1 International Conference on Computational Aspects of Social Networks, CASoN 2012 1
Joint Working Conference on Software Architecture and 6th European Conference on Software Architecture,
1 International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society, FLAIRS - 24 1
International Conference on Confluence 2014: The Next Generation Information Technology Summit 1 International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering, GPCE’06 1
International Conference on Applied Computer Science, ACS ’09 1 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 2
Australian Software Engineering Conference, ASWEC 2 Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA 2
European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, CSMR 9 Hawaii International Conference on System Science 1
IASTED International Conference on Computational Intelligence 1 IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering 1
International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering, ICCCE08 1 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, SERP’04 3
International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, ISSRE 1 International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering, SEDE 2011 1
IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis, VISSOFT 2009 1 Working Conference on Reverse Engineering 1
International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE 2011 2 Joint WOSP/SIPEW International Conference on Performance Engineering, WOSP/SIPEW’10 1
Total 67 Total 68
ICSOFT-EA 2016 - 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications
Table 7: Source of journal papers for years 1970-2014.
Journals #papers Journals #papers
ACM Computing Surveys 1 ACM SIGPLAN Notices 1
Computer Journal 1 IBM Systems Journal 1
IET Software 4 Informatica (Ljubljana) 1
Information Sciences 2 Journal of Software 2
SpringerPlus 1 Neurocomputing 1
Pattern Recognition 1 Procedia Computer Science 1
Software Quality Journal 3 The Scientific World Journal 1
Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of Software 3 Software - Practice and Experience 3
Software Process Improvement and Practice 1 Journal of Systems Architecture 1
Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica 1 Software Testing Verification and Reliability 1
Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences 1 Information Processing Letters 2
Empirical Software Engineering 9 Expert Systems With Applications 2
Applied Artificial Intelligence 1 IEEE Transactions on Reliability 1
Journal of Electronic Imaging 1 Journal of Object Technology 5
Journal of Software Maintenance 1 Conference on Software Maintenance 4
Journal of Systems and Software 18 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13
Information and Software Technology 18 Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 1
European Journal of Operational Research 1 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 1 IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 19
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems 4 Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering 2
International Review on Computers and Software 3 JOOP - Journal of Object-Oriented Programming 2
Journal of Zhejiang University: Science C 1 Journal of software: Evolution and Process 1
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 1 Journal of Information Processing Systems 1
Journal of Object-Oriented Programming 1 Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution 6
Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science 1 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 1
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 1 Communications in Computer and Information Science 2
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 1 International Journal of Computers and Applications 1
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 1 International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 1
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Method-
3 International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 1
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technol-
3 Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engi-
WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applica-
1 International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowl-
edge Engineering
Total 97 Total 81
1. the main topic (see Table 2); 2. the type of pa-
per (i.e., empirical, theoretical or both (see Table 2);
3. the type of publication (i.e., proceedings, journal,
book); 4. the software licence (i.e., open source or
commercial software) of the analysed projects; 5. the
considered dataset of metrics (i.e., name, public or
private); 6. the programming languages of the anal-
ysed projects; 7. the type of metrics; 8. the type of
presented technique (e.g., statistical or artificial intel-
ligence based). Let us detail why we have aggregated
data. The main hindrance to the adoption of thresh-
olds is the lack of guidelines for their exploration and
exploitation. As a consequence, one of the purposes
of this paper is to define several classification crite-
ria to acquire valid aggregations that can facilitate the
way scientists and developers search information re-
lated to thresholds. Since they have been always cal-
culated in specific applicability domain (characterized
by, e.g., a particular software license or programming
language), we established to track all the information
about the environment where thresholds were deter-
mined and used.
In this section we present some tabulations of the re-
sults of categorizing the identified papers. They con-
cern the following information: number of publica-
tions per year (see Figure 1); number of citations per
publication type for year 1970-2014 (see Table 3);
topic per paper type for year 2015 (see Table 4); topic
per paper type for years 1970-2014 (see Table 4);
source of conference papers for year 2015 (see Table
5); source of journal papers for year 2015 (see Table
5); source of conference papers for years 1970-2014
(see Table 6); source of journal papers for years 1970-
2014 (see Table 7); details of common (Search
A Preliminary Mapping Study of Software Metrics Thresholds
Table 8: Common pubblications in detail.
Reference Main Topic Empirical/Theoretical Number of SW
Open Source
SW project
Public Data Set Programming
Type of Metrics Statistical/Artificial
(Alves et al., 2010) Development Empirical 100 projects Proprietary and
open source
Not public Java, C# Size, Complexity Statistical McCabe <= 6
low risk, ]6,8]
moderate risk,
]8,15] high risk,
> 15 very high
(Al Dallal, 2012) Assessment Empirical and Theo-
6 projects: Art
of illusion, Free-
Mind, etc
Open source Not public Java Size, coupling
and cohesion
(Aman et al., 2005) Development Empirical 5 projects: Jboss,
Relaxer, etc
Open source Not used Java Statements Statistical Statements = 113
(Ampatzoglou et al., 2011) Application Empirical and Theo-
Not used Not used Not used Not used Size, Complexity,
C& K
Not used Table 5 reports
data for 5 imagi-
nary case studies
(Barkmann et al., 2009) Assessment Empirical 146 projects Open source Not public Java Size, C& K Statistical
(El Emam et al., 2002) Application Empirical and Theo-
3 systems Industrial com-
mercial and open
Not public C++, Java Size and some
C& K
(Ferreira et al., 2012) Development Empirical 40 projects from
Open source Not public Java Size, C&K Statistical Different thresh-
olds calculated by
different applica-
tion domain, soft-
ware types, soft-
ware size.
(Mihancea and Marinescu,
Development Empirical 7 projects Open source Not public Java, C++ Size and metrics
derived from
Genetic Algo-
WMC > 31, TCC
< 0.33, WOC <
(Rodriguez et al., 2013) Development Empirical Not used Not used Yes (Promise
C, C++, Java Size, Complexity,
Artificial intelli-
Different thresh-
olds for individ-
ual datasets
(Shatnawi, 2010) Development Empirical and Theo-
Mozilla and
Rhino systems,
Eclipse version
2.0 and 2.1
Yes Not used Java A subset of C&K
metric suites
Statistical CBO = 9, RFC =
40, WMC = 20
(Shatnawi et al., 2009) Development Empirical 3 release of
Open source Not public Java C&K, LK Statistical, ROC
CBO = 13, RFC
= 44, WMC = 24,
CTM = 33, NOC
= 9 to identify
low, medium and
high risk
(Sodiya, 2012) Application Empirical and Theo-
Not used Not used Not used No McCabe Cyclo-
matic Complex-
ity, Size
Not used Used thresholds
listed by Olague
et al., 2006 and
Rosenberg, 1998
(Malhotra and Bansal, 2015) Evaluation Empirical NASA software,
Apace Ivy, JEdit
All open source
except NASA
Open DataSet,
Java, C++ C&K metrics Statistical Different thresh-
olds for individ-
ual datasets
) publications 1970-2015 (see Table 8). As
regards this table we list here the meaning of the met-
rics’ acronyms used in the ”threshold values” column:
WMC (Weighted Method Count), TCC (Tight Class
Cohesion), WOC (Weight of a Class), CBO (Class
Between Objects), RFC (Response for Class), CTM
ICSOFT-EA 2016 - 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications
(Coupling Through Message passing), NOC (Number
of Child classes), C&K (Chidamber and Kemerer),
LK (Lorentz and Kidd).
For the years 1970-2014 we identified 3 books
whose titles are: Model-Driven Software Devel-
opment: Integrating Quality Assurance; Object-
Oriented Design Knowledge: Principles, Heuristics
and Best Practices; Theory and Practice of Object
Systems. We have hitherto received 4 papers out of
the 69 requested to the authors.
We believe this study is useful, in spite of its limita-
tions, because it may act as the starting point for more
detailed work. This paper: identifies the most influen-
tial papers, in terms of citations, published from 1970
to 2014; collects some standard information about all
the papers in the range 1970-2015 in terms of whether
the paper was related to a conference or journal, the
total number of citations; establishes some criteria ac-
cording to which papers can be classified (such as
main topic, whether the paper is theoretical or empir-
ical, the programming language of the software em-
ployed for thresholds extraction and validation, the
type of software license, the type of metrics used, the
type of the presented technique and some threshold
values); starts a meaningful aggregation of all the ma-
terial based on the established criteria, in order to fa-
cilitate the selection of papers;
We may extend this work by taking into consid-
eration other criteria to provide further classification
results. Furthermore, we could use other tools (such
as ACM, IEEE and CiteSeer digital libraries) in or-
der to have a comparison with the results obtained by
To fully analyze the current status in the field
of thresholds, we will firstly undertake the mapping
study (Kitchenham & Charters, 2007) and secondly
the systematic review (Cronin et al, 2008). The for-
mer allows identifying the set of primary works high-
lighting their gaps according to the established ques-
tion. The latter provides a list as complete as possible
of all the published and unpublished studies relating
to a particular subject area.
This study was funded by INFN CNAF.
Al Dallal, J. (2012). Constructing models for predicting ex-
tract subclass refactoring opportunities using object-
oriented quality metrics. Information and Software
Technology, 54:1125–1141.
Alves, T. L., Ypma, C., and Visser, J. (2010). Deriving met-
rics thresholds from benchmark data. In The IEEE
International Conference on Software Maintenance,
pages 1–10.
Aman, H., Mochiduki, N., Yamada, H., and Noda, M.-T.
(2005). A simple predictive method for discriminating
costly classes using class size metric. IEICE Transac-
tion on Information and Systems, E88-D(6).
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ICSOFT-EA 2016 - 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications