testing. Our work has a different objective of the
survey conducted by Ghazi. The Ghazi main goal
was to identify testing techniques, our aim is to un-
derstand how distributed systems and heterogeneous
are tested in companies realizing which test levels are
performed and which are the automation levels for
testing these systems. The Ghazi survey also involved
a much smaller number of participants (27).
As regards the general software testing in the lit-
erature there are many surveys, however as the main
aim of our work is to analyze the state of practice,
we analyze surveys carried out in the industry by rec-
ognized standardization bodies as ISTQB (ISTQB,
2016a). The most recent survey of this organiza-
tion (ISTQB, 2016b) conducted over more than 3,000
people from 89 countries, although it has a different
purpose of our work because is related to the soft-
ware test in general, provides results that meet the re-
sults presented in this article, namely that there are
still significant improvement opportunities in test au-
tomation (was considered in this study the area with
highest improvement potential).
In order to assess the current state of the practice re-
garding the testing of DHS and identify opportuni-
ties and priorities for research and innovation initia-
tives, we conducted an exploratory survey that was
responded by 147 software testing professionals that
attended industry-oriented software testing confer-
The survey allowed us to confirm the high rele-
vance of DHS in software testing practice, confirm
and prioritize the relevance of testing features charac-
teristics of DHS, confirm the existence of a significant
gap between the current and the desired status of test
automation for DHS, and confirm and prioritize the
relevance of test automation features for DHS. We ex-
pect that the results presented in the paper are of inter-
est to researchers, tool vendors and service providers
in this field.
As future work, we intend to develop techniques
and tools to support the automatic test generation and
execution of test cases for DHS, based on UML se-
quence diagrams.
This research work was performed in scope of the
project NanoSTIMA. Project “NanoSTIMA: Macro-
to-Nano Human Sensing: Towards Integrated Mul-
timodal Health Monitoring and Analytics/NORTE-
01-0145-FEDER-000016” is financed by the North
Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE
2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership
Agreement, and through the European Regional De-
velopment Fund (ERDF).
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Testing Distributed and Heterogeneous Systems: State of the Practice