stroke was also increased, and he could operate the
wheelchair strongly.
We tested the robot orthosis on three subjects with
cervical cord injury and verified the difference be-
tween using and not using the developed device based
on motion analysis and electromyography at a road
with high resistance and on a slope where it is difficult
to operate a wheelchair. We performed experiments
on a slope and lawn path. With the robot orthosis, the
movement distance per stroke was found to increase
and the muscle power of the upper trapezius became
more active compared to without it, and the muscle
power of the biceps brachii became active in the last
part of operation.
Biceps brachii muscles support flexion of the el-
bow joint, and trapezius muscles support putting up
the shoulder. This set of experiment results show
that the subject can put up his shoulder by using bi-
ceps brachii muscles and also hold the rim of the
wheelchair by using his hand. Therefore, it is indi-
cated that the residual power of his shoulder transmit-
ted to his hand strongly by using the force transmis-
sion orthosis which can lock elbow joint.
In the future, we need to investigate protection
against dust, waterproofing, safety for the device and
make further improvements. It is also necessary to ac-
cumulate more data by increasing the number of test
subjects. Further development is needed to employ
this mechanism and control system for industrial ma-
chinery and other products.
This work was supported by Projects for Developing
Assistive Products in Ministry of Health Labour and
Welfare of Japan.
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