“Business Volume” increases by about 30% but there
is significant increase in the number of projects de-
livered with a delay some of which leads to penal-
ties. As a result, profits do not increase in the same
proportion as increase in “Business Volume”. Also,
build-up in project execution pipeline is a concern
that can lead to customer dissatisfaction that can po-
tentially impact overall goal adversely. Fig. 5 c and
Fig. 5 d. depict impact of levers “New Opportunity
Stream” and “Increase Resource Strength” on the var-
ious sub-goals. Comparison of figures Fig. 5 b. and
Fig. 5 c. shows the “Profitability” of “New Opportu-
nity Stream” is much higher than the “Profitability”
of “Increase Win Rate” however the factors associ-
ated with negative “Customer Satisfaction” are also
high. On other hand, “Increase Resource Strength”
shows positive impact on “Customer Satisfaction” but
with an additional cost that brings down “Profitabil-
ity”. Thus, as can be seen from the first four rows of
figure Fig. 5 a, no lever individually can ensure the
overall goal of “Secure Leadership Position” can be
achieved. As a result, one has to explore what impact
a combination of these levers can have. For example
one can evaluate the combination of levers “Increase
Win Rate” and “Increase Resource Strength” or levers
“New Opportunity Stream” and “Increase Resource
Strength”. Fig. 5 e. shows impact of levers “Increase
Win Rate”, “New Opportunity Stream” and “Increase
Resource Strength” applied together. As can be seen
from Fig. 5 a, this conclusively leads to achievement
of the overall goal. Further simulation can be done to
fine tune the options by deciding quantitative figures.
Organisational decision-making practice today relies
excessively on human expertise. This is primarily
due to unavailability of suitable technology support.
Available technology support is found inadequate ei-
ther in completeness of specification of all relevant
aspects of decision-making or in analysis rigour or
both. This paper has presented a conceptual model,
the accompanying implementation model that forms
the basis of a high-level language and its simulation
The approach has been illustrated with a substan-
tive example from the software services domain. We
have shown the example can be modeled and sim-
ulated leading to the ability to influence the strate-
gically selected measures. However, we recognise
that the current implementation model (Fig. 3) of
ESL is not sufficiently high-level for direct adop-
tion by decision-makers. Our immediate next step
is to develop high-level abstractions to support the
core concepts of Fig. 3 in a business facing manner.
In doing so, we will adopt language processing and
model transformation technology to enable support
for defining domain specific languages geared for spe-
cific problems.
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ICSOFT-PT 2016 - 11th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends