Regarding H1, it is a fact that there is a lot of
documentation regarding software accessibility. For
example, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
(2016) has a lot of information and guidelines on how
to build an accessible Web interface. As for native
software, it is possible to consult very well structured
documentation regarding accessibility for Windows
(Microsoft - Guidelines, 2016), Mack OSX (Apple
Inc., 2016), Android (, 2012), iOS
(Apple Inc. 2012), GNOME interface (The GNOME
Project, 2014), etc. That documentations comprises
not only of basic information, but also on how to use
the specialized accessibility application programing
interfaces that exists for those who want to build
graphical user interface components from scratch.
This information is available online, free of charge, at
the official developers’ Websites. Also, there are
several governmental guidelines and some ISOs that
try to offer directions regarding the building of an
accessible software and these are, again, online and
available at official sources. But in this particular
case, just the governmental information and
guidelines are free of charge, not the ISOs.
Although the information exists, it may be still an
issue, and this leads us to other possibilities, as
following: H1.a – Developers do not know about this
information; H1.b – Developers do not understand the
information; H1.c – Developers are demotivated by
the information complexity.
As for H2, it is a fact that accessibility does not
have a big role in academic curriculums. The author’s
experience indicates that accessibility is poorly
mentioned in general computer sciences courses. It is
possible to speculate about the possible reasons, as
following: H2.a – The absence of information in the
used bibliography; H2.b - Teachers and/or people
with decision capacity are not aware of the absence;
H2.c – Teachers and/or people with decision capacity
are not trained on the topic; H2.d – Lack of time to
dedicate to the topic.
As for H3, it is possible that many people who
take part in the academy in general think that
everything is OK regarding digital accessibility. That
can be due to several reasons, stated as following:
H3.a – Wrong perception due to the existence of
governmental legislation regarding the topic; H3.b –
Wrong perception given that it is possible to find the
accessibility logo while surfing the Web.
Regarding H4, it is a fact that a lot of software is
totally inaccessible. This is also very true of the
corporative Websites (Gonçalves et al., 2012)
(Gonçalves et al., 2013). Therefore, we can speculate
about some reasons for this, as following: H4.a –
Stakeholders think disabled people won’t use their
Some possibilities to explain H5 can be derived
from the ideas stated at the H4 expansion: H5.a –
Stakeholders think disabled people are not an
interesting target; H5.b – Stakeholders think that it is
too expensive to implement accessibility; H5.c –
Stakeholders think that disabled people do are not a
source of revenue.
As for H6, some reasons may be derived: H6.a –
Stakeholders think accessibility is done
automatically, without special request or care; H6.b –
Stakeholders order accessibility features but these are
badly implemented.
There are many things that can be done, by all agents,
to improve accessibility in software. Education is
surely a major key stands (Fuertes et al., 2012). If
students do not learn why accessibility is important,
and how to implement it, nothing can be done. For
this, general learning manuals must address it – e.g.
those of software engineering, informatics’ principals
and user interface design. This however, should be
regarded as a possible solution for future and
upcoming software developers. But now, it is
mandatory that the currently active teachers and
people with decision capacity get a proper formation
about digital accessibility, in order to make them truly
conscious about this problem, and provide them with
abilities on this topic. With this, it would be possible
to embed digital accessibility into other fields of
computer science, so as to be possible to teach them
A step forward would be to make sure developers
are shown the available documentation regarding
accessibility, so as these may discern what is required
for each type of project. Probably, many developers
are ill prepared to even open a governmental
regulation document or, even worse, that of an ISO,
not realizing that, for the most of the cases, that
documentation is in fact useless. With a better
understanding, other advantages of accessibility will
become apparent to developer’s, such as automated
software testing (Microsoft, 2016), easier software
evolution, and even some totally unexplored areas –
to the best of my knowledge –, such as system
Another very important issue is to make the
stakeholders understand that a disable person can be
a user and/or an important client of his software or
platform, even in the most unexpected situations. For
example, a blind person can easily need to consult a