Complex simulations are resource intensive and
need proper computation infrastructures. If the
simulation is dynamic as proposed, this infrastructure
needs to be dynamic as well.
In a traditional computing infrastructure setting,
the resources have to be designed for the worst case,
i.e. to satisfy the requirements of the most resource-
intensive possible simulation run in order to generate
its results in an acceptable time frame. This poses no
problem for simulations with homogeneous
requirements. However, for cases where the resource
utilization is highly heterogeneous, as in the case of
our simulation methodology, the computing
infrastructure that accommodates the worst case is
vastly oversized for the average simulation, resulting
in a low overall utilization and thus cost inefficiency.
A better choice for the computing infrastructure
of this use case is one that allows to reserve and
release resources on-demand so as to dynamically
match the requirements of the simulation. The Cloud
Computing paradigm that has emerged and matured
in the last few years matches this need. Thus, we will
propose a framework for deploying simulations on a
Cloud platform in order to achieve a timely as well as
cost-efficient solution.
In this section we will describe research related to our
work. The co-simulation of heterogeneous systems is
the aim of a variety of tools and frameworks. A
selection of these works is presented. The idea to
simulate systems on different levels of abstraction can
be found in several approaches. Some focus on
certain application domains while others aim to
provide a general framework. We will discuss both
directions. Cloud infrastructures in general and the
deployment of simulation into this infrastructure are
an active research field. We will provide a brief
overview and discuss known approaches in this field.
A variety of works focus on the co-simulation of
different simulations tools. Examples of this are the
High Level Architecture specification for simulation
interoperability (Dahmann et al., 1997), the
Functional Mockup Interface standard for model
exchange and co-simulation (Blochwitz et al., 2012)
and the Mosaik Simulation API (Schütte et al., 2011).
Another approach is to integrate different simulation
semantics into a single tool. The Ptolemy project is an
example for this approach (Eker et al., 2003). All
these works aim towards a holistic simulation of the
system under investigation. The simulation of
different abstraction levels is only addressed in terms
of tool integration. The task to provide proper
interfaces to connect simulation on different levels
has to be done by the modeller.
Much effort is put into approaches that provide
such concepts for specific domains such as material
flows (Dangelmaier and Mueck, 2004; Huber and
Dangelmaier, 2011), traffic (Claes and Holvoet,
2009) or agent based behavior simulation. They
center on the dynamic switching of abstraction levels
of model parts at runtime. To do so, explicit mappings
between the states of different levels are provided.
These mappings are tightly bound to the domain and
the simulations they connect and are not designed to
be generalizable.
Some research is conducted investigating more
general concepts for the problem. The approach of
Dynamic Component Substitution describes a co-
simulation as a set of connected software components
communication through given interfaces (Rao, 2003).
Switching a part of the simulation to a more detailed
version corresponds to substituting one such
component with another. Both components are
required to have the exactly same interfaces. This is a
critical limitation. If the components are situated on
different levels of abstraction, it is plausible to expect
the same for their interfaces. Multi Resolution
Entities (Reynolds,Jr. et al., 1997) define a mapping
that is used to synchronize the simulation state on
different levels. These mappings are defined as
invertible to use them in both directions. This
requirement is only meet, if no information is lost
mapping a detailed state to a more coarse state, which
does not apply in general, as we will describe in
Section 3. The concept of Multi Resolution
Modelling Space introduces adapters between the
interfaces and several mappings between the states of
simulations on different levels (Hong and Kim,
2013). However the problem of information loss is
not addressed in this approach.
Our approach of Multi-Level-Simulation is
different from these approaches, because it does not
force the engineer to tailor the coarse level
simulations into components connected by interfaces.
We consider this approach as too inflexible. The
coarse level can be modeled with no dependency on
the detailed level. In fact, even cutting arbitrary parts
out of existing coarse level simulations to be linked
to a detailed level is possible. The detailed
simulations are linked into a single simulation on the
coarse level using only a state synchronization
mechanism. This mechanism also addresses the
problem of information loss.
The dynamic deployment of the simulation
infrastructure addresses a novel problem with regards