Figure 7: The predicted positions of the robot represented
with blue disks representing the uncertainty.
Figure 8: The estimated positions of the robot represented
with red points with the ellipse uncertainty with a blue cir-
servations of the Extended Kalman Filter, the radius
of the ellipse of uncertainty dropped drastically. It is
about 4 cm. Overall, we can clearly see that the use
of our visual feature points decreased the error during
the localization of the robot.
In summary, in this paper we have presented a new
detector descriptor for the extraction of salient visual
features. It has a good repeatability, so the robot
can manage better the visual landmarks during the
SLAM. We aim in the future to make the detector
more robust to the scale changes by convolving the
image with scale spaces before the extraction of sta-
ble corners. Furthermore,we aim doing more experi-
ments on the hardware for testing the algorithms and
comparing them to other SLAM ones. It is also im-
portant to focus on extracting salient feature points
having low dimensions and describing the essence of
the image to improve the frequency of the SLAM run-
ning on the hardware.
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