diok and Ren, 2012), a classical quadrotor featuring
a home-customized 1DOF gripper performs an aerial
grasping based IR camera. In (Ghadiok and Ren,
), the experiments are extended to outdoor, using a
GPS system and a Kalman filter to improve the pre-
cision in the position system. Both contributions use
a customized 1-DOF gripper. (Yeol and Lin, 2014)
presents a quadrotor equipped with a four-fingered
gripper which enables to perform aerial grasping and
perching. The gripper is directly attached to the vehi-
cle, this fact restricts the grasping workspace, i.e. the
vehicle’s center of mass (CoM) must be aligned to
the object to be grasped (target). From the mechani-
cal point of view, the gripper is signficately complex
featuring 16 DOF, 4 joints per finger. In (Thomas
et al., 2014), the authors present a classical quadro-
tor equipped with a monocular camera. The pro-
posed control strategy enables performing aggressive
grasping maneuvers via an Image Based Visual Ser-
voing (IBVS). It is claimed that unlike most IBVS
approaches, the dynamics is obtained directly in the
image to deal with a second order system. In (Pizetta
et al., 2015) it is presented the modeling and bounded
control of a quadrotor having a suspended load. In
this case the dynamic couplings are considered only
in the translational subsystem of the aerial robot, and
the pitch dynamics lacks of dynamic couplings. This
simplifies the control task since the underactuated na-
ture of the overall rotorcraft’s motion relies on the
pitch control effectiveness.
While most of the contributions, related with sus-
pended load, focuses on the trajectory generation to
attain a swing-free motion, in the current paper we
prioritize the navigation stability of the rotorcraft re-
gardless the dynamic disturbances resulting from the
coupling with the motion of a freely rotating pen-
dulum (aerial pendulum) which is also vulnerable to
external disturbances, which. The paper provides
a detailed description of the dynamic model, which
is obtained through the Euler-Lagrange formalism.
The rotorcraft model is represented as disturbed sys-
tem, affected by the couplings with aerial pendulum.
We have based our estimation approach on the Lin-
ear Kalman Filter (LKF), whose framework allows
to define extended states to take into account the un-
known inputs. In this regard, the LKF is applied
in both dynamic layers, the rotational and transla-
tional, which feature a nonlinear underactuated dy-
namic structure. Despite the time-scale separation be-
tween such dynamics, the LKF is implemented con-
sidering the same sampling-time.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 1 de-
scribe the context and previous works of the herein
presented rotorcraft class the grasping problem is dis-
Figure 1: Drone Pendulum.
cussed. Section 2 details the mathematical model ob-
tained via the Euler-Lagrange. Section 3 and 4, de-
scribes the navigations strategy. Finally, section 5
provides the conclusions and future works.
Consider a rotorcraft, of mass m
∈ R, having a load
mass m
∈ R which is linked to the main airframe
through a massless rigid rod of length l
∈ R (aerial
pendulum). For the actual study and for the sake
of simplicity, the rotorcraft is restricted to evolve
within the longitudinal plane (see Fig.2). For such
class of vehicle, the general expressions that gov-
erns the dynamic behavior are obtained through the
Euler-Lagrange approach, such energy-based formal-
ism provides cross-linked couplings between the ro-
torcraft and the payload. Let θ ∈ R represent the pitch
angle, γ ∈ R the rod’s angle with respect to (w.r.t.)
, while T
and T
denote the thrust force provided
by frontal and rear propellers, respectively. The in-
ertial frame is denoted by {I : (e
)} and the
body-fixed frame is {B : (e
)} and the rota-
tion matrix relating the body frame with inertial is
∈ SO(3) which corresponds and is given as The
equations of motion modeling a rotorcraft having a
free pendular mass represent a versatile model that
can be adapted or simplified for several multi-body
rotorcraft configurations. For instance, the current
trend of flying robots featuring actuated robotic ma-
nipulators can be considered as a vehicle sub-class
of the rod-load configuration. In this regard, diverse
nonlinear adverse terms, coupling and external dis-
turbances, arise during in-hovering grasping, manip-
ulation and surface-contact operations, affecting the
nominal moments and forces equations. Furthermore,
Generalized Disturbance Estimation via ESLKF for the Motion Control of Rotorcraft Having a Rod-suspended Load