Distributed Intelligent Systems for Network Security Control
Mohamed Shili
, Hamza Gharsellaoui
and Dalel Kanzari
LISI Laboratory, National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (INSAT), Carthage University, Tunis, Tunisia
National Engineering School of Carthage (ENIC), Carthage University, Tunis, Tunisia
Al Jouf College of Technology, TVTC, Al Jouf, K.S.A.
Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Sousse (ISSATso), Sousse University, Sousse, Tunisia
Network Security, Intelligent Agent, Misuse Systems, Attack Propagation, Intrusion Detection.
The great number of heterogeneous interconnected operating systems gives greater access to intruders and
makes it easier for malicious users to break systems security policy. Also, a single security control agent is
insufficient to monitor multiple interconnected hosts and to protect distributed operating systems from hostile
uses. This paper shows the ability of distributed security controller’s agents to correlate data stream from
heterogeneous hosts and to trace abnormal behavior in order to protect network security. An experimental
study is done to improve our proposed approach.
The point of network security is to oversee the normal
actives of its components and to prevent any attempt
to break in and disturb their functionality. In order
to do that, we need to compare different types of se-
curity systems as a base for our approach. When we
talk about security we need first to identify the secu-
rity parameters, intrusion.com gave us the following
Security = visibility + control, but this formula is in-
complete, our approach is based on this idea: Secu-
rity = visibility + control + ”self awareness”, Speak-
ing of network security self awareness is more like
testing the limits of artificial intelligence and giving
the security a ”Soul”. In this sense, we need to iden-
tify the potential parameters in which way we give
the security system a developing character to enforce
high protection levels against external threats a num-
ber of intelligent tools which were based on machine
learning; like intrusion detection systems based on au-
tonomous agent are developed to survey the network
activityand to signal all abnormal deviation the aim of
these agents is to detect data signatures that threaten
the system’s behavior. In this paper, we propose two
kinds of intrusion detection agents to protect network
components the local agent controller that detects the
malicious data signature hidden in directly connected
systems based on a local base of known attacks and
a central agent controller that collects data from dis-
tributed local agent’s controller to detect the presence
of a propagated network threat.
Section 2 presents an overview on security sys-
tems. Section 3 presents our original proposed ap-
proach and Section 4 presents the experimentation
and comparison. Finally, Section 5 concluded this pa-
Operating systems are compromised from the mali-
cious exploit of their services and the intent to vio-
late the security policy (Zimmermann., 2003), (Pri-
gent., 2003), (Ludovic., 2003) and (Michel., 2001).
Therefore, it is required to use mechanisms that pre-
vent the security administrator from improper use of
the system like the intrusion detection system (Spaf-
ford., 2000). The aim of intrusion detection system is
the find malicious behaviors inside the network and to
automate the decision making process by keeping the
continuity of the normal network components tasks.
In this context, several methods are used to detect in-
trusion and to correlate alerts in order to find propa-
gated network threat.
2.1 Mobile Autonomous Agents
Selker (Selker., 1994) and Morreale (Moreale, 1998)
Shili, M., Gharsellaoui, H. and Kanzari, D.
Distributed Intelligent Systems for Network Security Control.
DOI: 10.5220/0006009203480352
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2016) - Volume 1: ICSOFT-EA, pages 348-352
ISBN: 978-989-758-194-6
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
define an agent as a software component that performs
one or more communication tasks by acting in a pre-
set manner to reach predefined fixed goals. Besides,
Green (Green, 1997) defines mobile agent as a com-
putational entity which acts on behalf of other enti-
ties in an autonomous fashion, performs its activities
with some level of pro-activity and reactivity, exhibits
some degree of the key attributes of learning, co-
operation and mobility. Jaisankar et al., (Jaisankar.,
2009) showed that an autonomous agent has the ca-
pacity to detect unknown attacks without any pre-
requisite knowledge about specific attacks by survey-
ing the anomalous user activity. Mobile Agents re-
quire code source development and resource deploy-
ment for each agent. Moreover, the existence of noisy
and data disruption can influence the agent to transfer
wrong information.
2.2 Genetic Algorithms
Hoque et al. (Sazzadul., 2012) discuss the capacity
of genetic algorithms to detect various types of net-
work intrusions. In this context, genetic algorithms
are used to find optimal solutions for network secu-
rity. Potential solutions detected are encoded as se-
quences of bits, characters or numbers. The unit of
encoding called a gene, and the encoded sequence is
called a chromosome. The genetic algorithm begins
with a set (population) of these chromosomes and an
evaluation function that measures the fitness of each
chromosome, the goodness of the problem solution
represented by the chromosome. It uses reproduction
and mutation to create new solutions, which are then
evaluated. The selection of chromosomes for sur-
vival and recombination/evaluation sequence is iter-
ated many times and if the problem is constructed, the
strong solution gradually emerges. The issue in using
genetic algorithms is that they require a fine definition
of the problem with predefined complete variables.
2.3 Data Mining
Nguyen and Choi, (Nguyen., 2008) proved the util-
ity of data mining to detect real-time network attacks
by identifying suspicious patterns in row data. In this
context, a set of classified algorithms using knowl-
edge dataset allow to extract knowledge from volumi-
nous quantity of heterogeneous data. This technique
permits to treat a several system audit-files issued
from distant systems, to extract information about
current traffics and to check the presence of known
correlated attack signatures. Data mining requires an
enormous updated signature base to detect developed
2.4 Expert System
Anderson et al. (Anderson, 1995) use expert rules to
characterize a known intrusive activity represented in
activity logs. The expert system is based on a set of
rules that encode the knowledge of a human expert.
These rules reflect the partially ordered sequence of
actions that comprise the intrusion scenario. Some
rules may be applicable to more than one intrusion
scenario. Expert system permits the incorporation of
an extensive amount of human experience into a com-
puter application to identify activities that match the
defined characteristics of attacks. Unfortunately, ex-
pert systems require frequent updates to remain reli-
2.5 Neural Networks
Ning (Ning., 2002) and Ghosh et al. (Ghosh., 2000),
show the ability of a neural network that detects il-
legitimate network used through monitoring unusual
user activity. The neural network is used to learn the
user normal activity and to alert the abnormal user be-
havior. Despite the expert systems, which can provide
the user with a definitive answer, if the characteristics
which are reviewed exactly match those which have
been coded in the rule base, the neural network will
conduct an analysis of the information and provides
a probability estimate that the data matches the char-
acteristics which has been trained to recognize. The
application of neural networks for intrusion detec-
tion has been investigated by a number of researchers
to perform anomaly and misuse detection (Cuppens.,
2002), (Ning., 2002) and (Ning., 2001). Most of these
techniques require an accurate definition of attack sig-
natures to establish a correlation between alerts. Also
with a noisy environment and data disruption they
cant give correct results. This inconvenient can be
solved by unsupervised learning machine tools like
neural network which has a great ability to treat noisy
and incomplete unknown data and to produce accu-
rate results by means of learning experiences. In our
approach, we will use distributed intelligent agents
based on neural network technique that collaborate to
detect propagated attacks in network.
We propose a set of distributed controllers agents that
survey the tasks of interconnected systems in order to
Distributed Intelligent Systems for Network Security Control
detect the presence of network threats. The system is
presented by a set of connected nodes. Each node is
surveyed by a local agent controller. Once an attack
is detected in a node, an alert describing the attack
is diffused from the local agent controller to the cen-
tralized agent monitor. The latter receives alerts and
shows the network components ”states”. The super-
vising process is dividedin two parts; the local control
at each sub network and the central control that col-
lects important alert from the local controllers. The
system control process can be described as follow:
Capture of data process: this process has the role
of a sniffer which collects data packets from the
network interface. For the security reasons, this
interface would be invisible to the users of net-
work, to protect it from misuse.
Storage of data process: it converts and records
the collected data packets into specific data struc-
Analysis of data process: this process has a del-
icate task to support the responders engines to
make decision. It studies the incoming data to the
network to detect the occurrence of distributed at-
It monitors activity in the network and compares
them against knownpatterns of intrusive or hostile
activities. If the result of the analysis is positives,
then data packets are classified as suspect and can
be added to the attacks base.
Graph generation process: it draws a scheme to
show the different states of network nodes. Al-
tered nodes are filled with common color to in-
dicate the propagation of a specific attack in the
Our purpose is to correlate distributed events to show
the state of different network components in order to
take the right decision in case of threats. The Fig-
ure 1 models distributed controllers agent in network,
where each controller is presented by a node. Each
node is surveyed by intrusion detection agent. Once
an attack is detected in a node an alert describing the
attack is diffused from this agent to the centralized su-
pervising agent. The latter receives alerts and applies
correlation algorithms to recognize correlated intru-
sion attacks. The role of agent is to handle incoming
data and to infer significant patterns to take the right
decision. Our system operates in two stages: first, it
Figure 1: Distributed Control Agents.
applies a set of local agent controller, and then uses
a centralized coaching agent to combine the detectors
outputs. Each local detector examines part of the net-
work, extracts normal and attack signature from in-
put patterns detects, and then throws the results to the
monitor detector. The last merges then the incoming
results, eliminates overlappingdetections and extracts
the relationships between input patterns. The critical
role of the local intrusion detection agent is to extract
knowledge about fundamental information of attacks
from noisy and heterogeneous input data. The critical
role of the centralized intrusion detection agents is to
correlate between input distributed events to extract
the relationship between them, to detect the networks
components ”states”, and then to take the right deci-
The aim of the experimentation is to evaluate the role
of the local control agent and the central control agent
to protect network from malicious uses.
5.1 The Local Control Agent (LCA)
As shown in Figure 2, the Local Control Agent
(LCA); based on machine learning technique, studies
in real-time the input patterns and then extracts intrin-
sic features that classify data into two categories:
Normal data: regular data,
Suspicious data: attack signature,
The LCA while using a classification algorithm
rely on different predefined and permanently
updated scenarios stored in a database,
filter newly incoming data and ultimately,
Report any suspicious data to the Central Con-
trol Agent (CCA).
ICSOFT-EA 2016 - 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications
Figure 2: Local Control Agent Model.
Figure 2 presents the following notations:
e1, e2, e3, and e4: are input events about system
C: data classification in normal or suspicious
5.2 The Central Control Agent (CCA)
The Central Control Agent (CCA) is based on ma-
chine learning paradigm; it gives the final decision
about the set of input data from local controllers. It
specifies the state of the network, three observations
are then possible:
The presence of a propagated attack,
The presence of independents attacks,
The absence of any attack,
The CCA uses an algorithm of data extraction that
allows identifying similar or varied suspicious data
from different LCA. So this central controller cor-
relates input data from different network nodes and
takes the decision about the presence of propagated
attacks in the network, and so to send directive re-
sponses to the local controllers nodes to either remove
an unnecessary local response (firewall filtering rule),
or to add a response (firewall filtering rule along an al-
ternate attack path). It is expected to collaborate with
the others network components; example the domains
network management facilities, to select the optimal
points in the network to block harmful connections in
the presence of serious attacks. The CCA generates
as output a graphical representation of the distributed
network nodes. The affected nodes are marked by a
distinguished color. These nodes are connected by a
set of edges. The nodes and edges are described by a
set of attributes. Nodes attribute is made up of pairs
(Clef: Designation) of values that represents the ad-
dress and the name of the network components. The
edges are numbered to mark the order of attack prop-
agation. When an attack is presented, the central con-
troller constructs an illustrative oriented schema rep-
resenting the spread of attacks among network from
source to target nodes. This schema is based on input
Figure 3: Local Controller Input Information.
information about distributed network nodes as illus-
trated by Figure 3. So the sequence off input events
e1, e2, e3,e4 ,.. Forwarded to the central controller is
translated into sequence .
1212817815810001023191505193010 ,
For example, we assume that the presented attack on
the network is Deny of Service (DoS) which is refer-
enced by the number 3. Then the input data to the cen-
tral controller that contains the sequence ”111 shows
that the resource component is attacked by the DoS.
The central controller activates nodes that represent
network affected hosts by this attack (see figure). An
example of the input data and the output data of the
central control agent is illustrated by the Figure 4 and
an example of the output central controllers graph that
represents the attack propagation in network is illus-
trated by the Figure 5.
Figure 4: Central Controller Input and Output Data.
Figure 5: Network Attack Propagation.
To reach a best level of distributed system security, we
have proposed in this article two types of controllers;
Distributed Intelligent Systems for Network Security Control
the Local Control Agent (LCA) that detects the pres-
ence of attacks on its operating system and the Cen-
tral Control Agent (CCA) that detects the presence of
propagated network attacks. Using LAC and CCA are
only the two of many resources that can be deployed
to increase visibility and control within a corporate
computing environment, the concept of defense in-
depth is the emphasis on using the best defensive tech-
nologies and mechanisms within your organization to
craft the appropriate security environment. This paper
suggests an architecture that employs both LAC and
CCA technologies used together to strongly influence
an organizational security posture, using both tech-
nologies in a harmony will ensure the needed tools
and the appropriate defensive techniques to combat
zero day and existing threats while also having the
visibility into internal networks and the ability to sup-
ply forensic data and trend analysis. On the future
works, we aim to develop the agents’ structures that
perform collaborated detection of composed attacks.
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ICSOFT-EA 2016 - 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications