Discovering the Deep Web through XML Schema Extraction
Yasser Saissi, Ahmed Zellou and Ali Idri
Mohammed V University in Rabat, Rabat, Morocco
Keywords: Deep Web, Schema Extraction, Web Integration.
Abstract: The web accessible by the search engines contains a vast amount of information. However, there is another
part of the web called the deep web accessible only through its associated HTML forms, and containing much
more information. The integration of the deep web content presents many challenges that are not fully
addressed by the actual deep web access approaches. The integration of the deep web data requires knowing
the schema describing each deep web source. This paper presents our approach to extract the XML schema
describing a selected deep web source. The XML schema extracted will be used to integrate the associated
deep web source into a mediation system. The principle of our approach is to apply a static and a dynamic
analysis to the HTML forms giving access to the selected deep web source. We describe the algorithms of our
approach and compare it to the other existing approaches.
The indexed and accessible part of the web by the
search engines is called in the literature the Surface
web (Lyman, 2003) and it contains a vast amount of
information. There is another part of the web that is
neither indexed nor reachable by the search engines.
This inaccessible part of the web is called in the
literature the Deep web (Lyman, 2003) (Bergman,
2001) (He, 2007) (Chang, 2004). The deep web can
be defined as the set of all the databases connected to
the web that generates web results pages in response
to user queries through their associated HTML forms.
For example, the URL is
a deep web source URL giving access to a database
of jobs that can be accessed only through the
associated HTML form described in Figure 1.
One of the most important features of the deep
web is its estimated data size 500 times larger than the
surface web (Lyman, 2003) (He, 2007). However, its
unique access through the HTML forms is the barrier
that prevents the web search engines to access and to
index its data.
Actually, we can identify in the literature three
different approaches to access the deep web. The
crawling and the surfacing approaches are two
approaches used to extract all the content of the deep
web sources. The extracted content can be used
subsequently to respond to the end user query.
The third approach is the form integration
Figure 1: CareerBuilder Deep Web Source HTML form.
approach that queries directly the deep web sources
using their associated HTML forms.
The deep web data need to be integrated in order
to be accessible like the surface web. Our objective is
to implement a web integration system. And to
achieve this objective, we need to implement a
mediation system that hides the particularities of each
integrated source and provides to the end users an
interface to access all the data sources in a unified
way, hiding their autonomy, their heterogeneity, their
location and their scalability (Zellou, 2008).
Therefore, the mediation system in the web
environment tries to answer the user’s query without
asking each source separately to provide a unique
Saissi, Y., Zellou, A. and Idri, A.
Discovering the Deep Web through XML Schema Extraction.
DOI: 10.5220/0006013901410149
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2016) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 141-149
ISBN: 978-989-758-203-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
integrated response from all the partial responses
obtained (Zellou, 2008) as described in Figure 2. But
to build this mediation system, we need to know the
schema describing the content of each source before
its integration.
Figure 2: Mediation system overview.
In this paper, we propose our approach to extract
the XML schema describing the hidden content of the
analysed deep web source. The XML schema
extracted is the information needed to integrate the
associated deep web source into the mediation
To extract this XML schema, our approach
identifies first the domain of the selected deep web
source. The identification of the domain name allows
us to use our private knowledge about this domain
during the static and the dynamic analysis of the
associated HTML forms. The static analysis of the
HTML forms analyses all the aspects of their HTML
source code to discover all the information about the
data behind. And the dynamic analysis of these
HTML forms queries all their fields to extract new
information about the data that lie behind from the
web pages results generated. During its process, our
approach identifies also the constraints of the form
fields. All the information extracted is used to build
the XML schema describing the analysed deep web
In section two below, we describe the state-of-the-
art of the deep web access approaches. In Section
three, we present in more details our proposed
approach with its algorithms and its implementation.
And in section four, we conclude with our
contribution and future works.
In this section, we present the three existing
approaches to access the deep web: the Crawling
approach, the Surfacing approach and the Form
Integration approach.
2.1 The Crawling Approach
At the beginning of the study of the deep web, the
same strategy and principles used in the surface web
was used to discover the deep web. Therefore, the
first approach used was the Crawling approach
(Khelghati, 2013) described in the part (a) of the
Figure 3.
The Crawling approach extracts all the data of the
selected deep web source and stores it in an external
database. The principal limitation of this approach is
that the data extracted lose all its semantics when it is
stored out of its initial context. Another limitation or
difficulty of this approach is the huge size of the deep
web source data that needs a huge storage space.
This approach takes the URL of the selected deep
web source as input and identifies its associated
HTML forms. After, it queries these forms and
extracts all the data from the web results pages
generated by the queries. Then, it stores the extracted
data in an external database that can be used after to
respond to the end user queries.
The Liddle & Embley method (Liddle, 2003) is an
example of the crawling approach implementation.
This method starts to query the associated HTML
forms of the selected deep web source with the
possible values of each HTML form field and ends
when no new data information are extracted from the
web results pages generated.
Figure 3: The Crawling and the Surfacing approach.
Deep Web
Source 1
Source n
User Query
Mediation System
Deep Web Source URL
End User Query
Identify HTML forms
Extract web results pages
External Database
of indexed URLs
External Database
of extracted Data
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
2.2 The Surfacing Approach
The second approach used to access the deep web is
the Surfacing approach (Doan, 2012) described in the
part (b) of the Figure 3. The Surfacing approach takes
the URL of the selected deep web source as input and
queries its HTML forms to generate web results
pages. The URLs of these generated web results
pages are indexed by the approach to be used after by
a search engine to respond to the user queries.
The Google's Deep Web Crawl method
(Madhavan, 2008) is an example of the surfacing
approach implementation. This method identifies the
form fields that generates relevant and different
results and launch a first query using the values
associated to the domain name. The results generated
are analysed to identify the frequent words used after
to generate new queries.
As described in the Figure 3, the surfacing
approach is very similar to the crawling approach. To
sum up, the crawling and the surfacing approaches
were implemented to make the deep web accessible
by the search engines. But the problem is that these
two approaches try to adapt accessing the deep web
content to the constraint and the nature of the used
search engines in the web. And these two approaches
do not match in the majority of the cases with the
wealth and the structure of the information provided
by the deep web.
Therefore, the most adapted way to access the
deep web source is to query it directly by the end user.
And the only way to do this is to use the associated
HTML form. This is the principle of the following
third approach to access the deep web: the Form
integration approach.
2.3 The Form Integration Approach
The Form integration approach takes as input the
URLs of a set of deep web sources. It identifies and
extracts their HTML forms and analyses them to
build a global form. This global form is able to
address the end user queries to all the associated deep
web sources through their access HTML forms.
This approach is more adapted to the deep web
features because it access the deep web source
through its HTML form. And it does not need to store
all the information of the deep web source because it
responds to the end user query directly from the
information location.
The Form integration approach is implemented by
many methods that we can classify under two types
of methods. The first type builds a unique global form
for a selected set of deep web sources to respond to
all user queries. For this first type, the set of deep web
sources is given as input to the approach. The second
type builds a global form for a set of deep web sources
to respond only to one user query. This second type
discovers dynamically the set of deep web sources
associated with each user query.
An example of the first type described of the form
integration is the Wise method (He, 2005). This
method extracts the schema describing each form of
the selected deep web sources. The extracted schemes
are used to generate one global query interface able to
transmit all the end-user queries to the associated
deep web sources automatically.
Another interesting method in the same family is
the Ontology-based web Pattern Analysis with Logic
(OPAL) method (Furche, 2011) (Furche, 2013). This
method does not take in entry a set of deep web
sources URL but only the domain name of interest.
After, the OPAL method uses its domain ontology to
build a global schema able to map each end user query
to all the deep web source associated with the same
The Metaquerier method (Chang, 2005) (Zhang,
2004) is an example of the second type described of
the form integration. The Metaquerier is an automatic
method that receives in entry the end user query. The
method identifies dynamically all the deep web
sources that can respond to this query. And it builds a
global query interface able to respond only to this
query from the identified deep web sources. The
Metaquerier method has to generate a new global
query interface for each new end user query.
2.4 Comparison of the Deep Web
Access Approaches
As described in Table 1, we compare these three
approaches and we find that the crawling and the
surfacing approaches have two limitations. Firstly,
these two approaches do not know if all the existing
data are extracted. Secondly, the storage of their
results is done out of the initial data context, and this
can affect the original data semantics. On the other
side, the form integration approach is more adapted to
the data extraction in the deep web environment. But
this approach focuses more on the forms than on the
data behind.
Our approach described in the following section
uses the analysis of the HTML forms giving access to
the selected deep web source in order to extract a
schema describing the data behind the form with the
identification of its nature and its constraint and not
only a schema describing the form itself.
Discovering the Deep Web through XML Schema Extraction
Table 1: Comparison of the deep web sources access
Indexed URLs
Indefinite source
Weakened semantics
Extracted data
Global Query
Form Oriented
3.1 General Description
In this section we present our automatic approach to
extract the XML schema describing a selected deep
web source (Saissi, 2014; Saissi, 2015).
The objective of our approach is to extract from
each deep web source an XML schema describing its
content so that it can be possible to integrate all the
deep web sources in a mediation system in order to
access the deep web information easily.
Our approach benefits from all the features of the
deep web to maximise the precision and the
exhaustiveness of the XML schema extracted. In
addition to all the deep web features previously
described, our approach uses in its process the
following characteristics of the deep web domain
names. The studies (He, 2007) (Chang, 2004) show
that the number of the different data domains in the
deep web is less than twenty. The most frequent
domains in the deep web are: Government, Health,
Arts, Humanities, Politics, Lifestyles, News, Media,
Society, People, Sports, Education, Science,
Business, Travel, Shopping, Jobs and Library. Our
approach uses this feature to define and use a
knowledge database about each deep web domain
where we can store, use and enrich our accumulated
knowledge about each domain.
Our approach uses also the following features of
the HTML forms. The form uses a vocabulary easy to
understand (Bing, 2007) (He, 2005) and gives
additional information describing its fields (Wang,
2003) such as validation code.
As described in Figure 4, our approach has three
main steps: the domain identification step, the static
analysis or the form processing step, and the dynamic
analysis or the form querying step.
The domain identification step identifies the
domain name of the analysed deep web source in
order to be able to use our knowledge database about
the associated domain name during the approach
process. Our approach uses also a thesaurus, if
required, to identify a new discovered keyword and a
new domain name.
Figure 4: Our approach process.
The second step is the form processing step where the
HTML forms associated with the deep web source are
analysed at two different levels: lexically and
structurally. The lexical analysis identifies the HTML
form elements, with their labels, their data types and
their constraints. The structural analysis identifies
automatically the relations between the form fields in
the HTML form source code. The third step is the
form querying step where we use our proposed
algorithm to query each HTML form with one
objective: to complete the identification of all the
elements of the form and to discover new ones from
the web results. This step takes up two challenges: to
generate the maximum of web results pages for the
minimum of queries, and to propose the right values
to the form fields with undefined values. For this, our
approach uses the identification tables to propose
values to these fields if the domain name is identified.
Otherwise, we use a thesaurus as described in the next
subsection. After each query, we analyse all the web
results pages generated to extract their information
structured in tables. These tables are analysed to
extract new elements. These new elements are used
with the elements extracted during the form
processing step to build the XML schema describing
the analysed deep web source.
In the last step of our approach, we update the
identification tables with the new elements
discovered after each deep web source analysis.
Extract and
HTML Tables
Deep web source XML
Query HTML Form
Build XML
Identify HTML
Analyse HTML
on Tables
Deep Web Source
Identify Domain
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
In the following subsection, we will describe, in
more details, the three steps of our approach.
3.2 Detailed Process
3.2.1 Domain Identification Step
Before describing our first algorithm, we define first
our knowledge database called the Identification
tables. The identification tables are used to store each
domain name with its associated keywords and labels.
This knowledge database is used because the number
of deep web domain name as seen in the previous
section is limited. Thus, we can store and reuse the
knowledge extracted from a deep web source to
optimize the analysis of a new deep web source
associated with the same domain name.
The identification tables are composed of three
Domain Table = {(idDomain, D
1≤ idDomain ≤ n};
Keyword Table = {(idDomain, K
), 1≤ j ≤ m};
Label Table = {(idDomain, (L
, T
)), 1≤ i ≤ p};
Where D
is the domain name, K
are the
keywords associated with D
, L
are the labels
associated with D
and T
the data type of L
can be a set of constants, an atomic type like integer,
string or a tuple of atomic types with or without
Before their first use, the identification tables are
initialized with the known domain names with the
trivial associated labels and keywords.
Algorithm 1: Domain identification
Input: Deep Web Source URL, N
Output: Domain Name
1: Pre-processing Filter;
2: Extract the most used words W
, from the HTML
components Title, alt, Headers h1…h6 and the text;
3: Sort the set of tuples {(W
, Occ
), 1≤ i ≤ n} by the number
of their occurrence Occ
4: Select the N
tuples (W
, Occ
) with the maximal Occ
5: for each selected word W
6: Calculate its distance of Levenshtein d
, K
With all the keywords K
of the Keyword Table;
7: if (all d
, K
) ≠ 0) then Search the domain of W
the Thesaurus Wordnet;
8: if (all W
does not have the same domain) then
9: D
the domain name of the W
with the maximal
The algorithm one describes the first step of our
approach. We first pre-process the web pages of the
deep web source URL to filter out its template, the
advertising content and the stop words to focus only
on the valuable information of the web pages
(Malki, 2002). After, we extract the N
most used
words from all the remaining HTML components of
the web pages (lines 1-4). To identify the domain
name of each word, we calculate its similarity with
the elements of the keyword table using the distance
of Levenshtein. If we succeed, the domain name
found in the identification tables is associated with
the similar word extracted (lines 5-6). If we do not
find any similarity in the keyword table, we use a
thesaurus to identify the domain name of the
extracted word (line 7). At the end, if we identify
different domain names for the same deep web
source, we choose only one: the domain name
identified and associated with the word extracted with
the maximal occurrence (lines 8-9). The thesaurus
used is the free thesaurus Wordnet able to propose a
domain name for a given keyword.
3.2.2 Form Processing Step
Algorithm 2: Form Processing
Input: Deep Web Source URL
Output: Set of elements
1: for each HTML Tag Form do
2: Extract {((A
, L
?, T
), d
?, F
?), 1≤i≤n, 1≤j≤m and
1≤ k ≤ p} where A
is the HTML element name, L
label if it exist, T
its data type, F
its associated
Fieldset and d
its associated div;
3: for each element A
4: Extract the associated validation code constraint Jc
i ;
5: Enrich the data type Ti with the constraint Jci;
This second algorithm describes the form processing
step of our approach. It takes in entry the deep web
source URL, and identifies its access HTML forms.
After, the source code of each HTML form is
analysed at different levels. Firstly, at the lexical
level, we extract its elements with the associated
labels and data types. Secondly at the structural level,
we identify the elements associated with the same
HTML tag Fieldset and or the same HTML tag div.
At the end of this step, we obtain a set of tuples that
identifies the element with its label, its data type and
its associated Fieldset and div (lines 1-2). The
validation code associated with each element is also
analysed if it is accessible in order to extract new
constraints to enrich the associated data type (lines 3-
Discovering the Deep Web through XML Schema Extraction
3.2.3 Form Querying Step
The following algorithms three, four and five
describe the form querying step.
Algorithm 3: Form Querying
Input: Deep Web Source URL, Stop condition SK
Output: Set of elements
1: k 0;
2: for each HTML Form do
3: Query all the fields with the default or empty value;
4: Generate Web results pages;
5: Table Processing (Web results pages);
6: Query all the defined fields with the possible values;
7: Generate Web results pages;
8: Table Processing (Web results pages);
9: for each undefined field do
10 if (the domain name exist in T
) then
11: if (the label of the field exist in T
) then
12: Query the undefined field with the associated
values from T
13: Generate web results pages;
14: Table Processing (Web results pages); endif; endif;
15: else while (k <=SK) do
16: Query with new values from the Thesaurus Wordnet;
17: Generate web results pages;
18: Table Processing (Web results pages);
19: k ++;
endwhile; endfor; endfor;
Algorithm 4: Table Processing
Input: Web result page URL
Output: Set of elements
1: Extract the linked web results pages;
2: for each web results page do
3: Extract the HTML tables;
4: if (the HTML tables have a typed column) then
5: if (the HTML tables have a label for each column)
6: then Extract {(L
, T
), 1 ≤ j ≤ m} where L
is the
label of the column j and T
its associated set of
endif; endif; endfor;
The third algorithm is the form querying
algorithm. It takes in entry the deep web source URL
and starts by querying the associated HTML forms to
generate the web results pages. The first query sent is
the default query if it exists or the query with all the
form fields empty (lines 1-4). After, we send all the
possible queries on all the form fields with their
known and defined values (line 6). For the fields with
undefined values, we propose values from the Label
table (lines 9-13). Otherwise, we use the thesaurus
Wordnet to propose values for these fields with
undefined values (lines 16-17).
During this step of querying fields with undefined
values, we use a stop condition SK to optimize our
automatic approach and not overload the deep web
source server.
During all the process of this third algorithm, all
the values used to query the form fields that generates
No Results or Errors are identified as a constraint of
the associated label.
In parallel, all the web results pages generated by
our queries are analysed by our fourth algorithm. This
algorithm identifies all the linked web pages by
following the URLs of the associated next page links
(line 1). For each web results page, we first identify
all the HTML tables in the HTML source code and
we focus only on the HTML tables that has strictly
more than one line and where all the values of each
column have the same data type. From these tables,
we extract the labels of the columns and their set of
values (lines 2-6). The table processing algorithm
return the set of the extracted elements with their
associated values.
Many techniques exist in the literature to identify
the label of each column if it is not explicitly
identified. We use in our approach the two following
techniques. In the first technique, the elements of the
same column are analysed to identify a maximal
suffix or prefix. This maximal suffix or prefix can
help to identify the label of the associated column
(Lu, 2007). In the second technique, the elements of
the same column are analysed to identify if a
character exists in the same position and with the
same occurrence in all the column elements. If this
character exists in a predefined list {@, $, £, / /,
etc...}, it can help to identify the label and or the data
type of the associated column (Malki, 2003; Lu,
2007; Lu, 2013).
The algorithm five is used to identify the
constraints of the form fields to enrich their data type
and values. It takes in entry the selected label to
analyse. After, it generates numerical and string
values to query this label (lines 2-4 and 8-10). It
checks if No Results or Errors are generated by this
query, and if it is the case, the data type of the
associated label is enriched with the new constraints
(lines 5-6 and 11-12). At the end, the algorithm
generates the numerical interval and or the regular
expression of the constraints associated with the
labels analysed.
Algorithm 5: Constraint Identification
Input: Label L, Stop Condition SK
, SK
Output: Constraint of the label L
1: knum 0; kalpha 0; Constraint (L) = ;
2: while (knum < SK
3: Generate numerical value (knum, val);
4: Query the label L with val;
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
5: if (No Result or ERROR generated) then
6 : Enrich the Constraint (L) with the Interval (val) ; endif ;
7: knum++; Constraint Identification (L, knum, kalpha);
8: while (kalpha < SK
9: Generate string value (kalpha, str);
10: Query the label L with str;
11: if (No Result or ERROR generated) then
12: Enrich the Constraint (L) with the regular expression of
str; endif;
13: kalpha++; Constraint Identification (L, knum, kalpha);
All the elements extracted by our approach are
used to build our XML schema using the following
rules: Firstly, the elements associated with the same
HTML tag Fieldset define a new sequence of the
XML Schema. Secondly, the elements associated
with the same HTML tag div defines also a new
sequence of the XML Schema. The constraints
identified enrich the data type of the associated
Algorithm 6: Identification Tables Update
Input: Identification tables T
Output: Updated Identification tables T
1: if the Domain name exist in T
2: T
is enriched with the new labels (L, T) identified;
3: T
is enriched with the first new most used words
extracted; endif;
4: else
5: D
the New domain name founded;
6: T
is enriched with the associated labels (L, T) extracted;
7: T
is enriched with the first most used words extracted;
The last algorithm six of our approach is used to
update the identification tables at the end of the
analysis of each new deep web source. This algorithm
enriches the existing domain names with the new
extracted keywords (lines 1-3). And if a new domain
is identified, it updates the Domain table, the
Keyword table and the Label table (lines 4-7).
3.3 Our Tool DWSpyder
We implemented an automatic tool called DWSpyder
to experiment our approach. The DWSpyder tool is
actually realized in the PHP language and it is using
the thesaurus Wordnet with our private identification
tables. The Figure 5 is a screenshot of the DWSpyder
DWSpyder allows the user to enter the deep web
source URL with some needed parameters, and it
provides as output the associated XML schema.
The Figure 6 describes the XML schema extracted
by the DWSpyder after the analysis of the associated
HTML form of the deep web source described in Figure 1.
Figure 5: DWSpyder screenshot.
Figure 6: The XML schema extracted from
3.4 Discussion
As described in this paper, our approach takes the
deep web source and identifies its domain name using
the identification tables or the thesaurus Wordnet to
identify the domain name.
The identification tables are our way to reuse for
the same domain the information extracted from each
deep web source analysed.
The HTML forms of the deep web source are
analysed to extract all their information during the
form processing step to discover the structure of the
data that lies behind.
After, we query the form fields to extract more
information about the structure of the data behind.
During this querying step, the challenge is to optimize
the queries of the fields with undefined values. For
this, our first strategy is to use the label table if a
similar label is identified. If it is not the case, we use
the values proposed by the thesaurus Wordnet.
Discovering the Deep Web through XML Schema Extraction
Following that, our approach analyses the web
results pages generated and focuses on the tables
extracted from these results because the deep web
sources generates frequently the structured
information table (Wang, 2003).
All the information extracted by our approach is
used to build the XML schema describing the deep
web source analysed. We choose the XML schema to
describe the deep web source content because it is the
most adapted way to describe the web content.
All our proposed algorithms have a low
complexity O(n) except for the algorithms one and
three that has the complexity O(n
) that is a still an
acceptable complexity.
To resume, our approach uses all the accessible
elements of the deep web source with a cumulated
private knowledge about the deep web to maximize
our chance to extract the most descriptive XML
schema. And if we compare our approach to the
crawling and the surfacing approaches, our approach
needs only to extract the schema description and not
all deep web source data and this optimize the number
of the queries generated during our query processing
step in comparison with these two approaches. And
contrary to the form integration approach that sends
the final user query to all the deep web sources
through its global form to respond to it, the mediation
system based on our extracted XML schema
description with its associated constraints extracted
can identify precisely the deep web sources that can
respond to the final user query.
The XML schema extracted by our approach to
describe a deep web source is a promising solution to
integrate the deep web in a mediation system.
Our objective is to be able to implement a web
mediation system, and in this paper, we have
presented our automatic approach to extract the
needed XML schema describing a selected deep web
Our approach applies a static and dynamic
analysis to the HTML forms giving access to the deep
web sources. During its process, our approach uses its
private knowledge about the deep web domains to
optimize and enrich its XML schema extraction. And
during the dynamic step, the web results pages
generated by our queries are analysed to identify also
the constraints of the form fields. All the elements
extracted by our approach during the static and the
dynamic analysis of the HTML forms are used to
build the XML schema describing the associated deep
web source.
The XML schema extracted is the key information
needed to integrate the associated deep web source in
a web mediation system able to respond to the end
user query directly in the web environment.
Currently, we are working on many issues to
improve our approach in parallel with the ongoing
experiments on the DWSpyder tool. Firstly, we are
working on the optimization of the number of the
queries generated and also on the optimization of the
content of the identification tables. For this we plan
to score the values of the identification tables that
generate interesting web results. These scored values
will be used to optimize the number of queries
generated to analyse the deep web source associated
to each domain name.
We are also working on the analysis of the
unstructured elements like the text of the web results
pages to realise an exhaustive analysis of all the
elements generated by our queries and not only the
HTML tables.
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Discovering the Deep Web through XML Schema Extraction