An Architecture for Securing Communications in Critical Infrastructure
Christian Callegari
, Alessandro Cantelli Forti
, Giuseppe D’Amore
, Enrique de la Hoz
David Echarri
, Iv
an Garc
and Germ
an L
RaSS National Laboratory, CNIT, Pisa, Italy
Vitrociset S.p.A., Rome, Italy
Computer Engineering Department, University of Alcala, Alcala de Henares, Spain
Oesia Network, Madrid, Spain
Critical Infrastructure, Intrusion Detection System, Intrusion Prevention System, Honeynet, Firewall.
The disruption of communications in critical infrastructures could have a serious impact on the health, safety,
security or economic well-being of citizens or even prevent the effective functioning of governments or other
agencies. For this reason, in this paper we present a distributed architecture, named CYBERSENS, aimed at
preventing, early detecting, and mitigating cyber attacks to critical infrastructure networks. CYBERSENS is
an advanced IDS/IPS system specially tailored for securing communications in critical infrastructures. It’s fed-
erated architecture, the combination of misuse detection techniques and novel anomaly detection approaches,
and the inclusion of mechanisms for self-obfuscation and self-protection, makes our proposal specially suit-
able for these scenarios.
Since the mid-1990’s, dramatic experiences caused by
natural or man-made disasters made urgent to under-
stand the dependency of our society from those in-
frastructures that, if disrupted or destroyed would se-
riously compromise our quality of life and/or overall
functioning of the society. Therefore, Critical Infras-
tructure protection has become a general label for a
range of activities undertaken jointly by government
and operators of key location, facilities and system to
ensure an adequate management risk.
Critical infrastructures (EUCommission, 2004)
consist of those physical and information technology
facilities, networks, services and assets which un-
availability or malfunction could have a serious im-
pact on the health, safety, security or economic well-
being of citizens or prevent the effective functioning
of governments. Critical infrastructures extend across
many sectors of the economy, including banking and
finance, transport and distribution, energy, utilities,
health, food supply and communications, as well as
key government services.
Infrastructure systems are characterised by a high
degree of interconnection. Many physical, virtual and
logical dependencies are not apparent until a crisis oc-
curs and the connection breaks down. The high level
of interdependence can lead to cascading shut-downs.
At the same time, smaller and smaller disruptions are
enough to cause dramatic consequences in complex
In this paper we present a security system, named
CYBERSENS, for the protection of the critical in-
frastructures from cyber attacks. In a nutshell, CY-
BERSENS should be able to prevent, early detect, and
mitigate cyber attacks, while simultaneously keeping
the communications alive and preserving the privacy
of the critical infrastructure users.
In more detail, the functionalities of the CY-
BERSENS system are
Intrusion prevention/detection: it represents the
core activity of the system. The early detection
and localisation of cyber attacks is carried out by
applying signature-based techniques, effective in
detecting well-known attacks, and anomaly based
techniques, effective in also detecting novel (e.g.,
zero-day) attacks
Privacy preserving data aggregation and ex-
port: given its distributed architecture, the CY-
BERSENS system makes use of probabilistic data
structure and algorithms that aim to aggregate, ex-
Callegari, C., Forti, A., D’Amore, G., Hoz, E., Santamaria, D., García-Ferreira, I. and López-Civera, G.
An Architecture for Securing Communications in Critical Infrastructure.
DOI: 10.5220/0006016801110120
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2016) - Volume 1: DCNET, pages 111-120
ISBN: 978-989-758-196-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
change, and export private data among the differ-
ent probes and between the probes and the Main
Control Unit (MCU), without disclosing any pri-
vate information to any external entity
Traffic masking by encryption and traffic genera-
tion: data links between nodes are encrypted us-
ing known standard best encryption techniques
known to be effective. Traffic padding is provided
as an option by producing or injecting fake traffic
into data links to prevent a passive traffic sniffing
to figure out usage statistics or behaviours
Attack deviation and redirection – Honeynet: fake
working hosts are decoyed at the purpose of being
a natural target for incoming malicious traffic be-
hind external level of defences. Analysis of traffic
coming from honeynet is used to increase knowl-
edge about malicious techniques in use
Self-protection: systems aimed at detecting cyber
attacks often become the target of attacks aimed
at stopping the correct functioning of the system
itself, e.g. by increasing consumption of computa-
tional resources. Hence, static secure techniques,
such as firewalls, are deployed for protecting the
system itself from external attacks
It is important to highlight that in our proposal,
not only does our system take into account the single
critical infrastructure, but it can also protect the inter-
connection among several infrastructures if needed.
The remainder of the paper is structured in the fol-
lowing way: in Section 2 we present the general ar-
chitecture of the proposed system, describing all the
system components and their functionalities. Then
Section 5 details the objectives and the specification
of the system, while in Section 3 and 4 we detail the
Anomaly Detection Subsystem and the Misuse-based
Detection Subsystem, respectively. Finally Section 6
concludes the paper with some final remarks.
As stated in the introduction, the main goal of CY-
BERSENS module is to be able to prevent cyber-
attacks against the telecommunication networks that
enable critical infrastructure normal operation, by
performing an early detection of any sign indicator
of an attack. This early detection allows to prevent a
possible compromise of the IT assets under protection
of the system.
To accomplish this objective, an advanced Intru-
sion Prevention System (IPS) will be deployed, fol-
lowing a distributed approach that allows to meet per-
formance and privacy requirements. To this aim the
system must take into account the sensitivity of the
data that are exchanged between critical infrastruc-
tures and the impact that an attack could have on
them. Moreover the developed detection system must
not introduce data leaks or new vulnerabilities in the
system it is trying to protect. Therefore special mea-
sures related with data privacy and the protection of
the whole system have to be taken.
From the functional point of view, the different
CYBERSENS elements perform a task that is within
three main functional blocks: information gather-
ing module, analysis engine, and alert system (Bace,
2000). These three submodules create a sequential
flow that allows to cover each phase during a typical
cyber incident: monitoring, detection, and mitigation.
In Figure 1 we can observe the overall architecture
of CYBERSENS. The main elements of the system
Local Central Unit: CYBERSENS central unit
is entitled with the actual IPS functionalities. The
objective is to combine misuse and anomaly de-
tection techniques to cover a wide variety of at-
tacks and be able to discover and react to non-
standard types of attacks and new vulnerabilities.
Misuse detection techniques are based on the pro-
cess of data samples looking for known mali-
cious behaviour. They usually work using some
kind of signature that describes what to look for
in the data to classify it as malicious. Despite
the fact it is a really widely used approach they
can only detect already disclosed vulnerabilities,
so novel attacks that cannot be directly detected
with these signatures or inferred from them will
not be caught by the detection system. Even so,
they perform really well at detecting known at-
tacks and are therefore needed to protect the sys-
tem from the millions of malicious samples al-
ready described by signatures. In contrast to mis-
use detection methods, anomaly detection aims
to detect deviations from the normal behaviour.
These deviations or anomalies may be produced
by intruders or may be due to hardware or soft-
ware malfunction. The idea is that this kind of
anomalies can be used as early detection indica-
tors of attacks. More details about the detection
strategies will be provided in Sections 3 and 4
Privacy issues are also a concern, since the in-
formation collected at each CYBERSENS central
unit is very sensible, as it represents the current
status of the overall architecture and its elements.
Consequently extensive use of cryptographic al-
gorithms and secure message exchange is made in
the communication between each CYBERSENS
central unit and its probes and also between each
Figure 1: System Architecture.
CYBERSENS central unit if needed.
Main Central Unit (MCU): this elements is re-
sponsible to collect and correlate the data sent by
the local central unit, so as to generate alarms and
put the proper reaction strategies in place. For
this reason, each local central unit sends to the
main central unit information about the detected
attacks(e.g., location of the attack and the cate-
gory it can be classified in). The Common Attack
Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC)
(Enumeration, 2013) initiative is used as a com-
mon language to describe the attacks included in
the alerts. It is composed by a hierarchical struc-
ture that easily allows to correlate and cluster re-
lated alerts to make it easier to analyse the situa-
tion in real time.
Network Probes: The purpose of these probes is
to collect all input and output traffic that travels
through the critical infrastructure network. This
function is usually performed by dedicated hard-
ware systems that allow to forward all the traffic
that goes through them to another node entitled
with monitoring tasks. There exists a wide variety
of hardware (mainly industry level switches and
routers) that already implements these techniques
like SPAN port or port mirroring (Woodring,
2001). Virtualised solutions also have this func-
tionality so even in the case of a virtualised en-
vironment inside a critical infrastructure, traffic
monitoring can also be performed without acquir-
ing new hardware. Also open source projects like
OpenVSwitch or VyOS (virtual switch and router
solution respectively) include mirror port capabil-
ities, so they can be easily integrated into a virtu-
alised architecture if needed.
The second aspect that has to be addressed when
deploying a network probe monitoring infrastruc-
ture is the aggregation and reduction level made
over the collected traffic before exporting it to
monitoring or analysis tools. Netflow (Claise,
2004) is a standard proposed by CISCO that in-
cludes a format that describes the flows and a pro-
tocol to generate and transmit these flows and the
statistics related to them to other devices.
Considering the multi-operator scenario, like the
one depicted in Figure 1, each network probe,
apart from simply collecting/aggregating the traf-
fic, must also perform some additional operations
depending on the required output. In more detail,
as it will be clear in the following sections, the
probes must either perform some processing (e.g.,
misuse based intrusion detection) or send aggre-
gated information to Central Unit (one per critical
infrastructure), where the traffic is analysed by the
anomaly detection algorithms.
In the latter case, considering that direct analysis
of raw network traffic is not feasible due to com-
An Architecture for Securing Communications in Critical Infrastructure
putational cost and bandwidth limitations some
kind of “additional” aggregation and data reduc-
tion is needed prior to detection phase. Both tech-
niques aim to reduce the size and noise in col-
lected data, retrieving meaningful statistics and
summaries that allow to analyse it without los-
ing any relevant information or at least being able
to configure how much information we are able
to loose during the process. Moreover, given the
“multi-operator” scenario depicted in Figure 1,
where multiple critical infrastructures are inter-
connected, some privacy constraints can arise that
make “standard” aggregation techniques, such as
NetFlow, unusable.
For this reason the CYBERSENS network probes
have the ability of performing random aggrega-
tion (e.g., by using random data structures like
sketches (Cormode and Muthukrishnan, 2005)).
This kind of data aggregation techniques allow
to dramatically reduce the size of the data while
retaining enough information about its trend or
the number of occurrences of each data instance.
Moreover this data structures may be configured
to achieve a balance between the data stored in
memory and the amount of information they are
able to ignore.
Therefore each probe can be configured to aggre-
gate the data as needed depending on the size of
the network, the number of elements monitored
on it, and the kind of analysis to be performed.
Host Probes: The purpose of this agents is to
collect information about the applications that are
running inside the host. This information includes
system calls, software executed, application spe-
cific or operating system logs, etc. This data is
useful to detect threats that are already inside the
host, representing a second barrier of protection
against attacks that could bypass network detec-
tion. This kind of probes may have an impact in
the performance of the monitored hosts, so reduc-
tion techniques are applied. The reduction level
applied to the data will be configurable from the
central unit assigned to it. This reduction can be
simply based on the sampling rate or the actual
format which the logs are transformed to. Appli-
cation malfunctionings can also be detected moni-
toring this kind of logs, this way end-of-life hard-
ware can also be addressed and prevent service
outage due to downtime.
The software category where these probes are in-
cluded is Host-based intrusion detection system.
An an example, in our system, we have used OS-
SEC (Bray et al., 2008), an open-source project
that represents the de facto standard in the indus-
try and have versions for both UNIX and Win-
dows operating systems.
Virtualised Honeynet: One of the main objec-
tives of the CYBERSENS module is to build a
resilient system that allows to perform early de-
tection of new threats and attacking techniques.
This means that the system itself has to be able to
learn from novel attacks to detect 0-day type vul-
nerabilities, especially in the Anomaly Detection
phase. One of the best ways to obtain up-to-date
types of attacks is to get them directly from the
source, which means to collect information about
real attacks. To do so without damaging any real
infrastructure the usual practice is to employ hon-
eypots. Honeypots can be described as computer
system expressly configured to attract attackers
(Zhang et al., 2003). To this aim they mimic the
software, configuration and behaviour of a legit-
imate system similar to a typical server exposed
to the Internet. Once an attacker tries to penetrate
this kind of system all the actions she makes are
logged and monitored for further analysis. This
process includes the collection of all traffic, com-
mands executed, file changes, etc. With this in-
formation an expert can create attack signatures
to feed misuse detection tools. Anomaly detec-
tion systems can benefit too from the information
gathered through honeypots as they can feed the
algorithms with anomalous traffic that can be used
to train them. The combination of multiple hon-
eypots that tries to create a whole network that
resembles a typical company network, is what is
called a honeynet(Spitzner, 2003).
In the context of CYBERSENS, the honeypots
employ virtualization techniques to deploy the
vulnerable system. Virtualization allows to isolate
the honeypot and to be able to gather information
of it from the host system. They also allow to de-
ploy different kinds of systems in a single host,
making it easier to imitate a network where mul-
tiple kinds of host and services are deployed.
In general, many different types of honeypots are
available, usually classified as low or high inter-
action. Low interaction honeypots tries to mimic
a service or only a few services of a system. They
are intended to be used as bait and collect infor-
mation about the level of exposure (i.e. how many
attacks are we receiving?) and the source of the at-
tacks (i.e. IP addresses, location, attack attempts).
As they only imitate a set of services they are eas-
ier to detect by an intruder, who therefore stop at-
tacking it or even tries to attack the honeypot it-
self. On the other hand high interaction honeypots
are focused on simulating a real system including
all typical services. Consequently, the informa-
tion collected from them is much more detailed
and they can also create a timeline of the attack
and the techniques employed to exploit the hon-
CYBERSENS makes use of a hybrid approach
in which bait-like systems are deployed in each
critical infrastructure and when an attacker is at-
tracted to it and tries to connect, he is redirected
to the actual honeynet, realised by a virtualised
dedicated VPN either “internal” to a given criti-
cal infrastructure or “external” to all of them. It
is important to highlight that all the data collected
from the honeynets may also need some kind of
aggregation before exporting it to its central unit
for analysis, so similar techniques to the ones em-
ployed in the probes should be applied.
It is worth noting that the decision of redirecting a
particular flow to the honeynet is made by a Main
Central Unit. CYBERSENS will only alert that
a malicious activity is undergoing in a particular
segment of the network.
Traffic Generating System: even though all sen-
sible traffic between different critical infrastruc-
tures must be encrypted, a passive sniffing attack
could be possible if the network is compromised
at any point of the communication. Despite the
fact that an attacker would not be able to eaves-
drop the content of the communication, statisti-
cal analysis may disclose some meaningful infor-
mation. This type of analysis involves the study
of the timestamp, size, source and destination of
the messages exchanged. This type of data is not
usually encrypted and an attacker could link and
correlate the instant when a message is sent with
side-channel information. For example the mes-
sage that is sent when an alert is launched may
not vary too much from one alert to another, so it
will take up similar size during the time and will
always be sent to the same IP address. An attacker
can induce when an alert is launched if she inten-
tionally generates an alert and correlate the mes-
sage she sees on the network despite the fact that
it is encrypted.
The purpose of this submodule is to avoid this
kind of analysis by generating and injecting fake
traffic into the data links that supports each crit-
ical infrastructure. This means that an attacker
could not distinguish between real and fake traffic
when observing it from outside. To accomplish
this objective Traffic Flow Confidentiality (TFC)
techniques could be employed. These methods
increase the entropy level of the traffic patterns
that can emerge from the typical behaviour of the
users and system that use it to connect to other
networks. They do so by modifying the length,
frequency or origin-destination pattern. One di-
rect consequence of this techniques is the impact
they can have on the performance of the network
as they may involve delaying or rerouting packets
(Carlen, 2013).
Therefore this module must be correctly installed
in each critical infrastructure, so that it provides
protection from eavesdropping inside the criti-
cal infrastructure and also in the communications
made through the backbone network.
Backbone Software Defined Network (SDN):
despite it is not strictly part of the CYBERSENS
system, the design of the backbone network that
supports the communication between all CY-
BERSENS central units and the MCU is a critical
issue. This network must be flexible enough to be
able to meet changing requirements and different
performance demands according to the activity
performed at each critical infrastructure. The em-
ployment of Software Defined Networks (SDN)
represents the main approach to build a resilient
and flexible network.
Even though availability issues have been taken
into account during architecture design and the
CYBERSENS module can act autonomously at
each critical infrastructure if needed, a network
outage will impact the performance of the detec-
tion and reaction process. To address this issue, a
resilient backbone network is needed and the SDN
approach allows to deploy multiple data links be-
tween each node and make use of backup links if
needed. Moreover it provides different alternative
paths to reach each critical infrastructure even in
the case of an attack as the reaction strategies put
in place by the MCU may alter the topology of the
network to protect some assets.
Obviously, the backbone network have to meet
all the requirements imposed by the rest of the
CYBERSENS architecture elements. That means
that encryption mechanisms and secure commu-
nication tunnelling methods like IPSEC and VPN
must be provided by the network and properly
configured. SDN may help to develop robust con-
figuration that can be replicated at each critical
infrastructure via a centralized management point
(SDN controller).
The result of combining all these elements is a
solid workflow that enables a robust intrusion de-
tection system. The development of a hybrid ap-
proach that combines misuse and anomaly detection
techniques provides a wide protection against known
An Architecture for Securing Communications in Critical Infrastructure
Figure 2: System Workflow.
and novel threats. All the processes involved in CY-
BERSENS module can be summarized in four main
categories (as sketched in Figure 2).
1. Collection Phase: this phase includes the deploy-
ment of network and host probes that collect all
the data that will be fed later to the detection en-
2. Aggregation Phase: raw data collected from
probes is not feasible to process, therefore dimen-
sionality reduction and aggregation techniques are
applied to it before performing actual detection on
the data
3. Detection Phase: misuse and anomaly detection
methods will be applied to detect malicious be-
haviours in the system. This process includes
privacy preservation techniques that allow to de-
tect anomalies while protecting sensitive data col-
lected from each probe
4. Alert Phase: every time an anomaly is detected
appropriate measures have to be taken. To do so,
CYBERSENS must communicate with the MCU
sending alerts and information about the detected
In distributed anomaly detection algorithms, multiple
detection probes distributed in the backbone net-
work monitor a given portion of the network sep-
arately and report the collected information to a sin-
gle location (namely the Local Central Unit) that an-
alyzes the data and generates the alerts. A sketch of
this architecture in provided in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Anomaly Detection system: Architecture.
As a first step, the probes have to collect and pre-
process the network traffic, so as to extract the needed
information to be sent to the central unit, which then
performs the actual anomaly detection phase. As an
example, by limiting the scope to the simplest case
of anomaly detection algorithms that analyzes traf-
fic volumes only, the data collected by the probes
can be simply represented by the estimation of the
number of traffic flows observed in a given time win-
dow. Hence, the first problem to be solved is to pro-
vide a reliable estimate of such quantities. Note that
this task, that is not trivial when performed over the
multi-gigabits links of a backbone network, has been
discussed in several previous works, and the use of
probabilistic data structure has emerged as a standard
approach (Flajolet and Martin, 1985)(Callegari et al.,
2010). It is worth noticing here that, when aggregat-
ing these structures at the CYBERSENS Central Unit
level, several problems (such as not counting dupli-
cated flows i.e. the flows observed by more than a
single probe) must be solved.
CYBERSENS mainly makes use of reversible
sketches (Schweller et al., 2004) in this phase to
aggregate the traffic and of LogLog Counter (Du-
rand and Flajolet, 2003) for estimating cardinali-
ties, combined together in the LogLog Counting Re-
versible Sketch data structure (Callegari et al., 2012).
Nonetheless, the architecture has been designed to be
general enough to allow to run multiple aggregation
and estimation techniques.
In general, the information produced by the
probes represent sensitive users information and must
not be openly disclosed. From this point of view, the
use of probabilistic data structures,as the ones previ-
ously discussed, also provides an ideal container to
keep all such data in an aggregate and not directly ac-
cessible way. However, whenever traffic anomalies
are detected, the use of LLCRS provides us a way of
identifying the flows (in particular, IP addresses) re-
sponsible for that supposed misbehavior.
From the anomaly detection perspective, the CY-
BERSENS system can run several anomaly detection
algorithms, based on different statistical approaches.
In more detail, we have studied two distinct ap-
Distributed CUSUM: in such an approach the
probes mainly export simple flow counters to-
wards the CYBERSENS central unit, which de-
tect anomalous behaviors by means of a change-
point detection algorithm
Distributed PCA: in this case, the probes
perform some preliminary processing over the
data (distributed PC computation) and the CY-
BERSENS aggregates the pre-processed data to
perform the actual anomaly detection phase (Cal-
legari et al., 2015)
As a final step, if an anomaly is detected the cen-
tral unit sends an alert to the MCU, containing:
timestamp: date and time of acquisition
spatial ID: ID conveying spatial information asso-
ciated to the source that has provided the consid-
ered data
cyber threat classification (class): the type of cy-
ber threat revealed, if available
attacker(s) and victim(s) IP addresses
As depicted in Figure 4, where the general archi-
tecture of the Misuse-based detection subsystem is
shown, such a subsystem is composed of several com-
ponents, namely a set of distributed sensors and a cen-
tralized server.
The sensor represents the software that is installed
in the network and is composed of several open-
source tools. They provide three main capabilities:
IDS, misuse detection and real time monitoring.
CYBERSENS can include different IDS to de-
tect threats in the network and in the system, being
Figure 4: Misuse-based Detection system: Architecture.
three top possibilities Snort (, Suri-
cata (, and Bro (, be-
cause of their wide adoption among security indus-
try and being considered best-of-breed in security.
Moreover, apart from these “basic” configuration, a
sensor can include other tools to detect specific at-
tacks or gain additional information: e.g., OSSEC
(Bray et al., 2008), Ntop (, Nagios
All these tools are linked together so as to provide
a user with a single integrated environment. More-
over, to combine and process the logs produced by
the different tools, as well as the system logs (syslog
in Linux) that are continually monitored so as to get
all the thread in the system, CYBERSENS makes use
of a set of regular expressions, which filter the system
logs to a new CYBERSENS log, which is stored in
The described processes are achieved by a Cy-
bersens central agent that is located in the sensor sys-
tem. This agent mainly controls each tool to assure
that everything is working fine in the sensor. If some
vital process to the system fails the agent sends an
alarm to the server.
On the other hand, the server’s main responsibili-
ties are: to receive event information from sensors, to
correlate events into alerts, and to perform online in-
ventory and sensors configuration. It is worth noting
that the communication between the server and the
different sensors through the network is performed
through a VPN tunnel, which assures a secure com-
Apart from these “specific” misuse-based detec-
tion subsystem elements, also the Local Central Unit
is involved, mainly working as a a correlation en-
gine. In more detail, its main goal is to analyze the
received events, and determine which ones are valu-
An Architecture for Securing Communications in Critical Infrastructure
able enough to be reported to the MCU as an alert. To
do so, its logic uses several heuristics, for example:
Events are of the same type, and are directed to
the same target
An event can be associated to known information
of the target. For example, if we know the at-
tack affect an SSH server on Linux, and target is
a Linux, an alert can be raised. Otherwise, if it
is a Windows machine, it won’t. In another case,
we could raise an alert if the target is known to
be vulnerable to the vulnerability actually being
exploited by the attack
Moreover, the subsystem is also equipped with
an active and passive scanner that continuously looks
for any change in the network (e.g., new applica-
tion, topological changes). The active scanners are
performed by tool which scan the network periodi-
cally, like nmap (, while the passive scan-
ners “listens” the network looking for changes, like
p0f (
Finally, the subsystem also makes use of
several vulnerability analysis tools like Openvas
(, to detect any problem in the net-
work, and of monitoring tool that allow to profile the
several “entities” in the network.
As in the anomaly detection case, also this subsys-
tem, in case an attack is detected, sends an alert to the
To measure the level of accomplishment of CY-
BERSENS module, first we have to identify and enu-
merate its goals and then find performance indicators
that allow us to get metrics about the behaviour of the
module. Following the functionalities outlined in Sec-
tion 1, the CYBERSENS goals can be summarised in
five main categories:
Detection and prevention of malicious events: it
represents the main objective of the module and
its performance must be carefully measured. The
detection phase can be seen as a classification
problem in which the events generated by the cap-
tured network traffic and logs captured must be
divided into normal and malicious categories. To
measure the quality of the decisions these algo-
rithms take, two of the main performance indica-
tors are the false positive rate and the detection
rate. False positive rate indicates how much the
algorithm classifies a benign sample as malicious,
while the detection rate tells how many malicious
samples are properly detected as bad ones. The
combination of different samples of these met-
rics using different configurations allows to draw
a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve.
This kind of graphical plot shows the behaviour
of classification algorithms when their discrimi-
nation parameters are modified. It will provide
a good indicator of how well and how flexible
are the detection algorithms developed in the CY-
BERSENS module. Additional tests can also be
performed to analyse how the algorithms behave
at guessing the specific category of attack seen in
the malicious events
Privacy preservation and data aggregation: the
second goal of the CYBERSENS module is to be
able to manage the complexity and size of the data
collected from the network and hosts. The com-
bination of aggregation and reduction techniques
has been studied. Privacy is a complex parameter
to measure as there are not direct tests that allows
to see how much private data is leaked during the
normal work process of the system. Since encryp-
tion mechanisms are going to be enforced during
the transport of the data between each element of
the architecture, a coverage test is performed. In
this type of tests we can evaluate how many nodes
are configured to use encryption mechanisms and
if they are properly configured (e.g., encryption
algorithms, key size, key storage method)
Traffic generation: as previously mentioned,
the platform communications and network traffic
must be robust against passive sniffing attacks. To
address this issue the platform fake flows are in-
jected at each network so as to make it harder for
an attacker to deduce any meaningful information
doing statistical analysis of the traffic. The level
of protection that introduces this feature is mea-
sured doing actual statistical analysis of the traffic
and running pattern searching algorithms against
captured traces with and without injections inside.
Another key issue is how these injections may
influence the detection performance as they may
introduce non-standard behaviour inside the net-
work that could be detected as anomalous and in-
crease the false positive rate. To evaluate such an
impact samples of traffic data with and without
injections inside are collected and the same mea-
sures are made to judge the detection performance
Attack redirection to honeynets: when an attack
is detected by CYBERSENS module it should be
redirected to a honeynet. This objective is focused
on the collection of attacker data while interacting
inside the honeynet, producing precious informa-
tion that can feed the detection algorithms with
new malicious behaviour. It is also expected that
very few of the normal traffic is redirected to the
honeynet as it will produce service outage for le-
gitimate users of the network. This requirement
is directly linked with the detection performance
indicators. A high false positive rate would proba-
bly produce more redirections of benign traffic to
a honeynet. With this in mind the type of attacks
or the specific threshold that is used to choose a
flow as malicious (and therefore a candidate for
redirection) is configurable, making it easy to ad-
just the rate in case of detecting legitimate traffic
ending at the honeynet
Self-protection: as the system itself is expected
to be the target of attacks it has been built to re-
sist them and react in the case of a platform com-
promise. To this aim, CYBERSENS system de-
ploys probes at the actual elements of the plat-
form. Therefore proper responses are intended
to protect the platform itself (e.g.,isolating par-
tial segments that may be under attack, contain-
ing the spread of the intrusion). On the other side
resource overconsumption may also be the source
of targeted attacks aimed to disable security mea-
sures to bypass monitoring services. Moreover it
can lead to a DoS attack if the resource consump-
tion lead to a service outage in the actual services
of the critical infrastructure. To measure how this
requirement is met, simulated alerts are sent to the
MCU to evaluate how the system react to attacks
inside the platform and if they are properly iso-
Given these functionalities, the main requirements
that the CYBERSENS system should fulfil, to prop-
erly protect a critical infrastructure, are:
Detection rate in the range 70% to 90%, with a
false alarm rate lower than 20%
Ability of processing, almost in real-time, net-
work traffic with a granularity either at the flow
level, if direct access to the network devices is
guaranteed, or at the aggregate level, if data are
exported from the network devices to the moni-
toring probe
Ability of redirecting the 70% of anomalous traf-
fic to the honeynet, with only a maximum of 1%
of normal traffic also redirected to the honeynet
Ability of processing more than 1000 events in the
case of usage of log records for forensic activi-
ties, corresponding to maximum time to perform
searches in data recently archived of 15’ and of
30’ in data archived in 6 months
Ability of disclosing not more than 1% of private
data during aggregation and export
One of the main concerns for today’s critical in-
frastructures is protection against cyber attacks.
For effective protection, advanced Intrusion Pre-
vention/Detection Systems (IDS/IPS) are paramount.
This paper presents CYBERSENS, a novel advanced
IDS/IPS system intended for critical infrastructures.
Particularly, the general architecture and the main
functionalities of the CYBERSENS system, as well
as the interactions with other subsystems within the
critical infrastructure network are described. Finally,
an outline of the evaluation metrics we will use to as-
sess CYBERSENS performance is presented.
This work was partially supported by SCOUT, a re-
search project supported by the European Commis-
sion under its 7th Framework Program (contract-no.
607019). The views and conclusions contained herein
are those of the authors and should not be inter-
preted as necessarily representing the official policies
or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of the
SCOUT project or the European Commission.
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