urban containment boundaries, intra-urban vacant
lots, rivers, roads and other physical characteristics of
the land. In addition, workplaces are generated, the
attributes of the agents are set up, and the profit (or
opportunity cost) that the land management program
of the urban area in 2010 generates, is estimated.
4.2 Description of Execution
The simulation is developed from the execution of
four essential processes. The first and most important
has to do with population growth, since it establishes
the emergence of new individuals within the virtual
world. The population growth is accompanied by an
increasing demand for residential and commercial
land. With this, the second process starts, in which
people analyze the characteristics of the soil around
them in order to decide where to settle. New agents
randomly choose a set of possible areas for
inhabitation (cells), they evaluate the utility offered
by each cell and choose to settle in the area that
maximizes their utility.
Once the person has selected a space to establish,
the construction method is activated, which indicates
that the land has been inhabited and, as a result, is
given a new color that shows its urbanization. The
transformation of rural to urban causes an update of
the quality and distance attributes, not only in the new
inhabited area but also in the neighborhood.
Finally, the model allows the estimation of the
CBA of a land management program, as well as the
opportunity cost that would imply the absence of one.
The information about the POET’s costs and benefits
in the period 2010-2030 is introduced to the model
through a file (.csv) and a Social Discount Rate that
can be modified by the user is employed. At the end
of the simulation, the results of the program
performance indicators, the Benefit-Cost ratio and the
Net Present Value are obtained. If not, changes in the
cost of opportunity throughout the period are plotted,
and at the end of it, information is offered about the
monetary losses in terms of revenue which would
impact the inhabitants of the municipality.
The main purpose of the tool is to simulate the effect
of the implementation of land management policies
on land use change. At the same time, SIMBACUS
shows what the evolution of urban settlements would
be in the absence of such regulations. In this section,
a baseline simulation is developed, as well as two
strategic scenarios of population growth in Pachuca
de Soto. Each case incorporates a Cost-Benefit
analysis which determines whether a land
management program is feasible or not for society.
Furthermore, the model also provides results of the
social losses that would occur in the absence of land
The simulation results are divided into two
sections. The first sets out two baseline scenarios for
the evolution of the urban area, where the only
difference between them is the existence of land
management policies. In the second section, the
scenarios that result from the modification in the
conditions of population growth at 0.43% and 0.17%
are described. In this last section it is assumed that the
municipality implemented a land management
5.1 Baseline Simulation: Population
Growth with POET
The simulation is defined by the initial conditions of
the model. This first scenario establishes restrictions
on land use change by implementing a land
management program. The base year is 2010,
Pachuca de Soto has a population of 267,862
inhabitants and 539 economic units. The average
population growth is 0.3% every 6 months and 4% for
economic units every three years. The crowding
index for the municipality is set at 3.3 throughout the
whole period and the same population density is
preserved. In addition, people’s priority for distance
and quality is determined as the same, both criteria
are important for maximizing their utility. To
estimate the CBA of the POET, a SDR of 12% is
defined (SHCP, 2014).
Figure 3 shows the map with SIMBACUS’s initial
conditions. Specifically, urban estates of the
municipality of Pachuca are shown in gray and
neighboring municipalities in brown. Soil suitable to
be urbanized is shown in orange, while white
characterizes spaces that aren’t fit for habitation.
Other important aspects also considered are roads and
rivers, represented by black and blue lines
respectively. Finally, economic units (red dots) are
located within the urban area of Pachuca, as well as
areas categorized as vacant lots (pink areas).
The results of this simulation indicate that with a
baseline population growth of 0.3% average per
semester, the municipality would have 303,773
inhabitants by the end of the period (2030). This
means that there would be 92,052 homes with a
crowding index of approximately 3.3. The assumed
demographic dynamism would cause previously
Agent based Modeling Simulation for Land Use Change and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Land Management Policies