Dataset Analysis for Anomaly Detection on Critical Infrastructures
German Lopez-Civera and Enrique de la Hoz
Computer Engineering Department, University of Alcala, Edificio Polit
ecnico, 28805 Alcal
a de Henares, Madrid, Spain
Intrusion Detection, Dataset evaluation, Machine Learning, Decision Tree.
Anomaly Detection techniques allow to create robust security measures that provides early detection and are
able to identify novel attacks that could not be prevented otherwise. Datasets represent a critical component
in the process of designing and evaluating any kind of anomaly detection method. For this reason, in this
paper we present the evaluation of two datasets showing the dependencies that arise between the techniques
employed and the dataset itself. We also describe the characteristics that have to be taken into account while
selecting a dataset to evaluate a detection algorithm in a critical infrastructure context.
During the last few years the dependency of our soci-
ety tot the organizations and infrastructures that sup-
ports the services that provides the most basic has
risen to a level that has force all countries to take
measures to protect this kind of facilities. The pro-
tection of the systems that allow this organizations to
continue working is a requirement that no government
can ignore (Rinaldi et al., 2001). The impact that an
attack on this kind of institutions could have on the
economy, security and health of our society demands
adequate responses and a joint effort of government
institutions and private companies that operate the fa-
cilities that provides these services.
One of the most important assets inside these fa-
cilities is the telecommunication network that sup-
ports the processes that are performed in a critical in-
frastructure. The disruption of the communications in
a critical infrastructure could have multiple cascading
effects that can end up with the complete infrastruc-
ture compromised by an attacker. The early detec-
tion of attacks at this kind of organizations is a pro-
cedure that must be implemented at each layer of its
core modules.
Intrusion detection and prevention systems
(IPS/IDS) are the most used tool to deploy this kind
of detection on real infrastructures. This kind of
system can be classified in two categories depending
on the method they use to detect the attacks. Mis-
use detection techniques are based on processing
network traffic data looking for known malicious
behaviour. Every packet / flow is compared with
known malicious patterns that are continuously
updated by vendors and experts. While most of the
commercial options are mainly based on Misuse
detection methods, anomaly detection techniques
provide many advantages versus novel attacks.
Anomaly detection tries to find deviations from
the normal behaviour. These irregularities can show
early stages of attacks and also some kind malfunc-
tions due to hardware or software errors. As these
techniques do not use any kind of signature that de-
scribes the attacks, they can adapt their behaviour to
different kind of topologies and applications. They
are also able to detect attacks that have not a signa-
ture yet to detect them, being helpful during the initial
phase after a vulnerability discovery.
Network anomaly detection is a research field on
itself and the interest on it has raised during the last
years among the research community. The prolif-
eration of machine learning tools that help to test
and evaluate the performance of different algorithms
against network data samples have boost the research
on this field. As a consequence of this growth, net-
work traffic datasets that contains normal and mali-
cious behaviour are highly demanded. These datasets
have to comply with different requirements to become
an appropriate alternative to evaluate anomaly detec-
tion algorithms. In the following section we will de-
scribe the main characteristics that have to be evalu-
ated before choosing a dataset.
Lopez-Civera, G. and Hoz, E.
Dataset Analysis for Anomaly Detection on Critical Infrastructures.
DOI: 10.5220/0006017701510158
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2016) - Volume 1: DCNET, pages 151-158
ISBN: 978-989-758-196-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
As the tool used to evaluate the performance of at-
tack detection techniques, datasets must include a
wide variety of data inside them. This data should
be composed by both, normal and anomalous sam-
ples. This way, the evaluation can provide meaningful
metrics that show how the algorithm performs against
different environments. A good anomaly detection
method should not only detect most of the malicious
behaviour (i.e. a good True positive rate (TPR)) but
also should not confuse normal behaviour with ma-
licious one (i.e. a high False positive rate (FPR)).
The dataset composition can help to detect bad per-
formance from both points of view, but it is crucial to
evaluate their content before trusting the results they
can output.
KDD99 dataset is the most used dataset in the aca-
demic field as it has become a standard evaluation
benchmark. Despite this fact, this dataset is highly
outdated and does not represent the current threats
that can face a critical infrastructure. Moreover sev-
eral works (Brown et al., 2009) (McHugh, 2000) have
highlighted some deficiencies in this dataset that can
bias the results of the algorithms applied to it. This
fact arise the issue of searching another dataset that
meets the requirements of our scenario and that can
be used as a benchmark for anomaly detection algo-
The process of creating a dataset that provides a
realistic scenario, while providing as much data as
possible and preventing biased information means a
significant challenge (Shiravi et al., 2012). In this sec-
tion we will briefly describe the main characteristics
that we have found more important during our work
with different kinds of datasets and the impact they
can have on algorithm performance evaluation.
Generation Method: Dataset generation can be
either synthetic or real capture based. Real cap-
ture datasets are built by employing real traffic
collected from a real institution like a university,
a research facility or a private organization. On
the other hand synthetic datasets are manually
created by injecting malicious traffic into normal
traffic samples. These normal can also be synthet-
ically generated or be part of a real traffic capture.
Real capture datasets are inherently better as they
model real network behaviour and therefore can
offer the most realistic information about the ac-
tual characteristic of an attack.
Moreover the normal part of the dataset show the
real use of the network without needing to model
it via any kind of traffic generation pattern. De-
spite of all these advantages this kind of datasets
are really hard to find due to the complexity of
capturing real attacks and the privacy issues that
can arise from publicly share network traffic of
an organization. The method employed to gener-
ate the dataset has to be taken into account when
translating the results of the performance metrics
into actual conclusions.
Network Data Format: The format in which the
dataset is presented determines the quantity of in-
formation that is offered by it. As the data rep-
resented is network traffic, the format are mainly
based on different standardized network traffic
representations. The traffic can be offered raw or
after performing some level of aggregation. For
sharing raw network traffic, PCAP format is the
most used one. It is a standardized format that
contains a direct copy of the traffic that travels
through a network, therefore it is a way to avoid
losing any kind of information when sharing net-
work traffic data. The main disadvantage is the
size of the data (i.e. It takes up the same size as
the actual data collected from the network) and
as a no-loose format, the privacy issues of shar-
ing a raw copy of the data. As a consequence
real data capture of a critical infrastructure is ex-
tremely hard to find as it would represent a huge
threat for the organization itself.
As opposed to PCAP , Netflow-like formats of-
fer a summarized view of the traffic collected in
the dataset. Their information unit is the traffic
flow, that is, a sequence of messages exchanged
between two network nodes. Each one of these
flows could be composed by different traffic pack-
ets but it is summarized as a single flow and char-
acterized by its duration, size, number of packets,
etc. This kind of formats solve some privacy and
size issues while retaining most of the core be-
haviour of the network and as a consequence are
widely employed for dataset generation.
Anonymization Level: To solve the privacy is-
sues mentioned above different techniques are
employed to reduce the amount of private infor-
mation provided in the dataset. These techniques
try to preserve most of the actual behaviour of the
network, so attacks can still be detected and dis-
tinguished from normal traffic. The most basic
anonymization method is the aggregation offered
by the format itself. As we mentioned in the pre-
vious characteristic, if the dataset is offered in a
flow summarized format, the payload of the pack-
ets is removed. There exist datasets in raw for-
mat that offer Pcap files without the data payload
of the packets. Both techniques prevent leaking
the data that travelled through the network but the
actual origin and destination of the communica-
tion is still present in the dataset. As the actual
IP addresses or timestamps could allow to infer
the context and intention of the communication
further anonymization methods are usually per-
formed (Coull et al., 2009). These techniques in-
clude the truncation of the data fields (e.g remove
the last octet of every IP address), regenerate
data fields based on the statistical model that best
fit them, replace IP addresses by pseudonyms or
quantization fields like the communication times-
tamps. Each one of these techniques affect in a
different way the dataset and a balance between
privacy and utility must be reached during the de-
sign phase of the dataset.
Attack Diversity: The development of new at-
tack techniques and the sustained growth in the
complexity of threats forces to continuously adapt
and update the detection methods employed. As
a consequence when developing a dataset a wide
variety of attacks must be included. If we only
focus on one kind of attacks, the algorithms eval-
uated with them can have a good performance,
while completely ignoring other kind of threats,
leading to inconsistent results. However we are
aware that an actual compilation of all kind of
attacks is not feasible, so a good selection must
be performed. It should include attacks that cov-
ers all layers of the communication network, from
TCP/IP flood techniques to Web application at-
tacks like SQL injection or Cross-site Scripting.
In the case of critical infrastructure particular at-
tention is needed to model Denial of Service
(DoS) attacks and application specific attacks to
provide a heterogeneous environment for the de-
tection methods evaluated.
Normal/Malicious Distribution: Depending on
the composition of the dataset and the ratio be-
tween normal and malicious samples the dataset
may lead to confusing results and to overtraining
the algorithms. Datasets are usually biased due
to the fact that normal traffic is much more fre-
quent than malicious. Despite that we can say that
most of the time the network will behave follow-
ing this principle an attacker could try to abuse
this assumptions by mimic his attack into normal
traffic patterns. For example, DoS attacks dras-
tically change the dynamic of the network traffic
and can be launched in different phases that make
the traffic to evolve step by step, while attempting
to avoid statistical detection. Therefore a good
balance between both kinds of samples must be
reached. Very few malicious samples could lead
to a bad model of attack behaviour but too much
attack samples can also increase the false positive
Labelling Process: Depending on the algo-
rithm employed to detect the anomalies a labelled
dataset may be a requirement to run the algorithm
itself (i.e. Supervised machine learning algo-
rithms) but independently of the type of algorithm
employed the labels are the only way to actu-
ally evaluate the accuracy of a detection method.
Without labels the dataset can only be used as ref-
erence data but not as an evaluation benchmark.
The labelling process is complex and highly de-
pendent on how the dataset is generated.
While manually labelling the dataset is the most
accurate method it is usually infeasible due the
size of the data and the difficult that involves de-
tecting attacks on the data collected. Synthetic
dataset are easier to label, often the dataset pub-
lishers know the source of the attacks (they have
launched them) and they can automatize the la-
belling process. In other cases where this man-
ual process is not viable, the dataset is labelled
according to the output of multiple anomaly de-
tection tools that are already evaluated in the past.
This output offer a relative level of confidence and
can help to label massive datasets that could not
be label otherwise. The quality and completeness
of the dataset labelling will have an impact on the
evaluation and is one of the most critical aspect
while selecting a dataset for our purposes.
Following the principles and characteristic described
in the previous section we have selected two datasets
to test machine learning techniques against them and
evaluate their performance. The datasets chosen are
TORPEDA (Torrano-Gimenez et al., ) and CTU-13.
3.1 TORPEDA and CTU13 Datasets
TORPEDA is a synthetic labelled dataset shared in
XML format. It is composed by HTTP requests
made against a custom vulnerable web application.
The main objective of the creators was to provide a
standardized dataset that helps to evaluate the perfor-
mance of Web Application Firewall products. The ac-
tual data it contains includes the HTTP method, all
HTTP headers and the path part if the URL.
CTU-13 is also a synthetic dataset focused on Bot-
net network traffic but also contains a wide range of
Dataset Analysis for Anomaly Detection on Critical Infrastructures
attack types including DDoS or port scanning. The
dataset is composed by thirteen samples. In each sam-
ple a different botnet malware is deployed in a con-
trolled environment. The dataset comes in two for-
mats: a labelled bidirectional Netflow file and a full
Pcap of all malicious packets. Recently they have
added Pcap samples with both, normal and malicious
packets but removing the data payload to prevent pri-
vacy issues. Among these thirteen samples we can
found different combinations of attacks and different
normal/malicious ratios. The combination of these
two formats and the diversity shown in the thirteen
samples makes CTU 13 a multi-purpose dataset that
can fit many research requirements.
3.2 Classification Algorithms
During our research on anomaly detection datasets we
have used multiple algorithms to evaluate their perfor-
mance against different datasets. Depending on the
type of anomalies we are trying to find there exist dif-
ferent approaches to solve the problem. We can or-
ganize anomalies as volume-based or content-based
anomalies. Volume-based anomalies are the ones that
produce a change in the quantity or frequency of in-
formation exchanged in the network. Examples of
this kind of anomalies are DoS attacks or Port scan-
ning. On the other hand content-based anomalies fo-
cus on detecting attacks in the payload of the network
traffic and are able to detect application specific at-
tacks like SQL injection.
Both approaches have their own strengths and
weaknesses. Content-based anomaly detection can
offer better results against application layer attacks
but as they must inspect the payload of the traffic,
depending on the volume of information that travels
through the network, the computational cost could
make them impossible to use. In contrast volume-
based anomaly detection have less computational re-
quirements when analysing the same amount of traf-
fic. It is a more attack-agnostic method as they do not
try to find specific characteristic for each type of at-
tack, instead they look for the consequences the attack
have on the whole behaviour of the network.
In this paper we will employ machine learning
algorithms to try to detect both types of anoma-
lies inside both chosen datasets. Among all types
of machine learning methods anomaly detection can
be seen as a subcategory of classification problems.
Classification methods aim to create rules based on
the data provided to them that helps to classify the
data into a set of categories. Once these rules are es-
tablished the algorithm is used to predict the category
where new data samples best fit. The performance of
this kind of algorithms is measured based on the accu-
racy they have when predicting the categories of the
samples in a test benchmark where the categories are
already known.
To develop this analysis we have employed
Python programming language with Scikit-learn (Pe-
dregosa et al., 2011) and Matplotlib (Hunter, 2007)
libraries that helps to quickly evaluate different types
of machine learning algorithms and easily manage
the datasets. Among all available classification algo-
rithms we have chosen Decision Trees. This kind of
algorithm is a well-known method to perform recur-
sive partition on the data it is applied to. The decision
tree consist on a set of nodes (with a root node as ori-
gin), at each one of them the data is split in different
classes depending on the feature and threshold evalu-
ated at it. The most frequent approach is to ask one
single question to the data coming to the node, and
depending on the answer, the data is divided into two
different sub-spaces. This process is repeated recur-
sively until the tree reaches particular depth or until
the leaf nodes contain less samples than an specific
threshold. Each one of this leaf nodes indicates the
predicted class (or the probability of being on it) of
the data that is inside it. Despite the fact it has not
the best accuracy of all tested algorithms, it is one of
the few algorithms that allows to see its inner working
through decision tree graphical representations.
The majority of classification algorithms can be
customized through different parameters to adjust dif-
ferent kinds of thresholds but decision trees also al-
low to see which part of the data is most important
to guide the choices the algorithm made through its
different steps. This feature will help us to iden-
tify outliers that could be leading to bad decisions al-
lowing us to adapt the dataset if needed. This way
we can quickly diagnose overfitting problems. Over-
fitting arise when the algorithm does not generalize
enough the underlying relationship in the data. This
problem leads to poor prediction performance as the
model will overreact to changes and therefore it must
be properly addressed.
3.3 Data Preprocessing
Prior to launch this kind of algorithms a preliminary
data preprocessing is needed to model each dataset
as a set of features that can be input to the anomaly
detection process.
Both selected datasets needed different kinds of
preprocessing. TORPEDA comes in XML format and
the information is represented as strings. A typical
approach is to deal with the dataset as it is a normal
text, splitting it into sequences of tokens of different
sizes called n-grams. After that the n-grams are pro-
cessed to count the frequency of appearance in the n-
gram corpus, generating statistics like term frequen-
cyinverse document frequency (Tf-idf) that help the
anomaly detection algorithm to process the dataset,
as they usually only understand numeric data.
CTU-13 dataset labelled flow format comes di-
rectly in a CSV-like format that can be easily loaded
by the analysis tools. Nevertheless due to the size
and heterogeneity of the features that comes with it,
some design decisions must be carefully taken prior
to launch the anomaly detection phase. The first deci-
sion was to remove timestamps and IP addresses from
the data that is actually sent to the anomaly detection
algorithm. The reason was to avoid overfitting prob-
lems due to detecting specific IP addresses as mali-
cious instead of looking for the actual attack charac-
teristics. The timestamps was removed afterwards af-
ter noticing it adds noise during the detection phase
and did not help to improve the accuracy. The final
set of features employed was:
Dur: The total time employed by each flow to
send the information.
Proto: Protocol used (i.e. TCP, UDP, ICMP)
Sport, DPort: Source and destination port.
TotPkts, TotBytes: The total amount of packets
and bytes exchanged in the flow.
Duration and source/destination ports were also
converted to numeric format as its order can be mean-
ingful to detect attack patterns.
After selecting good features two aggregation pro-
cesses were applied to the dataset aiming to reduce the
computational cost. First, the dataset was re-sampled
to ve minutes slots and then only the thirty percent of
each feature that retains the highest variance is saved
for processing.
In this section we will show the results we obtained
after launching several experiments with decision tree
algorithms against the data coming from TORPEDA
and CTU-13 datasets.
The first dataset we analysed was TORPEDA. The
dataset was split in training and test sequences that al-
low to evaluate the performance of the decision tree
classifier. With this set-up we obtained a 99.99% Ac-
curacy score that made us suspect of suffering over-
fitting issues. To find the source of this behaviour we
explored the internal data structures employed by the
decision tree classifier, to see which tokens had more
weight when guiding the decisions made by the clas-
sifier. At this point we realize that some tokens had
the most part of the weight. These tokens were com-
pletely unrelated with attacks, but with specific char-
acteristics of the context where the malicious requests
were made. Some types of these tokens are detailed
The Web application session ID assigned to the
attacker during the attack generation is present in
every malicious request.
Some HTTP Header parameters like ”gzip”, ”de-
flate” only appears on attack samples.
The User-Agent employed by the attacker was
also constant on most of the requests.
Some application specific parameters that were
more frequent in malicious requests than in nor-
mal traffic, due to its corresponding endpoint was
attacked more times than present in benign traffic.
To try to solve this issue we started removing this
tokens from the data fed to the algorithm. After each
experiment new tokens that biased the result were
found. The most representative tokens of this issue
were ”sqlmap” and ”Accept”. The first one was in-
cluded in some attacker request and it had the 100%
of the decision weight before removing it. Despite ev-
ery request that includes this token in the User-Agent
header should be labelled as suspicious, an attacker
can easily change this header and he would bypass
the detection of our system. The second token was
harder to diagnose as all requests included at least
one ”Accept” HTTP header. As we can observe in
Figure 1 the accuracy was still biased and the token
had 99.97% of the decision weight. But as shown in
the figure, the underlying reason was that all normal
samples include four different accept headers, while
the majority of malicious ones contains less than four.
Figure 1: TORPEDA dataset result metrics.
The distribution of the Accept occurrences in the
requests was biasing the results and forcing the deci-
sion tree to make bad choices. Even after combining
multiple decision tree classifiers in a random forest or
randomizing the dataset split in training/test samples,
the output was the same.This kind of issues illustrates
the complexity inherent in the task of generating a
Dataset Analysis for Anomaly Detection on Critical Infrastructures
dataset. Little details can produce a huge impact in
detection rate if not properly identified.
To compare this results we chose CTU-13 dataset
as a good benchmark. It provides a much bigger data
sample and different kinds of features that will help
us to measure the impact they can have applying the
same algorithms.
Before launching experiments with the classifier
algorithm we found interesting to plot some features
of the dataset trying to find specific patterns that could
help us to guide the decision tree. To illustrate this
process we selected Duration and Total Packets fea-
tures. In Figure 2 we can easily identify a pattern in
which the plot of these two features clearly cluster the
malicious behaviour in three different sets on sample
10 of CTU-13. This result may mislead our research
if we do not double check them against other sam-
ples. As we can see in Figure 3 the same plot made
with sample 9 of the dataset behaves really different.
No cluster can be identified at clear sight and the mali-
cious flows are evenly distributed among the most fre-
quent points of the plot. Therefore we can conclude
that despite this kind of manual analysis can help in
some cases to identify clear patterns in the datasets,
it must be carefully performed as it can mislead the
decisions we made while choosing which features to
use in the analysis.
Figure 2: Duration vs Total Packets in sample 10 of CTU-13
Finally after preparing CTU-13 dataset for the
analysis, we launched a random forest classifier to
compare the results with TORPEDA dataset. As we
can see in Figure 4 in this case we also obtained a
high accuracy score of 0.98 and the weight ranking
was less biased. Nevertheless the decision was still
dominated by source and destination port features.
Despite of the good results obtained such high ac-
curacy metrics should be double-checked, therefore
our next step was to analyse the decisions that the tree
was making. To do so, we make use of the features
Figure 3: Duration vs Total Packets in sample 9 of CTU-13
Figure 4: CTU-13 dataset result metrics.
that Scikit-learn library provides to graph the decision
tree. In Figure 5 we can see the result of this analy-
sis. In that graph if the condition showed on top of
each node is met, then go to the child node on the left.
The amount of samples that goes on each direction is
shown at the bottom of each node.
If we examine the resulting tree we can see that the
first check that the tree makes to each data sample is
that if the source port is smaller or bigger than 5000.
With that single test, 83% of the dataset is already
classified as benign (i.e. all samples on the left of
the value array) as the right child node is a leaf node.
Despite the fact that small source port values would
be less likely malicious as they are usually allocated
for specific applications and may need high privileges
to use them, a small source port cannot be directly
linked to benign traffic as any attacker can avoid this
filter by customizing its attack source port.
Further analysis of the decision tree shows that
most of the nodes tend to look for application spe-
cific destination port (like destination port smaller
than 54.5 for DNS protocol). Moreover generic fea-
tures like Duration, Total Packets or Total size have
very little weight in the decision process.
Figure 5: Decision tree computed over CTU-13 dataset.
Examining the results obtained with these two
datasets we can conclude that a direct process over
the dataset data even if we properly adapt it to re-
duce the amount of overfitting issues is not an ade-
quate approach. Classifier algorithms have shown a
good behaviour during the evaluation of the datasets
and has helped us to identify features that can mislead
the anomaly detection process.
Nevertheless using only classifier algorithms to
perform actual anomaly detection to raw datasets has
been shown as an unsuccessful approach.
In future analysis we would like to explore the im-
pact of generating new features via feature engineer-
ing techniques. This will allow to feed the detection
algorithms with features that offer more discriminat-
ing power and that help them to infer the inner struc-
ture of the data and detect the underlying anomalies.
Further analysis must be performed against bigger
datasets that try to combine multiple types of datasets
(Bhuyan et al., 2015), offering a wider variety that
will prevent the overfitting problem or at least make
it less likely to happen. We also consider that hybrid
approaches that combine different kinds of detection
techniques applied to flow and raw capture formats
will be more resistant to overfitting and produce better
This work was partially supported by SCOUT, a re-
search project supported by the European Commis-
sion under its 7th Framework Program (contract-no.
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